Return to the Earth as a Bully

Chapter 1461: Happy cooperation

Hearing what Zhang Ziling said, Mu Tian frowned.

Zhang Ziling posed a problem for him.

No matter what Zhang Ziling is going to say next, Mu Tian can foresee that Zhang Ziling will bring him extremely huge trouble.

However, Mu Tian couldn't let this potential threat go.

Whether this is true or not, Mu Tian must first listen to what Zhang Ziling is saying.

Mu Tian dare not bet on this kind of thing.

What if this is true?

Mu Tian did not dare to imagine that he would let a danger that could threaten the survival of the entire family lurking in the dark.

"What is the danger you are talking about?"

After figuring it out, Mu Tian spoke to Zhang Ziling in a deep voice, without alarming anyone around him.

When the surrounding Mu family saw their Patriarch's face constantly changing, they were also extremely nervous, and there was always a feeling of uncertainty about their future.

Seeing that Mu Tian finally let go of a mouth, Zhang Ziling's smile on the corners of his mouth became more and more intense, and the sound transmission informed Mu Tian about the ancient gods.

The secrets kept in the ancient gods have no meaning to Zhang Ziling at all, and once the ancient gods start their actions, I am afraid they can't keep Mu Tian from them.

Instead of letting the Mu family fall into a passive position, it is better to tell Mu Tian about the existence of the ancient gods in advance, and let Mu Tian cooperate with him to pull out the group of people in the Mu family who secretly colluded with the ancient gods.

After all, Zhang Ziling still liked Mu Ke's girl.

What's more, Zhang Ziling, the secret behind Mu Ke, has not had time to explore.

Therefore, Zhang Ziling told Mu Tian everything.

After listening to what Zhang Ziling said, Mu Tian's first reaction was not to believe it.

The existence of ancient gods, he has only seen some descriptions in ancient books, and he cannot be sure that it actually existed.

Moreover, Mu Ying had built another small world in Mu Mansion so big that he didn't even notice it...

Mu Tian couldn't believe that there were so many secret things happening in Mu's house.

"You must be joking." Mu Tian smiled reluctantly, then looked at Zhang Ziling and said.

The amount of information is a bit big.

"Of course, it is difficult for you to believe this kind of thing right away, and I understand your thoughts." Zhang Ziling didn't care about Mu Tian's reaction, but thought that Mu Tian's reaction was normal.

"But as long as you cooperate with me, you will soon be able to see the real ancient god."

"Even if there are ancient gods, our Mu family has no grievances and no grudges against them, why should they trouble us?" Mu Tian questioned Zhang Ziling again.

The fact that the ancient gods wanted to slaughter their four major families after the Hundred Courts Conference was really unbelievable.

Moreover, Mu Tian didn't understand what point of his Mu family had attracted the attention of the ancient gods.

Although they are heavenly sacred grounds, on the entire Xuanxiao Continent, their Mu family can't even make it into the top 100. Mu Tian doesn't feel that his Mu family has a heavy weight in the Xuanxiao Continent.

If the gods really exist, why find them?

Faced with Mu Tian’s questioning, Zhang Ziling just smiled and said, “I don’t know about this. I think you should know better than me. I only need you to cooperate with me. If you don’t Cooperating... will inevitably make me do it myself."

"Dare you!" Mu Tian roared out directly, the dull voice exploded in the Mu Family Holy Land, shocking everyone.

Now Mu Tian already knows what Zhang Ziling wants to do when he enters the Holy Land of the Mu Family. The monks of Mu Ying's family account for almost one-fifth of the Mu family's population. If Zhang Ziling is allowed to give Tu Guang... Said it was definitely a big blow, and even made the Mu Family degenerate into a territorial holy land in one fell swoop.

More seriously, if too many Mu family members died in the Holy Land and awakened the ancestor...

There was cold sweat on Mu Tian's forehead, and he did not dare to imagine the anger of the ancestor.

Zhang Ziling blocked the frightened Lin Xuan and Mu Ke behind him, smiled and stretched out his hand to help Mu Tian tidy up his collar, and said lightly: "Why is Patriarch Mu so angry? These two little girls are both scared. "

"I'm not an unreasonable person. If Patriarch Mu you cooperate with me, then your Mu family will not suffer too much. On the contrary, the cohesion of the whole family may be significantly improved because of the removal of the worms."

"Of course, if Patriarch Mu does not cooperate with me, then I have no other choice but to massacre indiscriminately. When Patriarch Mu wants to stop me, I am afraid that he will pay an unimaginable price."

"I think Patriarch Mu should be very clear about how he should choose."

While talking, Zhang Ziling tidyed Mu Tian's collar, and then looked at Mu Tian and squinted his eyes and asked, "Am I right, Patriarch Mu?"

Mu Tian looked at Zhang Ziling with a gentle smile on his face, and a trace of fear flashed in his eyes.

Obviously everyone is a saint, and this is the Mu family, but Mu Tian felt unimaginable pressure from Zhang Ziling.

"What's the benefit of doing this for you?" Mu Tian asked Zhang Ziling in a low voice, "This is obviously our Mu family's family affair, why are you so concerned? What is your purpose? What are you... who is it? "

Mu Tian asked many questions in a row, and Zhang Ziling was about to drive him crazy.

This Mu family should have become Mu Tian's powerful spear and shield, but now it is restricting Mu Tian everywhere.

If Mu Tian was alone, I am afraid that Mu Tian would have sacrificed a magic weapon to fight with Zhang Ziling.

"Patriarch Mu still don't ask too much, it doesn't make any sense to you." Zhang Ziling did not intend to answer any questions from Mu Tian, ​​"I just want to hear Patriarch Mu's choice."

"Did a few **** die, or... countless innocent people?" Zhang Ziling asked, his tone becoming gloomy.

Zhang Ziling's words were heard in Mu Tian's ears, as if they were whispers from the devil, enticing Mu Tian to the abyss of destruction step by step.

Only Zhang Ziling and Mu Tian could hear this conversation, and the surrounding Mu family could only see the changes in their expressions.

When they found Zhang Ziling's wind and clouds were calm and their Patriarch's face was green and white, they couldn't help but feel urgent worries in their hearts.

Mu Tian is the most powerful monk in their clan, a saint, a supreme power, and can suppress the existence of sentient beings at the touch of a finger.

But now, Mu Tian was completely suppressed in front of a young and unspeakable person, and an inexplicable fear was born in everyone's hearts.

The young man who stirred up the entire Red Leaf City gave everyone an immense pressure.

Listening to Zhang Ziling's words, Mu Tian fell into silence, and walked forward without looking back, there was a flash of light in his eyes.

Looking at Mu Tian's back, Zhang Ziling smiled and followed without any haste.

Zhang Ziling believes that Mu Tian is rational, and whoever is rational will make the choice in Zhang Ziling's ideals.

Mu Ke and Lin Xuan hurriedly followed. Although the two of them didn't understand what happened between Zhang Ziling and Mu Tian, ​​they all had a vague feeling.

Next, something big will happen to the Mu family.

Several people walked forward quietly, before they knew it, they came to a magnificent palace.

Xuanyi Hall!

This is where the Mu family discusses major issues.

Mu Tian stopped.

"How are you thinking, Patriarch Mu?" Zhang Ziling's voice rang in Mu Tian's ear.

Mu Tian stood in front of the palace, closed his eyes and took a deep breath, then turned around and took a deep look at Zhang Ziling, and said in a deep voice, "You... are really a devil."

Hearing Mu Tian's words, the smile on Zhang Ziling's mouth became brighter.

Reaching out to Mu Tian, ​​Zhang Ziling smiled gently and said, "Happy cooperation."

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