Return to the Earth as a Bully

Chapter 1473: Demon adult?

Mu Tian didn't care about Zhang Ziling, he bent over ninety degrees, respecting the people in the ancient white jade coffin to the extreme.

Even though the entire Mu family is only awake, he and Mu Ke, Mu Tian still salutes the ancestors of the Mu family, as if leading the whole family.

"The one lying there... is our ancestor?" Mu Ke heard what Mu Tian said, staring at the white jade coffin in a daze, his eyes full of incredible.

Mu Ke knew about this ancient white jade coffin. This ancient white jade coffin was enshrined in the forbidden area of ​​Mu's house, and Mu Ke had seen it several times. But Mu Ke never knew what was in this ancient coffin, and no one told her.

Now, Mu Ke heard the word "ancestor" from the mouth of his own family.

Their ancestors are still alive? Mu Ke couldn't believe it.

But the facts are right in front of her, and Mu can't believe it.

"Muke, presumptuous!"

Mu Tian noticed that Mu Ke looked straight at the ancestor of the Mu family, his face suddenly appeared stunned, and he roared out.

Zhang Ziling and Lin Xuan can't control him, but as Mu Ke's family, he must bow to his ancestors!

After being scolded by Mu Tian, ​​Mu Ke instantly recovered and hurriedly saluted the ancient white jade coffin with a flustered expression.

When Mu Ke faced his ancestors, he felt unspeakably nervous.

It was as if there was a breath of long years coming.

The ancestors of the Mu family existed more than 8,000 years ago, and Mu could have turned into an ancient frame for their ancestors and was buried somewhere in the burial site.

Mu Ke really did not expect that their Mu family ancestors were still alive!

"No problem!"

A voice of vicissitudes and calmness came from the ancient white jade coffin, with soft spiritual power in the voice, calming the minds of Mu Tian and Mu Ke.

A refreshing breath of the law began to surge around, the earth that had become scorched earth became alive again, and everything was revived.

The broken ground was rebuilt by the ancestors of the Mu family, and the small world of the Mu family was quickly recovering at a speed visible to the naked eye.

The small world is not comparable to the Xuanxiao Continent. This kind of world was constructed by the saints, so with the power of the ancestors of the Mu family, everything in this world can be easily restored to its original state, but everything in the small world is better than that in the Xuanxiao Continent. It’s much more fragile.

If the ground of the Xuanxiao Continent was broken like this, if it weren't for the power of the Heavenly Dao or the power of the imaginary and real Dao law, one of the ten supreme laws, no other method would be able to restore the landform of the Xuanxiao Continent to its original state.

Therefore, Zhang Ziling is not surprised by the methods of the Mu family ancestors.

And the power of the Dao used by the ancestors of the Mu family does not belong to the top ten supreme laws, but the path of nature ranked 13th, able to control the force of nature.

Although the laws of natural avenues are not as good as the top ten supreme laws, they are also very powerful avenues. There are very few people in the Xuanxiao Continent who can master the natural avenues.

Standing next to Mu Tian, ​​Zhang Ziling looked at the ancient white jade coffin, his eyes flashed red and the corners of his mouth had an inexplicable smile.

Zhang Ziling is familiar with the momentum that the ancestor of the Mu family possessed, but Zhang Ziling, the ancestor of the Mu family, has no impression.

"Our ancestors have been in the Profound Sky Continent more than 8,000 years ago. They are a character in the same era as the Devil Emperor. If you don't want to die, you'd better give me peace and respect!"

Mu Tian, ​​who was on the side, saw that Zhang Ziling did not have the slightest awe of his ancestors, his expression also collapsed, and he warned Zhang Ziling.

Mu Tian had been with Zhang Ziling for a while, and Mu Tian also knew that Zhang Ziling was the kind of person who was not afraid of big things, had no awe of anyone or anything, and acted arrogantly and recklessly.

Mu Tian is most afraid of and hates dealing with such people.

Because Mu Tian didn't know why Zhang Ziling would make a choice in the next moment.

When Mu Tian was fighting with Tianheng, Mu Tian also took a little distraction to observe the situation below. Although Zhang Ziling rescued his people and made Mu Tian feel grateful to Zhang Ziling, Zhang Ziling's treatment of Mu Ying's family, especially the elder... Mu Tian is a little uncomfortable thinking about it now.

It was too cruel, Mu Tian thought he could not think of such extreme and inhuman punishment.

If Zhang Ziling was the enemy, I am afraid that Mu Tian would never sleep anymore.

It's terrible.

An enemy with a powerful means to do things cruelly and recklessly is an existence that all forces are unwilling to provoke.

Therefore, in order to deter Zhang Ziling, Mu Tian had to bring out their ancestors.

Their ancestors of the Mu family have lived for more than eight thousand years as the powerful saints of Dzogchen, and Mu Tian thinks that this weight is enough to make Zhang Ziling jealous.

When Zhang Ziling heard what Mu Tian said, he couldn't help but shook his head with a smile.

Eight thousand years ago, at that time Zhang Ziling had not broken through to the supreme, and was a great emperor.

But even so, this ancestor of the Mu family was not taken seriously by Zhang Ziling.

Not to mention whether the ancestors of the Mu family had the cultivation of the Sage Dzogchen at that time, even if the ancestors of the Mu family were the Sage Dzogchen at that time, it would not pose any threat to Zhang Ziling.

Zhang Ziling had just stepped into the realm of the great emperor and cut off the existence of a veteran great emperor, and the beheading of the great emperor was only to avenge the imperial dragon seal.

At that time, although Zhang Ziling had not stepped into the Supreme, but there was also a faint tendency to be the first person in the Xuanxiao Continent.

If Mu Tian knew what kind of person he was warning and threatening, he didn't know how he would feel.

"Boy, don't regret it when the time comes!" Mu Tian saw that Zhang Ziling was still indifferent after he warned Zhang Ziling, and Mu Tian couldn't help but feel angry and whispered to Zhang Ziling.

Mu Tian can bear that Zhang Ziling doesn't care about him, but now Zhang Ziling doesn't even care about their ancestors, Mu Tian is a little annoyed.

Although Zhang Ziling is now in favor of the Mu family, Mu Tian decided to let Zhang Ziling suffer a little bit. Later, when the ancestor tried to teach Zhang Ziling because of Zhang Ziling's rudeness, he would stand by and only intercede at the last minute.

After making a decision in his heart, Mu Tian didn't care about Zhang Ziling, and focused all his attention on the ancient white jade coffin.

The ancient white jade coffin slowly floated in front of Mu Tian and Zhang Ziling. The mouth of the coffin slowly opened, and a cold air overflowed from the coffin, forming a mist of water around it.

"Welcome the ancestors back!" Mu Tian immediately knelt down to the ancient white jade coffin and said respectfully.

Mu Ke, who was still in the air, did not dare to stand in the air anymore. He hurriedly fell to the ground and knelt towards the ancient white jade coffin, and said in his mouth: "Welcome the ancestors return!"

At this time, a white-haired young man stood up from the ancient coffin, dressed in a white robe, with handsome facial features, slender figure, smooth skin like jade, and cold eyes like ice, the whole person's aura was flowing to the extreme.

The handsome young man looked at Mu Tian who was kneeling indifferently, his lips slightly opened: "Get up."

The tone was indifferent.

Mu Tian quickly stood up, but still lowered his head, not daring to covet it at all.

Seeing Mu Tian standing up, the young man Junyi looked at Zhang Ziling, but when he saw Zhang Ziling clearly, a flash of fear suddenly flashed in the cold and indifferent eyes of the young Junyi.

Junyi's youth began to tremble slightly, and fine beads of sweat appeared on his forehead. The cold temperament of the whole person was instantly gone. He just stared at Zhang Ziling firmly and opened his mouth several times before spitting out a few words with difficulty: "Devil, demon. Lord Emperor?"

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