Return to the Earth as a Bully

Chapter 1477: Xingyu wakes up!

Mu's holy land, sunny.

Zhang Ziling walked out of the blood cell in the cold prison, stretched his waist slightly, raised his head and squinted at the not too glaring sun.

"I've been in this blood prison for a month or two? Count the time... It's only a few days since the opening of the Hundred Academy Conference, and the time has passed so fast!" Zhang Ziling twisted his neck and said to himself Language.

During this period of time, Zhang Ziling was basically dealing with the affairs of the ancient gods, which was quite rewarding.

Both Li Yun and Tianheng have been completely instigated by Zhang Ziling, and now they have completely become Zhang Ziling's younger brothers, all thinking that Zhang Ziling is the boss, completely forgetting that they are still a god.

Under Zhang Ziling's brainwashing, Li Yun and Tianheng told Zhang Ziling everything they knew, but because they didn't have much status in the court, Zhang Ziling did not understand any core secrets.

However, Zhang Ziling is not without gain, Zhang Ziling also understands the structure of the ancient gods and the principle of the use of ancient magic. Zhang Ziling also has a more systematic understanding of the ancient gods system, and then he will not be like the ancient gods. His eyes were darkened like that.

After Zhang Ziling walked out of the cold prison blood cell, the two maidservants who had been waiting at the entrance of the cold prison blood cell under Mutian's order hurriedly walked over and saluted Zhang Ziling's body: "God, let us take you to yours. Exclusive courtyard."

The two maidservants were beautiful in appearance and had a very soft voice. At first glance, they were not ordinary maids.

Zhang Ziling glanced at the two maids, couldn't help but smiled, and said, "Patriarch Mu is interested."

"Shang Xian, please." The two maidservants smiled softly and directly led Zhang Ziling.

In order to please Zhang Ziling, Mu Tian could say that he did his best.

During the time Zhang Ziling stayed in the blood cell of the cold prison, this place was almost a forbidden place, and no one could approach it. Everyone in the Mu family was guessing the origin of Zhang Ziling.

Mu Changqing and Mu Tian did not announce the news of Zhang Ziling, but offered Zhang Ziling as a guest of the Mu family. No one is allowed to neglect. Therefore, the two maidservants respect Zhang Ziling to the extreme, and they dare not even say extra words in front of Zhang Ziling. .

They were originally personal servant girls who served Mu Tian, ​​and only saw these two after Mu Tian retreats. They have a very high status in the Mu family, but they are still sent by Mu Tian.

This shows that Mu Tian attaches great importance to Zhang Ziling,

Under the leadership of two dull gourd beauties, Zhang Ziling was also quite boring and was taken to an elegant courtyard.

Although this courtyard is simple, it is very ingenious, and even those who do not know how to read it can feel elegant. Obviously this is a courtyard specially built by Mu Tian for Zhang Ziling.

In order to build this courtyard, Mu Tian invited all the top craftsmen of Hongye City to build it with all his heart.

Even if Zhang Ziling walked into this courtyard and saw the bluestone small pond and the scattered willow trees, he couldn't help feeling very good, and his liking for Mu Tian was a bit higher.

"Shang Xian, we won't disturb you to rest. If you have anything to do, please tell us and we will be outside." After the two maidservants brought Zhang Ziling into this courtyard, they fought for Zhang Ziling again, then quietly retreated out and brought them. Closed the door.

"This Mu Tian... It seems that I really tried my best to please me." Zhang Ziling looked around the courtyard and laughed softly.

"I don't know what's going on with Mu Ke's girl. I don't ask for guidance these days, so don't delay the practice."

"Boss, there is a situation in your little world!" Not long after Zhang Ziling entered the courtyard, the Heaven Seeker rushed directly to Zhang Ziling's body and quickly said to Zhang Ziling.

"Oh?" Zhang Ziling raised his eyebrows slightly when he heard the Heaven Seeker's words, and before he waited for the Heaven Seeker to speak, Zhang Ziling was sitting on the ground and wandering around in a small world within himself.

The saints can open up a small world on their own. Zhang Ziling naturally also opened up a small world of his own. However, Zhang Ziling usually doesn't care much about the situation of his small world, and has always been left to his own soldiers to take care of it.

They practice life in the small world of Zhang Ziling.

In Zhang Ziling's small world, apart from some rare and exotic animals and a lot of immortal medicine and spirit grass, only Xuntianyi and Xingyu were among them.

At this time, Xun Tianyi ran out to Zhang Ziling and told Zhang Ziling that something went wrong in the small world, so you don't have to think about it and know that this is naturally Xingyu.

The last time Zhang Ziling asked Xingyu to accept his inheritance, Xingyu has been in a coma, and Zhang Ziling has also kept Xingyu in his own small world.

Now that Zhang Ziling's small world is in trouble, there is only one result...

Xingyu woke up.

Not long after Zhang Ziling closed his eyes, he opened them again, and Xingyu, wearing a modern costume, was lying in the courtyard.

"This guy gave me a surprise." Zhang Ziling looked at Xingyu's eyes full of joy.

"Boss... this time, the movement may be a bit big." The sky seeker floated around Zhang Ziling, looking at Xingyu lying on the ground and said in a low voice, it could feel an unimaginable force from Xingyu's body. Swelling rapidly.

The sky began to darken gradually, a hole was torn open in the sky above this small world, and endless thunderclouds condensed in the sky above Hongye City.

Everyone in the Mu Family Holy Land could feel that the surrounding spiritual power began to agitate, and an unspeakable aura of law began to fill the air.

"If the movement caused by my inheritance disciple's awakening is not big, how can my face remain?" Zhang Ziling looked at Xingyu lying on the ground and said with a smile.

Xingyu comprehend the ten supreme laws with the help of foreign objects, and then accepted the inheritance of the Devil Emperor as a mortal body, and then continued to accumulate the body with the power of Emperor Zhang Ziling. Xingyu's starting point...

It is the end that countless people cannot catch up to in their entire lives!

Zhang Ziling had a hunch that he was creating an unprecedented evildoer.

Xingyu is Zi You's apprentice and Zhang Ziling's inherited disciple. Zhang Ziling has great expectations for Xingyu.

Mu's holy land, ancestral home!

"What happened?" Mu Changqing and Mu Tian rushed out of their closed caves, standing in the void looking at the vision of the sky in shock, and the rich and lawful atmosphere around them caused a terrible storm in their hearts. .

Mu Changqing and Mu Tian could see through the cracks in the sky that Hongye City outside the small world was also shrouded in thunderclouds.

Being able to ignore the world barrier between the small world and the outside world directly caused the world of Xuanxiao Continent to change, Mu Changqing couldn't think of any peerless evildoer or treasure born.

But before Mu Changqing and Mu Tian were shocked, they discovered that the place where the vision came was the courtyard where the Devil Emperor lived.

"It turns out that it is not surprising that this kind of vision can be created by the means of Lord Devil Emperor." After discovering that all these visions were caused by Zhang Ziling, Mu Changqing and Mu Tian also calmed down. This no longer feels strange.

After all, the devil emperor Zhang Ziling lived there, and nothing happened there.

"Mu Tian, ​​go and tell the people, don’t panic no matter what happens next, and tell them that no one can approach Lord Devil Emperor’s residence! I will protect the law for Lord Devil Emperor personally. Anyone who approaches without authorization will kill you without mercy. !" Mu Changqing told Mu Tian, ​​his tone was not unceremonious.

It can be said that Zhang Ziling is the most important guest of their Mu family now, even more than their owner himself!

"Yes!" Mu Tian responded, no longer hesitating, and quickly left to deal with all matters.

After Mu Tian left, Mu Changqing was sitting in the void, condensing a barrier with his own spiritual power, protecting the surrounding courtyard where Zhang Ziling was located, and using spiritual power to make this small world more stable.

Seeing Mu Changqing's actions, Zhang Ziling could not help but nodded, and simply handed over all the responsibility of guarding to Mu Changqing, and he put his heart and soul on Xingyu.

"Wake up, my little monster."

Zhang Ziling whispered, Xingyu's body suddenly lit up with dazzling light!

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