Return to the Earth as a Bully

Chapter 1453: The mortal who frightened God

Zhang Ziling's voice was very clear, but it was a little cold.

When Si Jugang heard Zhang Ziling's words, he felt a powerful force that he could not resist came from his fist.

That was a huge force that Si Ju had never endured.

There was no time to react, Si Ju's whole body fell down like a cannonball, and his whole body was ablaze because of the friction with the air.


Si Ju smashed into the ground, and the ground split instantly, making the sky dim!

From a high altitude, Zhang Ziling could see that with Si Ju as the center, the ground collapsed like a spider web, and it soon spread to the entire small world.

Seeing this extinction scene, Zhang Ziling's expression was extremely indifferent, as if it was none of his business.

Lin Xuan and Xie Wushuang landed on a protruding boulder, staring at the shattered earth around them with lingering fear, and couldn't believe that this was Zhang Ziling's power.

Looking around, Lin Xuan did not find a complete piece of land.

"Unexpectedly... so strong!" Xie Wushuang watched Zhang Ziling's face gradually shrinking and returning to his normal appearance, with cold sweat slipping off his forehead.

Zhang Ziling's power has exceeded Xie Wushuang's imagination.

The situation is out of control...

Now Xie Wushuang can finally confirm that after Zhang Ziling swallowed the inner demon, his strength has undergone earth-shaking changes, and his whole person has undergone a complete transformation.

The power Zhang Ziling used to press Si Ju into the ground just now did not even use the power of the law, it was done entirely by his own physical power!

After the violent shaking, this small world no longer has a complete land, and it has completely become a dead zone.

Looking far away, the world is all collapsed.

Zhang Ziling slowly fell to the ground, calmly looking at the uplifting hill in front of him, with black aura surrounding him.

In the end, Zhang Ziling did not think of how to remedy it.

Judging from Si Ju's understanding of himself, Zhang Ziling could also infer that the ancient gods had their own unique way of communicating.

It can be said that other ancient gods may have known about the process of his battle with Si Ju in some way.

Zhang Ziling will definitely become the focus of the ancient gods, and they will become more careful in their actions.

After interrogating the refusal, Zhang Ziling also knew that it was impossible for him to ask any useful information from Si Ju.

"It seems that the next thing to do is to conceal a little bit, so that these ancient gods can't let these ancient gods discover my identity." After talking to himself, Zhang Ziling glanced at Xie Wushuang who was standing on the boulder in the distance, his eyes flashed. There is a hint of inexplicable meaning.

Zhang Ziling discovered that Xie Wushuang would deliberately hide his aura when facing the ancient gods.

On the surface, this seems to be that Xie Wushuang did not want to attract the attention of the ancient gods, but think about it carefully...

Xie Wushuang is now only the strength of the Heavenly Palace Realm. With those ancient gods' arrogant temperament, even if Xie Wushuang explodes his aura in front of the ancient god, I am afraid that he will not be able to let the ancient **** take a look.

But even so, Xie Wushuang still had to hide his aura. Zhang Ziling did not believe that Xie Wushuang did not know the arrogant temperament of the gods.

In other words, what Xie Wushuang is afraid of... is that the gods recognize his body aura.

Xie Wushuang hides his identity from the gods.

Obviously, Xie Wushuang had contact with the ancient gods before, and even had conflicts.

Now that Xie Wushuang's layout has brought Zhang Ziling into contact with the ancient gods, it may be related to the contradiction between Xie Wushuang and the ancient gods.

"Do you want me to help you solve the trouble of the ancient gods?" Zhang Ziling said softly, making such a simple guess.

Zhang Ziling didn't have much information about Xie Wushuang, and only relying on Xie Wushuang's practice of hiding his breath in the ancient gods, Zhang Ziling could not guess Xie Wushuang's purpose.

Next, find an opportunity to expose Xie Wushuang's breath to the ancient gods and perhaps get some useful information.

Zhang Ziling thought in his heart, the hills in front of him also began to vibrate, attracting Zhang Ziling's attention.

"Isn't dead yet?" Zhang Ziling looked up and saw a giant hand full of blood protruding from the hill. Then, half of Si Ju's body crawled out from the ground.

Just now, Zhang Ziling's finger directly blasted half of Si Ju's body. At this moment, half of Si Ju's body was a skeleton, and the other half of his body was bloody, and even the broken internal organs could be clearly seen.

Si Ju's breathing was extremely heavy, his eyes were already exposed, the golden light in his eyes had disappeared, and he seemed to die at any time.

"That's... the monster just now?"

Lin Xuan saw Si Ju's current appearance and couldn't believe that this was the tall and mighty **** before.

Lin Xuan couldn't even feel the slightest power from Si Ju.

"Zhang Ziling..." Si Ju stared at Zhang Ziling with his eyes wide open, his tone weak.

He has no strength at all now, and climbing out of the gravel is already his limit.

Si Ju had never thought that besides the human emperor in this world, there are actually mortals that are so powerful!

Looking at Zhang Ziling, Si Juguang felt a cold suffocation.

"What else do you want to say?" Zhang Ziling walked up to Si Ju and asked, looking at Si Ju's broken body.

"My Lord God King... won't let you go." Si Ju whispered to Zhang Ziling, with a hint of unconfidence in his tone.

After seeing Zhang Ziling's power, Si Ju was not sure whether the **** king and Zhang Ziling were strong or weak.

Si Ju didn't know how strong the God King was, but also...Si Ju didn't know how strong Zhang Ziling was!

But now Si Ju can be sure that Zhang Ziling is the Devil Emperor who has been missing for more than 5,000 years!

That, the man who once dominated the Xuanxiao Continent.

Three thousand years ago, leading the three hundred holy places to destroy the shrine was the only thing the **** king had done in the past ten thousand years.

The **** king even said...Zhang Ziling is the most recent person to the emperor.

They breathed a sigh of relief when Zhang Ziling left Xuanxiao Continent, but now...

Zhang Ziling is back?

This news must be told to Lord God King!

Si Ju crawled out desperately just to convey this message.

"Are you trying to inform other ancient gods?"

Just when Si Ju was about to release the last news before his death, Zhang Ziling's voice rang in Si Ju's ears, making Si Ju startled.

"Don't worry, I won't stop you." Zhang Ziling came to Si Ju and chuckled as he watched Si Ju's huge head, his eyes full of joking.

Zhang Ziling's playful smile made Si Ju chill all over his body.

"You, you...what are you going to do?" Si Ju asked tremblingly.

Zhang Ziling was the first mortal to fear after his resurrection.

"Just let you pass a word for me." Zhang Ziling looked at Si Ju with a chuckle, his eyes flashing red, "Tell you the **** behind...Whoever of you participated in the destruction of the devil's palace, you will wash my neck. Waiting to be clean!"

"Including...your **** king."

When Zhang Ziling's words fell, Si Ju's pupils shrank suddenly!

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