Return to the Earth as a Bully

Chapter 1474: The little book boy under the seat of Emperor Dragon

When Mu family ancestor said these words, the surrounding air immediately solidified.

Whether it was Mu Tianmuke or Lin Xuan, their brains were blank at this moment, and they even forgot to breathe.

They seem to have heard... an incredible name.

Mu Tian's body became stiff at this moment, and he even found that he could not control his body at all, his legs could not stop shaking, and his heartbeat became faster and faster.

Mu Tian felt his neck chill.

Demon, Lord Demon?

There will always be only one that can be called the Devil Emperor in this world. Especially from their ancestors of the Mu family.

The ancestor of the Mu family was a figure who was in the Xuanxiao Continent eight thousand years ago. The devil in his mouth... Mu Tian doesn't need to think about who it is.

More than 5,000 years ago, the supreme figure who stepped through the void and left Xuanxiao Continent.

For a while, endless fear and excitement filled Mu Tian's body, Mu Tian's face suddenly became flushed, and his entire head was in chaos.

The ancestor of the Mu family was not in the mood to care about how Mu Tian was doing now. After he saw Zhang Ziling, the excitement in his heart was beyond words.

In any case, he did not expect that he fell asleep for so long, and when he woke up, he saw the legendary Devil Emperor!

Even though the ancestors of the Mu family are now almost standing on the top of Xuanxiao Continent, they are still vulnerable in front of the Devil Emperor Zhang Ziling.

"Demon, Lord Demon... Haven't you already stepped through the void and escaped into the depths of the universe? Why, how come back?" The ancestor of the Mu family stammered, and he couldn't say anything in front of Zhang Ziling, and there was no previous one. tolerance.

What kind of impact the return of the Devil Emperor will have on this world, the ancestors of the Mu family dare not imagine.

Everyone knew about the destruction of the Demon Palace by the Allied Forces of the Three Hundred Holy Lands.

The ancestors of the Mu family didn't believe that Zhang Ziling didn't know.

On the contrary, Zhang Ziling stared at the ancestors of the Mu family in amazement, never expecting to be recognized.

Not to mention that Zhang Ziling had left Xuanxiao Continent for more than five thousand years, even when Zhang Ziling was still in Xuanxiao Continent, there were very few people who were eligible to see Zhang Ziling. In addition, the portrait of Zhang Ziling has never been circulated outside, even if Zhang Ziling is walking on the street, it is impossible for anyone to know him.

Now that the ancestor of the Mu family pointed out Zhang Ziling's identity, Zhang Ziling was indeed very surprised.

Zhang Ziling took a close look at the ancestor of the Mu family, then recalled it carefully, confirming that he had no impression of the ancestor of the Mu family.

"Are you?" Zhang Ziling didn't deny his identity, and asked the ancestor of the Mu family suspiciously.

Now that he has been identified, Zhang Ziling has no need to continue to hide.

Although Zhang Ziling would not announce his return to the world, Zhang Ziling would not deliberately hide his identity, others would recognize it.

"It's normal for you not to know me, my lord. My name is Mu Changqing. I used to be a book boy under the seat of Emperor Yulong. When the Lord Devil and Emperor Yulong talked about each other, I was fortunate to meet Lord Devil. "Mu's ancestor Mu Changqing quickly jumped out of the ancient white jade coffin and bowed to Zhang Ziling.

Being able to see the Devil Emperor again and at such a close distance, Mu Changqing was already so excited that his voice was trembling.

"Emperor Yulong's book boy?" Zhang Ziling couldn't help being a little surprised when he heard Mu Changqing's words, and then shook his head and smiled, "It's completely changed, now it's quite handsome."

Zhang Ziling did remember that Emperor Yulong was following a book boy, but the book boy looked like only twelve or thirteen years old, and his strength was not very good. He was not as handsome and elegant as he is now.

Zhang Ziling could remember this boy completely because Emperor Yulong took him by his side.

Now that the former book boy has become the ancestor of a heavenly holy land, Zhang Ziling couldn't help but feel very emotional about this.

Unfortunately, Emperor Yulong is no longer there.

Thousands of years have completely changed a person.

"The Lord Devil has praised, the younger generation is guilty." Mu Changqing was very apprehensive about Zhang Ziling's praise, and did not dare to be presumptuous.

Listening to the conversation between Zhang Ziling and Mu Changqing, Mu Tian on the side turned his expressions extremely exciting, and he couldn't describe his current mood at all.

When he thought that the person who had been threatening and even killing intent before turned out to be the Devil Emperor, Mu Tian felt weak.

Things have gone wrong.

Mu Tian looked at Zhang Ziling with difficulty. At this moment, he was wet with sweat and his mouth was dry.

This... is the real big man, there is no one standing at the top of the Xuanxiao Continent!

Mu Tian's body trembled slightly, his eyes filled with fear.


Without hesitation, Mu Tian knelt down towards Zhang Ziling and kept kowtowing: "The younger generation has eyes and no beads, so they have offended so much. Please forgive the devil!"

In a short moment, Mu Tian shattered the ground with his forehead, and his whole body knelt on the ground and shivered.

Mu Changqing glanced at Mu Tian coldly, and then respectfully said to Zhang Ziling: "Master Devil, what do you think he should do?"

Mu Changqing didn't mean to intercede to Mu Tian at all. In his eyes... I don't know the so-called provoke the Devil Emperor, and death is already the best ending.

If possible, Mu Changqing will execute the sentence himself.

Mu Changqing knew that even though he was once the book boy of Emperor Yulong, he still had no weight in the heart of the Devil Emperor, and his words were insignificant.

As long as the Devil Emperor is willing, a gentle wave of his hand can erase the entire Mu Family. Compared to Mu's family, a mere saint is even more insignificant.

Following Mu Changqing's words, Mu Tian's head knocked harder and his body trembled.

After knowing that Zhang Ziling was really the emperor and not the same name, Mu Tian was full of awe for Zhang Ziling and regretted in his heart.

"The junior is wrong! Please forgive the devil emperor, the junior has no intention of offending!" Mu Tian begged Zhang Ziling for mercy, full of desire to survive.

Zhang Ziling watched Mu Tian keep kowtow to him, and with a wave of his hand, a piece of spiritual energy dragged Mu Tian up.

In fact, strictly speaking, Mu Tian didn't do anything to Zhang Ziling, but Zhang Ziling almost made Mu Tian crazy.

Moreover, Zhang Ziling and Mu Tian did not have much conflict. At most, Mu Tian threatened with two verbal sentences, and Zhang Ziling did not take this matter to heart.

After Mu Tian was dragged up by Zhang Ziling with spiritual power, ecstasy suddenly appeared on his face, and the whole person was extremely excited.

This move by Zhang Ziling meant to let Mu Tian go.

"Thank you Lord Devil Emperor for not killing!" Mu Tian thanked Zhang Ziling excitedly, his heart full of joy.

Mu Tian was so excited not only because he survived, but also because he saw the Devil Emperor!

Once, the cultivators of the entire Xuanxiao Continent were proud of seeing the Devil Emperor, but since the birth of Mu Tian, ​​the Devil Emperor has left the Xuanxiao Continent for many years, and Mu Tian grew up listening to the legend of Zhang Ziling.

Even with the decline of the Demon Palace and the fortune of the Three Hundred Holy Land Allied Forces, the prestige of the Demon Emperor on the Xuanxiao Continent remains unchanged.

Everyone knew what was the root reason why the Three Hundred Holy Land Allied Forces dared to take action against the Demon Palace.

Now that Mu Tian has become a saint, he unexpectedly discovered that the Devil Emperor Zhang Ziling was standing in front of him. The excitement in Mu Tian's heart... even Mu Tian couldn't even tell him.

Mu Ke and Lin Xuan also opened their mouths slightly at the moment, staring at Zhang Ziling speechlessly.

Zhang Ziling was the devil emperor, which shocked them too much.

Mu Ke felt his head dizzy, and his whole person seemed to float.

"I, my teacher...Is the Devil Emperor?"

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