Return to the Earth as a Bully

Chapter 1462: The strong behind Mu Ying

Mu Tian swears that Zhang Ziling is the person he hates most now, even though Zhang Ziling seems to be on his side.

After Mu Tian shook hands with Zhang Ziling reluctantly, Mu Tian evacuated all the Mu family gathered here and walked into Xuanyi Hall with Zhang Ziling.

At the request of Zhang Ziling, Lin Xuan and Mu Ke also followed Zhang Ziling in, but Mu Renxiong was stopped outside to help the elders stabilize the Mu family.

Most people in the Mu family don't know where Zhang Ziling is sacred. They don't even know why Zhang Ziling and Mu Yang are in conflict.

Now that Mu Tian and Zhang Ziling walked into the Xuanyi Hall together, all the Mu family members, especially those in Mu Ying's line, were extremely nervous, always feeling that disaster would happen next.

No one knows what they will face next.

This was the first time they encountered a situation where someone could kill the Mu family in front of Mu Tian and Mu Tian did not respond.

Only the saints can make the saints jealous.

However, in the Mu family, apart from those who don't know what happened, there are a very small number of people who are intensively planning something.

That group of people only accounted for a very small part of Mu Ying's line, but they were all the core figures of Mu Ying's line and controlled a large part of their resources.

Even if the Mu family is considered a noble family in the wasteland, within the Mu family, the clansmen are also divided into three, six or nine classes, and the living treatment of the most inferior clansmen cannot even be compared with the servants of the core group.

Of course, this kind of situation exists in any family. Once there are more people, this kind of phenomenon will emerge uncontrollably.

"Now that Mu Ying is dead, what shall we do?"

In a wooden house of Mu's family, five gray-haired old men were discussing around a round table. Next to them was an ice coffin, and Li Yun was lying in the ice coffin.

There are also many Mu family members living around this wooden house, all of whom are the core figures of Mu Ying's line. No other Mu family members are eligible to enter here.

The five old men discussed in the wooden house are all core figures in Mu Ying's line. They used to be the elders or heads of the Mu family, but now they have retired and their strength is unfathomable.

Even Mu Ying was trained by them.

"What is the origin of that Zhang Ziling?" one of the old men frowned and asked aloud, "I haven't heard of this person before in Wasteland."

"I heard from Mu Ying that this Ziling seems to be directed at the gods. Before Mu Ying asked the gods to kill Zhang Ziling, now Mu Ying is dead and Zhang Ziling is still alive. I also went to see the small world. It’s gone, I have no idea what happened inside."

"Will... Lord Tianshen was killed by Zhang Ziling?" An old man said suddenly.

"Naughty!" When the old man asked this question, the old man sitting among the five slammed the table, yelled out in anger, his eyes widened.

This old man was the last great elder Mu Long, and his cultivation reached the Ninth Level of True Martial Realm. He was the core figure in Mu Ying's line and the real power holder.

Mou Long has lived in seclusion for hundreds of years, and even many people in the clan think that Mou Long is already dead. Except for the few elderly people present here and Mu Ying, no one knows that, in fact, Mu Ying's lineage really matters...

It's Mouron!

After Mou Long patted the table, the cabin suddenly became silent. Everyone looked at Mou Long quietly, not daring to speak.

Even if any one of these old men walked out, they could make a storm, but they didn't even dare to say anything in front of Mu Long, and their bodies were still trembling slightly. The person who just said that the **** was killed had pale lips and sweating profusely.

He realized that he had said something wrong with himself.

Mou Long did not release his pressure, but the atmosphere in the room became extremely depressing.

That was... the depressive atmosphere condensed from other people's natural fear of Mou Long.

Mu Long glanced at the four people around him coldly, and asked, "Do you all think that Mu Ying is dead, so Lord Tianshen is defeated?"

The four old men all bowed their heads in silence, obviously acquiescing.

Otherwise, it is impossible to explain why Zhang Ziling can safely get out of the small world, but Mu Ying died inside.

Seeing the reactions of the four people, Mu Long's expression on his face became even more stunned, and he shouted at several people: "How many gods exist? You guys have eaten the guts of the bear heart and leopard? Dare you think that the gods are defeated?"

"That's a god! The behavior is not something we mortals can figure out. Mu Ying's death is probably because Mu Ying did something to anger Lord Tianshen. He asked for it, and he can't blame others."

Several old men nodded their heads and quickly agreed with Mu Long.

The reason why they are so scared of Mou Long is not because of Mou Long’s strength. Several of them are also strong in the True Martial Realm. Although their strength is not as good as Mou Long, it is not because Mou Long’s cultivation skills allow them. After Mou Long got angry, he was scared to move.

What really frightened them was that Mou Long was approved by the gods and could use some ancient magic arts.

Each of the ancient magic arts is very weird and powerful. As long as Mou Long uses the ancient magic arts, the four of them here cannot be Mou Long's opponents together.

After roaring out, Mou Long's mood seemed to ease a little, and his tone became much softer.

"Although the kid Zhang Ziling is a bit weird, we don't need to mess up our position. I'm already in contact with Lord Tianshen, and I will notify you as soon as I get news."

"Now Zhang Ziling has hooked up with the old guy Mu Tian. What if Mu Tian is given some Ecstasy by Zhang Ziling, what should I do with us?" An old man asked Mu Long his own question, his eyes filled with worry. , "Zhang Ziling is very hostile to our line, and once we let Mu Tian know what we are doing, we will never let us go."

Hearing what the old man said, Mu Long folded his hands on his chin, and said in a deep voice, "I will deal with Mu Tian. The main task of you guys is to wake up Master Li Yun as soon as possible. You can use it when necessary. Blood sacrifice."

"Blood sacrifice?" Several old men exclaimed in surprise, unexpectedly Mu Long would say such a thing.

"But this is the holy land of our Mu family, for blood sacrifice..." An old man frowned, he didn't want to use the Mu family's blood for sacrifice.

"The people who use other lines are, anyway, they can't wait to let us die, and sacrifice after sacrifice. The awakening of the **** Liyun is of great significance to us."

"On the side of Lord Tianshen, you need to know what happened to Lord Liyun." Mu Long glanced at a few old men, filled his body with a little bit of aura, and pressed against them.

Feeling Mu Long's aura, everyone's complexion changed slightly, and a terrible storm throbbed in their hearts.

That divine accumulation is not something that mortals like them can possess.

Looking at the shocked expressions of several people, Mu Long was very satisfied, and then said with a smile: "As long as you honestly do all the things that Lord Celestial has given you, you will eventually... also have what I have."

Mu Long's words were like a heart booster, which shocked the old men's spirits and replied loudly: "Yes!"

As long as they become gods, what does it matter if they die?

"In this case, you guys are going to prepare the blood sacrifice, I will go to Xuanyi Hall to see."

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