Return to the Earth as a Bully

Chapter 1464: Emperor Dragon Heart Sutra!

The tense atmosphere in the hall was on the verge of breaking out. Zhang Ziling was the only person in the hall who still had a faint smile on his face, incompatible with the surrounding environment.

I don't know why, when Mu Long saw Zhang Ziling smile, his heart was raging for no reason, and he wanted to tear Zhang Ziling's smiling face to pieces.

"Patriarch, now the thieves are rampant here, can you really watch it?" Mu Long did not let go of any chance of instigation, and once again urged Mu Tian, ​​hoping that Mu Tian would take action against Zhang Ziling.

Mu Long didn't know Zhang Ziling's exact strength, even Mu Tian didn't know Zhang Ziling's cultivation level until now, only vague guesses.

Unknown will bring fear, even if Mu Tian doesn't want to admit it anymore, only Mu Tian knows in his heart that he is so scared of Zhang Ziling.

Therefore, Mu Long repeatedly provoked, Mu Tian still did not make a move against Zhang Ziling.

For Mu Tian, ​​the mysterious and terrifying Zhang Ziling made Mu Tian dare not attack Zhang Ziling easily.

Mu Long was indifferent when he saw what he had said about Mu Tian, ​​his eyes turned gloomy, and he sneered: "Mu Tian, ​​are you worthy to be the Patriarch of the Mu family?"

"What are you talking about?" Mu Tian stood up directly from the chair, a violent aura erupted from his body and crushed him towards Mu Long.

In the air, a giant dragon condensed and slammed into Mu Long. After a dragon chant, Mu Long was knocked out and finally stopped, his blood churning.

Zhang Ziling looked at Mu Tian with interest, with deep meaning in his eyes.

"True Dragon Yin, I didn't expect you to train the True Dragon Heart Sutra to this level!" Mu Long stood up from the ground with his chest, his eyes staring straight at Mu Tian.

The True Dragon Heart Sutra is the top emperor skill of the Mu family, and the threshold for cultivation is extremely high. There are no more than five people in the Mu family who practice the True Dragon Heart Sutra.

However, the eruption of the True Dragon Heart Sutra is extremely powerful. Even if Mu Long is already the Ninth Level of the True Martial Realm, the True Dragon Heart Sutra he has cultivated at this moment is only at the seventh level, which is far from the Great Perfection.

The sign of the true dragon heart sutra cultivation to Dzogchen is the imposing dragon, the dragon roars to the sky.

Mu Long didn't think the Dragon Yin he had just heard was an illusion.

Moreover, Mu Tian just slammed Mu Long in the Ninth Level of True Martial Realm, and his cultivation level can be spied from here.

"This is Xuanyi Hall, not your place to mess around." Mu Tian said with his sleeves, looking at Mu Long with cold eyes, a true dragon cyclone looming around him, "There will be another time, never be merciless!"

"Patriarch, since your True Dragon Heart Sutra has reached this level, why didn't you shoot at Zhang Ziling? What are you afraid of?" Mu Long looked at Mu Tian and asked, with excitement in his tone, ignoring Mu Tian's warning. .

Mu Tian’s True Dragon Heart Sutra has cultivated to Dzogchen, and his strength must have undergone earth-shaking changes, and it may even be possible to double his strength. If Mu Tian finds out what they want to do outside, Mu Long is afraid that he will use ancient magic techniques. Not Mu Tian's opponent.

Now only after Mu Tian and Zhang Ziling are allowed to fight and consume most of the strength of the two of them, the next blood sacrifice of this line of them may succeed.

Mu Long is not a fool, Zhang Ziling suddenly walked so close to Mu Tian, ​​which shows that Mu Tian already knows what he is doing in the line of fate, and now Mu Tian is only hesitating to move.

It will be a matter of time before they attack their veins.

Mu Long had to consume the strength of Mu Tian and Zhang Ziling before Mu Tian had made a decision.

Otherwise, if they were discovered halfway through the blood sacrifice, their veins would be completely gone.

"Emperor Dragon Heart Sutra, the emperor art created by Emperor Yulong eight thousand years ago was passed on by the Dragon Gate of the Prosperous Age, but now that Emperor Yulong disappears and the Dragon Gate of the Prosperous Age perishes, this emperor Dragon Heart Sutra also flows into the Xuanxiao Continent and is missing."

"Unexpectedly, this top-level exercise coveted by everyone in the world will be obtained by your Mu family."

Suddenly, Zhang Ziling's sigh sounded in everyone's ears, attracting everyone's attention.

"How do you know this?" When Mu Tian heard Zhang Ziling say this, his expression suddenly changed, and he quickly questioned Zhang Ziling.

The True Dragon Heart Sutra of the Mu family is famous all over the world, and it doesn't hurt to let others know. But the Dilong Heart Sutra is different, even in the Mu family... only the Mu family ancestor and the current Patriarch Mu Tian knows this name, and the others even Mu Long don't know this name!

The True Dragon Heart Sutra is the Emperor Dragon Heart Sutra. The reason why the ancestors of the Mu family changed its name was to prevent outsiders from coveting it!

Mu Long was also blank at the moment, obviously he had never heard the name Dilong Heart Sutra.

"Don't worry about Patriarch Mu, I don't have any malice." Zhang Ziling returned to his senses and looked at Mu Tian chuckles. In fact, he was also surprised that he could see the Dilong Heart Sutra here.

This imperial skill was due to the imperial skill created by Emperor Yulong on a whim when Zhang Ziling and Emperor Yulong were drinking. At that time, Zhang Ziling also helped to improve some shortcomings and made this imperial skill more powerful.

At that time, the Dragon Gate of the Prosperity and the Demon Palace had a good relationship, and the Dragon Gate of the Prosperity also suffered along with it when the Demon Palace suffered an extinction. Now the Dragon Gate of the Prosperity has completely withdrawn from the world stage.

Now that the Emperor Dragon Heart Sutra appeared again, Zhang Ziling was also quite moved, recalling the past.

"I ask you why you know this?" Mu Tian is not in the mood to joke with Zhang Ziling at the moment. This Emperor Dragon Heart Sutra is related to the survival of the Mu family. In Mu Tian's view, it is even more important than the collusion between Mu Ying and the ancient gods. serious.

An aura of horror erupted from Mu Tian's body and rolled over to Zhang Ziling.

An imposing real dragon was displayed in the hall, roaring at Zhang Ziling, and endless dragon power filled the hall.

Mu Long was obviously frightened by Mu Tian's aura, and he stepped back subconsciously, a bit of fear could not help being revealed in the depths of his eyes.

Mu Long never expected that Mu Tian's strength could be so terrifying!

With Mu Tian's current momentum, Mou Long felt that he couldn't even survive a round under Mu Tian!

Lin Xuan and Mu Ke were also confused at the moment, not knowing what happened.

Why is Mu Tian so excited?

Others don't know, but Mu Tian is very clear about the importance of the Emperor Dragon Heart Sutra.

As an alliance of the Devil Palace, the Dragon Gate of the Prosperous World was all searched for by the Allied Forces of the Three Hundred Sacred Lands. Every force discovered by the Allied Forces of the Three Hundred Sacred Lands to possess the Dragon Gate of the Prosperous Age would be ruthlessly destroyed by the coalition forces.

With the huge power of ten emperors and dozens of heavenly sacred land alliances, no matter whether you are a heavenly sacred land or a supreme empire, as long as you have the power of the magic palace alliance, you will be regarded as the remnants of the magic palace. The door was ruthlessly destroyed.

It is strange to say that the Three Hundred Holy Land Allied Forces left the Demon Palace, but they did not let go of any Demon Palace Alliance.

No one knows what the Allied Forces of the Three Hundred Holy Lands are thinking.

Mu Tian didn't know either, but Mu Tian knew that the Mu family had the Emperor Dragon Heart Sutra, absolutely not let the third person know!

The real dragon roared, and Mu Tian stared at Zhang Ziling, waiting for Zhang Ziling to explain to him.

If this matter is not resolved, Mu Tian can only call out the ancestors and let everyone in the hall be buried here.

Including Moulong and Mu Ke!

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