In the Xuanyi Hall, Mu Tian sat on a chair with an ugly expression, staring at Zhang Ziling without speaking.

Lin Xuan and Mu Ke sat quietly aside, feeling a little nervous.

The tense atmosphere in the hall really made them speechless.

In this Xuanyi Hall, there were only Zhang Ziling and Mu Tian. Lin Xuan and Mu Ke also listened to the conversation between Zhang Ziling and Mu Tian and had a deep understanding of the affairs of the ancient gods.

There are people in Mu's family who colluded with the ancient gods, which Mu Ke never expected.

Lin Xuan was okay, after all, Lin Xuan had seen the ancient gods with his own eyes in the small world, had also seen the powerful power of the ancient gods, and had a certain degree of psychological preparation.

But for Mu Ke, the ancient gods were a completely new world, a race she had never heard of before.

After hearing what Zhang Ziling said, Mu Ke felt that there was a huge cloud of invisible fog hidden in the depths of the Xuanxiao Continent, and that cloud of fog was gestating something terrifying.

After hearing the news of the ancient gods, Mu Ke didn't even notice what Zhang Ziling and Mu Tian were discussing about dealing with Mu Ying's people.

"I don't agree!" Mu Tian directly rejected Zhang Ziling's proposal without hesitation.

To summon all the people in Mu Ying's line for Zhang Ziling's inspection, such a decision would be better than just ruining the Mu family.

With so many people in Mu Ying's line, if they were all assembled, it would be extremely easy to cause civil strife in the Mu family.

When the Mu family collapsed, no one could bear this responsibility.

"Don't be so excited about Patriarch Mu, I just suggested it a little bit, but didn't say that this plan must be implemented." Zhang Ziling looked at Mu Tian and smiled, not at all angry at Mu Tian's attitude.

"The proposal is not good, I absolutely cannot agree to this plan!" Mu Tian said categorically, "This is my bottom line."

In Mu Tian's view, I believe that Zhang Ziling's statement is crazy enough. If all the people of Mu Ying's line are gathered and Zhang Ziling checked one by one, Mu Tian will definitely go crazy, and Mu family will definitely be messed up.

"Look at Patriarch Mu, what should we do now?" Zhang Ziling asked with a smile, without any panic in his tone.

In fact, Zhang Ziling already had a solution in his mind, but the time was not yet ripe, even if he said it, Mu Tian could not agree.

Zhang Ziling knew that Mu Tian would not agree to whatever suggestions he made. After all, Mu Tian is the head of the Mu family, and Zhang Ziling wants to kill the Mu family. How could Mu Tian feel comfortable?

The only way is to let facts force Mu Tian to cooperate with Zhang Ziling to do those things.

What Zhang Ziling wanted was not just to get rid of all the people in Mu Ying's line who had connections with the ancient gods. Zhang Ziling also asked the Mu family to come forward to suppress the turmoil in the Red Leaf City, so that the Hundred Court Conference could be held normally.

In the current situation of Hongye City, it is absolutely impossible to successfully hold the Hundred Academy Conference.

"You can't go in here! Patriarch had a phenomen...ah!"

Suddenly, there was a riot outside Xuanyi Hall. Two people were beaten into the main hall and fell to the ground screaming.

Those two were the guards Mu Tian arranged to guard outside the Xuanyi Hall, in order to block anyone who wanted to enter the Xuanyi Hall.

After all, the talks between Mu Tian and Zhang Ziling are now top secret. If the conversation between them spreads out, it will cause huge riots in the clan.

Mu Tian has strictly forbidden anyone to break into the Xuanyi Hall, but now someone forcibly breaks in, undoubtedly ignoring the majesty of Mu Tian, ​​the Patriarch.

Lin Xuan and Mu Ke were taken aback at this moment. They didn't know who was so courageous and dared to break in at this moment.

With a faint smile at the corner of Zhang Ziling's mouth, he looked at the old man who walked into the Xuanyi Hall leisurely.

Zhang Ziling felt a familiar breath from the old man, it was...

The breath of an ancient god.

"Mu Patriarch, what are you talking about here, so mysterious?" Mu Long walked to the center of the hall and looked at Mu Tian with a smile.

"Mu Long..."

Seeing Mu Long appeared, Mu Tian suddenly narrowed his eyes, and muttered softly.

Obviously, Mu Long's appearance here was beyond Mu Tian's expectation.

Mu Long was a strong man in the same era as him, and Mu Tian and Mu Long were the Shuangjie Mu family at that time. However, after Mu Tian broke through to the saint, Mu Long lived in seclusion and no longer asked about the Mu family.

Mu Tian did not expect that Mu Long would actually appear at this time.

"It's been a long time, Patriarch." Mu Long looked at Mu Tian and smiled, his turbid eyes gleaming.

"Why are you here?" Mu Tian asked bluntly without being polite with Mu Long, frowning slightly.

In this special period, especially when Mu Long is a member of Mu Ying's family, Mu Tian believes that Mu Long's appearance will not bring him any good news.

"Patriarch Mu is joking with me now." Mu Long smiled, then cast a glance at Zhang Ziling, a gloomy flash in his eyes, "Our great elder is dead, now Patriarch Mu is still talking to the murderer. Isn't it a bit inappropriate?"

Hearing what Mu Long said, Mu Tian instantly understood that Mu Long was looking for trouble.

Mu Long is a cultivator of the Ninth Layer of True Martial Realm, and he is the true leader of Mu Ying's line. Even Mu Tian can't easily do anything to Mu Long.

Now Mu Long's question is extremely sharp, and Mu Tian couldn't find a suitable answer for a while.

"who are you?"

When Mu Tian was silent, Zhang Ziling spoke, and the faint voice echoed in the empty hall.

Seeing Zhang Ziling's exit, Mu Tian's expression could not help but it was too late to stop Zhang Ziling.

"Old man Mu Long, former Mu family elder." Mu Long looked at Zhang Ziling in response, his tone full of arrogance.

Although Mu Long has heard the name "Zhang Ziling" many times, this is the first time that Mu Long has seen Zhang Ziling.

Seeing Zhang Ziling so young, Mu Long couldn't help but feel a little contempt in his heart.

"So, what does Mu Ying have to do with you?" Zhang Ziling asked jokingly as he watched Mu Long standing alone in the middle of the hall.

"Mu Ying is the elder of our Mu family, and you are the murderer who killed Mu Ying," Mu Tian looked at Zhang Ziling coldly, with a cold tone.

"So, you are here to trouble me?" Zhang Ziling still smiled, his emotions did not fluctuate at all.

"Of course!" Mu Long shouted coldly, "You must be tortured by thousands of swords for killing our Mu family's elder!"

Seeing that the spiritual power in Mu Long's body began to agitate, Zhang Ziling's mouth raised slightly, and he stretched out his index finger to hook Mu Long, and said, "Come on, then."

"You!" Seeing Zhang Ziling's provocation, Mu Long couldn't help but scolded, and the aura in his body suddenly burst out.

However, Mu Long did not rush towards Zhang Ziling.

Even though Mou Long was angry, he still maintained his sanity.

Zhang Ziling was a person who came back alive from the gods, and even Mu Tian was extremely jealous of Zhang Ziling. Mu Long would not be so stupid that he would rush to Zhang Ziling unpreparedly.

Killing a saint with the cultivation base of the true martial state is similar to suicide.

The purpose of Mu Long's visit this time was mainly to urge Mu Tian to make a move to Zhang Ziling. By the way...


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