Return to the Earth as a Bully

Chapter 1476: Secrets of the ancient gods

In the end, Zhang Ziling chose to imprison Liyun and Tianheng in the blood cell of the cold prison in the Holy Land of Mu Family.

The cold prison blood cell is the place where the Mu's family detains criminals with heinous crimes. Whether it is a mortal enemy of the Mu family or a clansman who has committed heinous crimes, they will be held here by the Mu family.

The blood cell of the cold prison is completely made of ten thousand years of cold ice, and its cold energy can directly penetrate the bone marrow, ignoring the spiritual power of the monk.

Staying in this blood prison for a long time, even the real martial realm powerhouse will be frozen to death.

In the eyes of the Mu family, those imprisoned in the blood cell of the desolate prison were sentenced to death.

However, all the prisoners in the blood cell of this cold prison were cleared out by Mu Tian, ​​and only Li Yun and Tianheng were imprisoned.

For some reason, Zhang Ziling did not kill Liyun and Tianheng, but chose to use spiritual power to cut off the connection between the two and the **** king, making the gods think that Liyun and Tianheng were dead.

In other words, now Liyun and Tianheng have become the "black households" of the gods, and no ancient **** knows that the two of them are still alive in this world.

After Zhang Ziling imprisoned Liyun and Tianheng in the blood cell of the cold prison, Mu Changqing and Mu Tian also awakened the sleeping Mu family.

After everyone woke up, Mu Tian explained the tragedy in the Mu Family Holy Land with the reason of Mu Long's rebellion, and those who were still alive in Mu Ying's line were also demoted as a branch by Mu Tian and expelled from the Mu Family Holy Land. .

In the process of Mu Tian's deportation, it caused a lot of riots in the Mu family, but the rebels were mercilessly beheaded by Mu Tian, ​​and the entire Mu family was immersed in a tense and depressive atmosphere.

Mu Tian's vigorous actions made all the awakened Mu family members bewildered, completely wondering what medicine their Patriarch took wrong.

Others don't know, but Mu Tian's heart is very bright.

Although Zhang Ziling didn't clearly say what to do with the remaining monks in Mu Ying's line who had no contact with the ancient gods, Mu Tian knew that those people were in Mu Ying's line after all.

But Mu Ying and Mu Yang offended Zhang Ziling severely.

Coupled with the unforgivable act of blood sacrifice by Mu Long and the others, if Mu Tian wants the Mu family to gain the favor of Zhang Ziling, they must never leave a monk from Mu Ying's line.

After all, Mu Ying and Mu Long are dead, and the seeds of hatred have been planted.

Although there are many people in Mu Ying's line, Mu Tian will not let them stay in the Holy Land. It is still Mu Ying's mercy to demote the people of Mu Ying's line to a branch.

According to Mu Changqing, the heads of everyone in Mu Ying's line should be cut off.

Mu Changqing could not bear such a stain among his descendants.

Expulsion of Mu Ying's line of people from the holy place left them alone, and they no longer threatened.

Although Mu Changqing was cautious and cautious in front of Zhang Ziling, in the eyes of others... Mu Changqing is still the ancestor of the Mu family who has affected the lives of hundreds of millions of people.

Mu Tian didn't explain too much to everyone, but people like Mu Renlong who were hostile to Mu Ying seized this opportunity, launched a devastating blow to the people of Mu Ying's line, and frantically seized their resources. , Which greatly improved the status of his own line in the family.

While Mu's family was dealing with the civil strife, Mu Tian also asked Mu Renxiong to quell all the riots in Hongye City, and all the bad comments about Zhang Ziling were cleared up.

Those forces that were still secretly making small moves and continuing to investigate Zhang Ziling or spread rumors after the Mu family issued the announcement were also **** suppressed by the Mu family.

In just a few days, no one in the entire Red Leaf City dared to talk about Zhang Ziling and the Mu Family. Everything Zhang Ziling did before seemed to have never happened. The Red Leaf City was forcibly turned back on track by the Mu family.

The power of the heavenly sacred land was fully revealed at this time.

The martial law of Hongye City disappeared, and the casual practitioners returned to the normal life of Hongye City one after another. Hongye City became prosperous again, as before.

The only difference is that no one in Hongye City dared to mention the three words "Zhang Ziling".

After the Mu family handled the internal strife and foreign troubles, under the auspices of Mu Changqing and Mu Tian, ​​the resources of the Mu family were redistributed, and the Mu Renxiong line became the largest faction in the Mu family, and the Mu family was back on track.

Mu Ying's line was completely kicked out.

After that, under the order of Zhang Ziling, the Mu family began to actively prepare for the Hundred House Conference, and made adequate preparations for the arrival of the Hundred House Conference.

During this period of time, Zhang Ziling went to the cold prison blood cell to torture Liyun and Tianheng almost every day, asking about the ancient gods.

Thanks to the two ancient gods, Zhang Ziling understood the principles of a lot of ancient gods and the distribution of ranks in the gods.

The group of gods standing at the top of the court is naturally Si Ju's seventy-two gods, all of whom had the power of emperor level in their heyday.

The remaining ancient gods are of the saint level, and the weakest is also the saint elementary level.

There are thousands of ancient gods in the **** court, which is equivalent to a terrifying force with dozens of great emperors and thousands of saints. The **** king may have supreme strength.

Such a powerful force is hidden in the Xuanxiao Continent, even Zhang Ziling can't help but slap his tongue.

When the Emperor Human was able to lead the monks in the Xuanxiao Continent to overthrow the rule of the gods, Zhang Ziling was also quite impressed.

Moreover, Zhang Ziling discovered that the cultivation method of ancient gods is completely different from that of human monks. Human monks mainly rely on cultivating temples, storing external spiritual power and understanding the Three Thousand Dao Law to improve their strength, and few people pay attention to the development of their own internal power.

From the descriptions of Liyun and Tianheng, Zhang Ziling discovered that the ancient gods’ ability to enhance their own power was to continuously develop their physical potential and continuously refine their physical strength.

And their so-called "divine power" is also the potential developed from their own bodies. The deeper they develop, the stronger their power.

The reason why most of the magic arts used by the ancient gods were formations was developed to make up for their insufficient use of the power of the Great Dao between Heaven and Earth. This is similar to the principle that human monks use magic weapons to attack.

However, whether the cultivation methods of the ancient gods can be applied to mortal monks, Zhang Ziling has not actually practiced it, and it is not very clear.

After all, the body structure of the ancient gods is completely different from the structure of humans, and perhaps the cultivation path of developing one's own power is completely unworkable for human monks.

During the "communication" between Zhang Ziling and Liyun and Tianheng, Mu Ke and Lin Xuan almost never came to Zhang Ziling.

After they knew that Zhang Ziling was the Devil Emperor, they felt that Zhang Ziling was very far away from them, and they did not dare to disturb Zhang Ziling.

Zhang Ziling did not have time to explain the thoughts of the two girls because of the affairs of the ancient gods, and the relationship between the two seemed to begin to drift apart.

Zhang Ziling did not have time to take care of Mu Ke and Lin Xuan, and Mu Ke and Lin Xuan also thought that Zhang Ziling was out of reach. They were not people of the same world.

Even though Zhang Ziling lives in Mu's house, Mu Ke still feels that Zhang Ziling is far away, and his whole person slowly becomes low and lively.

Time flies...

The Hundred Academy Conference is also actively hesitating in the Mu family, and is about to open.

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