Return to the Earth as a Bully

Chapter 1475: A little punishment

Both Mu Ke and Lin Xuan were dizzy, although they had already realized the strength of Zhang Ziling, and realized that Zhang Ziling's background was definitely not ordinary, and it was probably a big figure.

But they never expected that Zhang Ziling was the devil who left Xuanxiao mainland more than 5,000 years ago!

This is explosive news for anyone.

It is not difficult to imagine what kind of earthquake will be caused if the news of the return of the devil is released to the outside world!

For a while, Mu Ke realized that he was a little afraid to approach Zhang Ziling.

"Master Devil, is there anything you come to our little place? Our Mu family will definitely do our best to help Master Devil do everything." After Zhang Ziling let go of Mu Tian, ​​Mu Changqing didn't stay idle. Asked Zhang Ziling.

Mu Changqing didn't believe that Zhang Ziling would come to Mu's house for no reason. And Mu Changqing had never seen a creature like Tian Heng before, even if Mu Changqing shot down Tian Heng, he could still feel the undercurrent surging behind it.

The origin of Tianheng is unusual.

"About the ancient gods, you can ask your Patriarch Mu for details about what happened to you." Zhang Ziling looked at Mu Tian and said lightly.

Hearing that Zhang Ziling was still calling himself "Patriarch Mu", the whole person's face paled after a brush, and he shook his head quickly: "Don't dare to be or not! It's okay for Lord Devil Emperor to call him junior Mu Tian."

The Devil Emperor was already known as Zhenxuanxiao Continent more than 10,000 years ago, and such a small person wouldn't dare let the Devil Emperor call himself "House Master Mu".

Seeing Mu Tian's head shaking like a rattle, Zhang Ziling couldn't help but smile, quite amused.

"Boss, don't forget that town fairy tower!" Suddenly, the voice of the heaven seeker sounded in Zhang Ziling's mind, his tone was very urgent, for fear that Zhang Ziling would have forgotten it.

Now that Zhang Ziling's identity has been exposed, in the eyes of the celestial seeker, getting the Zhenxian Pagoda is nothing more than a sentence, and it takes no effort at all.

Xuntianyi didn't believe that Mu Tian dared to refuse the request of the Devil Emperor.

Zhang Ziling sighed slightly when he heard the heaven-seeking instrument's words, but did not refuse the request of the heaven-seeking instrument, and transmitted the voice: "Be quiet, I'll get it for you right away."

"Long live the boss!" Hearing Zhang Ziling's words, Xun Tianyi cheered directly, but quickly quietly stopped talking, waiting expectantly for Zhang Ziling to take action.

It can be said that the first time Xuntianyi saw the Zhenxian Tower, it was the **** soldier.

After the heaven seeker disappeared, Zhang Ziling looked at Mu Tian and narrowed his eyes.

"Demon, Lord Demon?" Mu Tian found Zhang Ziling suddenly staring at him, his heart suddenly stunned, and looked at Zhang Ziling nervously, "What did I do wrong?"

In front of Zhang Ziling, Mu Tian didn't dare to have any temper. If the Mu family lying around now saw their Patriarch shivering in front of Zhang Ziling, I am afraid they would start to doubt life.

"The emperor has just thought about it again, and I still feel that you are a little offended to this emperor." A red light flashed in Zhang Ziling's eyes, looking at Mu Tianyouyou said.

Hearing Zhang Ziling's words, Mu Tian suddenly softened his legs and almost did not kneel down.

"Nie barrier!" At this moment, Mu Changqing on the side also exploded with a horrible aura, slamming past Mu Tian, ​​as long as Zhang Ziling gave an order, he would take action without hesitation, and would not consider Mu Tian as himself. Offspring.

"Forget it." Zhang Ziling waved his hand slightly, and pressed Mu Changqing's momentum back with his soft spiritual power, and at the same time calmed Mu Tian's mood.

Seeing Zhang Ziling's move, Mu Changqing also retreated directly, but the eyes looking at Mu Tian were extremely cold.

In Mu Changqing's view, provoke the Devil Emperor is the most stupid thing in the world.

"Master Devil..." Mu Tian looked at Zhang Ziling with a complex expression, wondering what he would suffer next.

Mu Tian still remembers the pain suffered by the elders of Mu Ying's line before.

Having dug out his own bones himself, Mu Tian couldn't think of what kind of pain the elder suffered.

If the Devil Emperor casts such a punishment on himself... Mu Tian thought about it for a moment, and almost fainted without being scared.

Mu Tian was not confident that he could successfully commit suicide in front of the Devil Emperor.

"Although you are rude to the emperor, but the sin is not dead, and the emperor will not do anything to you." Zhang Ziling said this, Mu Tian immediately relieved his heart, but before Mu Tianxi breathed a sigh of relief, Zhang Ziling next What he said brought Mu Tian's heart up again.


As long as it is not the kind of extreme punishment, I can accept any other fate!

Mu Tian roared in his heart, looking at Zhang Ziling nervously, his fists clenched, his palms already wet with sweat.

"If the emperor doesn't punish you, you may not learn your lesson next, and you have no respect for the emperor in your heart." Zhang Ziling said to Mu Tian with his hands on his back and solemnly.

"What the Lord Devil said is that the younger generation is willing to be punished!" Listening to what Zhang Ziling said, Mu Tian nodded like a chicken pecking at rice, not daring to disobey the slightest.

Seeing Mu Tian behaving like this, Zhang Ziling also nodded, and then coughed lightly, his face became indifferent again, and he reached out to the Zhenxian Pagoda in the distance and said: "The emperor sees that you cherish the small tower very much, so the emperor will take it. Have you dissatisfied you for using your magic weapon as a punishment?"

Zhang Ziling said lightly, but the Heaven Seeker was blooming in Zhang Ziling's body.

Seeing Zhang Ziling pointing to his Shenbing Town Immortal Tower, a hesitation flashed in Mu Tian's eyes, but soon the hesitation in Mu Tian's eyes disappeared.

"Since Lord Demon Emperor has taken a fancy to Zhenxian Tower, he just took it. The junior dare not say the word'no'!" Mu Tian said to Zhang Ziling quickly, quite refreshingly.

Although Mu Tian's heart was dripping blood, compared to the **** soldier Zhenxian Tower, Mu Tian still felt that his life was more important.

And Mu Tian also thinks that the punishment of the Devil Emperor is light. Although Mu Tian is very reluctant to give up this magic soldier, Mu Tian is still full of gratitude to Zhang Ziling.

Mu Tian knows that the Devil Emperor has ten supreme artifacts in his hands. The power of those gods can suppress the world, and his own tower is similar to the broken copper and iron in front of the gods. Mu Tian believes that the devil is absolutely impossible. It was taken away because of his fancy pagoda.

The reason why the Devil Emperor took away the Zhenxian Tower was just to save himself from offending and to spare himself.

Thinking of this, Mu Tian felt that Zhang Ziling was more generous and grateful to Zhang Ziling.

If Zhang Ziling knew what Mu Tian thought, he would probably be dumbfounded.

After Mu Tian agreed, Zhang Ziling couldn't bear the urging of the heaven seeker, and with a big wave, he sucked Zhenxian Pagoda into his hand.

Seeing the small Zhenxian Pagoda in his hand, Zhang Ziling released the suppressed Tian Heng before he received the Zhenxian Pagoda into his body.

Finish it all. Zhang Ziling looked at Mu Tian and reminded indifferently: "Remember, this is a lesson this emperor taught you!"

"Yes! Yes!" Mu Tian concealed the reluctance in his eyes, nodded in response, and secretly said that Zhang Ziling was generous.

After Zhang Ziling received the Zhenxian Pagoda in his body, the Heaven Seeker happily took away the Zhenxian Pagoda as his nourishment, and Zhang Ziling's body instantly became quiet.

Seeking the heavens no longer makes a fuss, Zhang Ziling is also content to focus his attention on the dying Tianheng lying on the ground.

It's time to deal with this ancient god.

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