Return to the Earth as a Bully

Chapter 1454: accident

What Zhang Ziling said kept echoing in Si Ju's mind, and endless fear was breeding in Si Ju's heart.

Si Ju lingered on Zhang Ziling's playful smile.

Si Ju's fear of Zhang Ziling had been completely engraved in his soul.

It stands to reason that Si Ju can completely ignore Zhang Ziling's words.

Who is the King of God?

That is the supreme existence that dominates the entire sacred court, surpasses the heavens, and overlooks thousands of worlds! Just a gesture can determine the lives of hundreds of millions of beings.

Even the human emperor had paid the price of his life before he could defeat the **** king.

Now that the God King is coming back, the Human Emperor is no longer there, which is enough to show the power of the God King.

A mere mortal said in front of him that he wanted to take the head of the **** king, Si Ju could completely ignore this sentence, and even laughed loudly at the person who said it.


The person who said this was Zhang Ziling.

Devil Emperor, the only supreme in Xuanxiao Continent, in countless epochs, the only **** king personally admitted that he could be comparable to the human emperor.

Si Ju didn't dare not believe what Zhang Ziling said.

There was endless fear in Si Ju's eyes. After hearing what Zhang Ziling had said, Si Ju had lost his ability to think.

Si Ju seemed to have seen a return that was enough to completely subvert the existence of God's Court!

Endless fear swallowed Si Ju's reason.

Zhang Ziling's demon energy began to entangle Si Ju, and Si Ju's huge body quickly became smaller under the influence of Zhang Ziling's demon energy.

Soon, Si Ju was forcibly squeezed to the size of a normal person, lying weakly on the gravel pile.

"This size is still pleasing to the eye." Zhang Ziling smiled and walked to Si Ju, looking down at Si Ju with a light smile.

Si Ju raised his eyes with difficulty, but could only see Zhang Ziling's feet. The pain of torn muscles made Si Ju unbearable.

Zhang Ziling squatted down, grabbed Si Ju's hair, pulled Si Ju's head up, looked at Si Ju's eyes and asked softly, "Why, haven't the interrogation started yet?"

"You...cough cough!" Si Jukou spit out golden blood, unable to speak at all.

Just now he hurt his roots, Si Ju was already a candid candle.

"Do you need me to help you?" Zhang Ziling patted Si Ju's face lightly, and said with a smile, "After all, you have been hiding for so many years, but you can't help but start to do it when I existed. The taste of board is really uncomfortable."

"Don't be too proud... From now on you will become the target of the gods, and you will never have peace!" Si Ju gritted his teeth, and screamed at Zhang Ziling with the pain, wishing to bite a piece of meat from Zhang Ziling. Come.

Although Si Ju has completely lost the ability to resist now, this does not prevent Si Ju from speaking harshly to Zhang Ziling.

It seemed that the only way to ease the fear of Zhang Ziling in his heart.

"Yeah! I'm still worried about not being able to find you. If you can chase and kill you together now, it would be great. Maybe you will be killed, and the fellow Xie Wushuang will be able to put Zi You back. "

When Zhang Ziling said these words, Si Ju's pupils shrank suddenly, as if he had heard something important.

"How do you know..." Si Ju stared at Zhang Ziling, his eyes full of incredible, and then turned into ecstasy, "Could it be?"

Si Ju's tone instantly improved a few points, as if he had caught Zhang Ziling's handle.

"What are you talking about?" Zhang Ziling frowned, seeing Si Ju's reaction... he seemed to know Xie Wushuang.

Zhang Ziling didn't expect to encounter this kind of unexpected joy, and quickly set up barriers around him, separating the surroundings.

In the distance, Xie Wushuang had been paying attention to the conversation between Zhang Ziling and Si Ju. When Xie Wushuang discovered that the conversation between Zhang Ziling and Si Ju had touched him, his face changed.

"What's wrong with you?" Lin Xuan seemed to notice that the spiritual power in Xie Wushuang's body began to agitate, and she couldn't help looking at Xie Wushuang in surprise.

"It has nothing to do with you!" Xie Wushuang's current tone was very rude. After saying this, Xie Wushuang stepped towards Zhang Ziling and Si Ju.

"Eh eh! There is danger!" Lin Xuan saw that Xie Wushuang flew in the direction of Zhang Ziling, and quickly stood in front of Xie Wushuang, trying to stop Xie Wushuang.

After watching the battle between Zhang Ziling and Si Ju, Lin Xuan couldn't believe that Xie Wushuang, a little fellow in the Heavenly Palace realm, would dare to approach the place where the great **** was!

Lin Xuan looked like Xie Wushuang was only seventeen or eighteen years old, but her cultivation base had eight layers of the Heavenly Palace Realm. This talent was undoubtedly terrifying. Lin Xuan believed that if Xie Wushuang was given enough time, he could even ascend to the Great Emperor!

Lin Xuan didn't want to watch such a genius go to her own death.


Just when Lin Xuan was about to catch Xie Wushuang, Xie Wushuang's cold rebuke directly made Lin Xuan froze, and Xie Wushuang quickly distanced herself from Lin Xuan.

Lin Xuan was stunned and turned to look at Xie Wushuang's back, which was constantly approaching Zhang Ziling. Her slender and white fingers moved, her eyes flushed slightly, "Why are you so fierce?"

Lin Xuan didn't know why Xie Wushuang's attitude changed drastically, and she felt aggrieved in her heart.

As a strong man in the True Martial Realm, at this moment, he was yelled at by a Maotou from the Heavenly Palace Realm. Lin Xuan suddenly felt that she was very useless.

At this moment, Lin Xuan couldn't think about Xie Wushuang anymore, and now Xie Wushuang's whole mind was on Zhang Ziling.

The development of the matter just now went beyond Xie Wushuang's expectation. He didn't expect a giant traveler to know so much!

If the ancient **** and Zhang Ziling were to get in touch with each other, then Xie Wushuangbu's situation would also completely collapse!

Compared to his overall situation, Xie Wushuang naturally did not care about Lin Xuan's personal feelings.

In the barrier, after Zhang Ziling completely separated the surroundings, he even reborn Si Ju's flesh and blood using the Law of Life, stabilizing Si Ju's aura.

"Do you know something about Xie Wushuang?" Zhang Ziling asked Si Ju by the collar and forced him to look at him.

Si Ju didn't expect Zhang Ziling's reaction to be so big, and there was a joke in his eyes, which made Zhang Ziling very shocked.

"Guess!" Si Jue smiled, and did not answer Zhang Ziling.

After hearing what Zhang Ziling said, Si Ju had already drawn up a revenge plan in his heart.

This revenge plan will allow other gods to retaliate against Zhang Ziling hundreds of times!

Obviously, Zhang Ziling's reaction made Si Ju think of something that could threaten Zhang Ziling.

"Are you trying to die?" Zhang Ziling saw Si Ju look like this, and his eyes suddenly became cold.

"Hahaha... Devil Emperor, I don't know what I will endure. But I know what you will endure!" Si Ju looked at Zhang Ziling and laughed, "After all, you are just a hairy boy for eighteen years. Well, you don't know anything!"

"I won't tell you. Next... the price I have to bear will be returned to you thousands of times!" Si Ju said, and without waiting for Zhang Ziling to react, he directly detonated the divine power in his body. .

"Someone will avenge me!"

This is the last sentence Si Ju said before the explosion.


Zhang Ziling didn't expect Si Ju to be so decisive. It was too late to prevent Si Ju from exploding, so he could only remove the barrier.


Si Ju's body suddenly exploded, and endless divine power swept around. A black hole formed in the center of the explosion, sucking everything in this world into it, and even the light could not escape!

Everything in the world is destroyed under this explosion!

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