Return to the Earth as a Bully

Chapter 1478: The return of heaven

A golden beam of light rose into the sky from around Xingyu, and the small courtyard where Zhang Ziling was located was illuminated by golden light.

At this moment, Xingyu's whole body was spitting out glow, and colorful spiritual power lingered around Xingyu's body.

"Shangxian!" The two maidservants guarding the door rushed in when they noticed the abnormal movement in the courtyard.

Two decent spiritual powers surged in the bodies of the two maids, and it was obvious that the two maids were not mediocre.

"There is nothing wrong here, you are guarding outside, no one is allowed to come in." Zhang Ziling sat in front of Xingyu, and said to the two maids without looking back.

The two maids looked at the strange appearance Xingyu showed around them, although they were shocked, but after Zhang Ziling ordered them, they quickly retracted their momentum and bowed to Zhang Ziling and apologized: "Excuse me, the maidservant is..."

"Go out." Zhang Ziling interrupted the two maids directly, without any emotion in his tone.

Hearing Zhang Ziling's icy voice, the faces of the two maidservants turned pale. They didn't dare to hesitate anymore, and hurried out.

After they left, the Xuntianyi appeared around Zhang Ziling, frowning at Xingyu.

"Boss...this Xingyu's current situation, how can I imagine the birth of the son of Chaos more and more?" Tian Xunyi said in a condensed voice, with doubts in his eyes.

"This is the birth of the Child of Chaos." Zhang Ziling looked at Xingyu calmly and said without hesitation.

Zhang Ziling is so determined, but the doubt in Xun Tianyi's eyes is unabated: "But isn't the son of chaos in this era Xie Wushang? How could another son of chaos be born?"

Hearing the doubts of Xuntianyi, Zhang Ziling's expression remained unchanged, and said lightly: "I have comprehended the law of light path, one of the ten highest laws, and accepted my inheritance. Now my body has been nurtured by the power of the Great Emperor for a long time. There is a hidden emperor. He is only in the Qi Gathering Realm, but he has obtained an opportunity that even a saint can't match. Apart from the Son of Chaos...what else is the talent that can carry the stars?

"But the luck of heaven and earth in an era can only create a son of chaos. When the boss tried to create a son of chaos in large quantities in the magic palace, didn't the heavens come out to stop the boss?" Xuntianyi was still a little worried, "Now In this era, a second son of chaos appears, and the world is overdrawn. What will this world be like?"

Zhang Ziling shook his head: "I don't know."

"Boss, don't you know?" Xun Tianyi exclaimed, surprised by Zhang Ziling's answer.

Xun Tianyi thought that Zhang Ziling's calm face was very sure about this, but now... it turns out that Zhang Ziling himself has no bottom!

"Then what should I do now?" Xun Tianyi asked Zhang Ziling, her tone a little anxious, "If the old lady of Tiandao runs to the boss again to cry and beg you to deprive you of Xingyu's inheritance. ,what should we do?"

"It's impossible to ignore it, right?"

"Don't worry about that. Since Xingyu is my inherited disciple, Tian Dao knows that I value Xingyu. She will never let me do such a thing. Because she knows...I can't agree." Zhang Ziling is very firm on this point.

Now it is impossible for anyone to destroy the talent of Xingyu Chaos Son.

"If so..." Xuntianyi frowned, "Will Dao want to destroy Xie Wushang's talent that day?"

"No." Zhang Ziling shook his head, once again denying the heaven seeker.

"Although Xie Wushang has been erased from my memory of the Evil Emperor, he is ultimately the reincarnation of the Evil Emperor's incarnation. With the Evil Emperor's weight in the Xuanxiao Continent, it is impossible for Heaven to ignore the Evil Emperor and move Xie Wushang."

"Furthermore, Xie Wushang is the seed I planted. Tiandao knows she can't move."

Tianxunyi suddenly became discouraged and sat on the ground with his head shrugged: "Xingyu and Xie Wushang are both children of chaos. How can there be two children of chaos in this world? This is something that has never happened before..."

"It doesn't mean that it doesn't exist. Now that Xingyu has become the son of Chaos, he naturally has a reason for his existence. The only thing we can do now is..."

Xuntianyi looked up at Zhang Ziling, listening intently.

"Wait." Zhang Ziling spit out a word in his mouth, making the Heaven Seeker a little startled.

"Wait? What are you waiting for?" Tianxun found that his mind couldn't turn around, and asked subconsciously.

"When Heavenly Dao comes over, she will naturally tell us." After Zhang Ziling finished speaking, he began to close his eyes and adjust his breath. It seemed that Heavenly Dao would come over.

Now Zhang Ziling has the origin of the five avenues among the ten supreme laws, and Zhang Ziling has swallowed his own demons, and his strength is still improving endlessly.

Although Zhang Ziling didn't know where he was, there was a faint feeling in Zhang Ziling's heart that he seemed to be able to blast through the world at any time and wipe out the heavens.

Before he knew it, Zhang Ziling was already completely pressed on the heavens, so Zhang Ziling was so calm.

Zhang Ziling said that he had created a peerless evildoer, but Zhang Ziling might not even realize that he had grown to a point where even this world could not define it.

He is... the only evildoer in this world.

As Zhang Ziling closed his eyes and adjusted his breath, the celestial seeker couldn't keep asking, so he waited anxiously.

The courtyard became quiet, Xingyu's body was still shining with dazzling white light, the aura of the law of light surging around Xingyu's body, a stream of emperor's accumulation quietly diffused out of Xingyu's body, filling the courtyard.

"Good guy, it's really a little monster!" Looking at the changes in Xingyu's whole body, Xuntianyi couldn't help but slap his tongue, envy Xingyu.

This is really a step up to the sky.

In Xingyu's body, the inheritance that Zhang Ziling had injected was slowly opening up, and the unimaginable imperial arts and mental techniques constantly poured into Xingyu's mind, like an explosion of knowledge.


He just felt that countless knowledge was exploding in his mind, as if he was constantly mastering unimaginable power under the guidance of an unclear person.

In the past, the reason why the big figures of the top powers in the Xuanxiao Continent wanted their children to be recognized by the Devil Emperor and become disciples of the Devil Emperor, because they wanted them to be like Xingyu now...

One step to the sky!


In Xingyu's cry, the sky thunder exploded, and a supreme breath fell from the nine days and filled the Mu Family Holy Land.

Everyone in the Mu Family Holy Land stared at the sky in a daze, their eyes gradually becoming hollow, and their hearts becoming empty.

Zhang Ziling opened his eyes slightly, raising his eyes to the sky.

A woman in white floats down, seeming not to eat the fireworks in the world, and her appearance is the best in the world.

Face, figure, temperament... everything is so perfect.

She is the incarnation of the Tao of Heaven, now descending to the world!

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