Return to the Earth as a Bully

Chapter 1479: Angry heaven

Seeing that Heavenly Dao had really come to this courtyard, Xuntianyi stepped back with a guilty conscience and hid behind Zhang Ziling.

The celestial seeker is not Zhang Ziling, it is a treasure of heaven and earth, although it has supreme power, but heaven has a natural suppressing power on it.

Now its boss has made a "child of chaos", and Xuntianyi has become guilty in front of Tiandao.

Zhang Ziling watched Tiandao's delicate feet lightly tap the ground, and the whole person fell in front of him. Zhang Ziling's mouth couldn't help but raised slightly, and chuckled: "You are here, I have been waiting for a long time."

Hearing what Zhang Ziling said, Heavenly Dao flicked her sleeves slightly, her white clothes fluttered, but her cold face was stunned, and she gritted her teeth and said to Zhang Ziling: "Do you know how much trouble you have caused?"

As soon as the words were spoken, Tiandao's immortal temperament disappeared.

Seeing the angry expression of Tiandao, Zhang Ziling laughed and joked: "You are more and more like a person."

"Don't talk nonsense here, aren't all of this caused by you?" The more Tiandao looked at Zhang Ziling, the more angry he became, and the more rude he spoke.

Even Tiandao herself didn't know why, after she met Zhang Ziling, she became more and more emotional, and other personalities began to gradually weaken. This was not a qualified Tiandao performance.

"Let's not talk about this anymore, you said that I caused a big disaster, what exactly did I do?" Zhang Ziling didn't care about Tiandao's scolding, and teased her.

Zhang Ziling knows how many personalities Tiandao has, and Zhang Ziling has also come into contact with other personalities of Tiandao, but what Zhang Ziling likes most is the girlish personality of Tiandao.

Over time, the incarnation of Heavenly Dao who had been in contact with Zhang Ziling became a girl.

"Don't say you still don't know what trouble you have caused?" Hearing what Zhang Ziling said, Tian Dao's eyes were about to burst out with fire, and there was an unbearable anger in his tone.

"You made this guy?" Tian Dao pointed at Xingyu lying on the side and yelled at Zhang Ziling, "Do you know how much trouble you have caused by creating another Child of Chaos?"

"Do you know how much effort I took to settle this matter, the top..."

Tian Dao suddenly realized that he had said the wrong thing, and quickly closed his mouth, a panic flashed in his eyes.

"Upper?" Zhang Ziling keenly grasped the point of what Tiandao said, and immediately raised an eyebrow and asked.

However, at this moment, the way of heaven had already recovered, and the panic in his eyes flashed away, and the whole person became calm again. He immediately changed the subject and said: "The luck of the Xuanxiao Continent can only carry a child of chaos. To create the Child of Chaos, I will stop it once. I thought you would never do these things again."

Speaking of this, Tiandao still paused, and then he continued to reprimand Zhang Ziling: "I hope you will give me a reasonable explanation and don't let me disappoint you!"

Seeing the enraged appearance of Tian Dao, Zhang Ziling suddenly found that his mood had become happy, and he was not conscious of doing anything wrong.

Even the celestial finder behind Zhang Ziling was very nervous when he saw Zhang Ziling's appearance, hiding behind him and shivering.

Zhang Ziling was the only person Xuntianyi saw who dared to treat the Dao of Heaven with this attitude.

"You can tell me clearly!" Tian Dao yelled, and the strong heavenly power immediately diffused from her body, dispelling the power of the law surrounding the stars, and the beam of light connecting the heaven and the earth gradually disappeared.

Of course Zhang Ziling knew that Heavenly Dao was diverting attention, but Zhang Ziling did not intend to ask this matter.

Zhang Ziling is not interested in knowing what Tiandao means by "upper" for the time being, and Tiandao itself has a lot of secrets. If Zhang Ziling wants to explore each of them, he might be exhausted.

Zhang Ziling waited for Heaven to come down to solve Xingyu's affairs.

After all, Xingyu has now become the second "child of chaos". If this matter is not resolved properly, it will definitely have a huge impact on Xingyu's cultivation, and even make Xingyu doomed, and prevent Qi Xingyu. The sky died in the wilderness.

Therefore, Zhang Ziling must solve the troubles of this matter.

If there are two "children of chaos" on the Xuanxiao Continent, it is absolutely impossible to bypass the heavens. This is something that cannot be solved by strength alone, and Zhang Ziling also knows this.

"I just accepted Xingyu as a succession disciple. There shouldn't be any problems with my accepting disciples?" Zhang Ziling looked at Tiandao and smiled, "I can't be restricted from accepting disciples, right? This is unfair!"

"Of course there is no problem if you accept this kid as the inheritance address, but your inheritance is not enough for this kid to take most of the fortune between heaven and earth and become the son of chaos, but..." At this point, Tiandao stared at Zhang Ziling fiercely. , "What do you mean by letting him comprehend the law of light in the Qi Gathering Realm?"

"He's just gathering the Qi, and he's just getting started in cultivation. How can he comprehend the ten supreme laws alone?" Tian Dao almost didn't roar out, even she didn't believe Xingyu could do this alone.

She has been in heaven for so long and has never seen such a thing!

And artificially let Xingyu comprehend the ten supreme laws, Tiandao believes that Zhang Ziling, who has the origin of the five ten supreme laws, can definitely do this.

Although Zhang Ziling, as a human monk, had mastered the origin of the Dao, it was originally against the rules, but Heavenly Dao had nothing to do with Zhang Ziling, so Heavenly Dao had no choice but to ignore this matter.

Zhang Ziling heard Tiandao's question and waved his hand quickly: "You can't wrong me. Xingyu's light path law has nothing to do with me. This is done entirely by his personal talent."

"Are you coaxing ghosts?" Tiandao didn't believe in the nonsense of Zhang Ziling at all.

Seeing that the girl who turned into heaven is so emotional, Zhang Ziling couldn't help but feel a headache.

At that time, Zhang Ziling was shocked to see that Xingyu had mastered the law of the light path only by relying on a computer, but since it had already happened, Zhang Ziling naturally had no choice but to accept this and add another fire.

"Xingyu, the kid who has a talent for computers, is particularly accomplished. All kinds of codes are easy to come by. The ability to rely on computers to master the law of light is actually the past, after all, light is also an electromagnetic wave..."

Zhang Ziling gave a set of explanations indiscriminately. He did not have too much research in computer and various subjects. After all, Zhang Ziling came to Xuanxiao Mainland when he was a teenager. He did not have a high school degree, so he can only tell these trivialities. Up.

Hearing what Zhang Ziling said, Tian Dao looked dazed, completely unaware of what Zhang Ziling was talking about.

Tian Dao has never been in contact with earth civilization, and she is completely ignorant of these.

In other words, she doesn't even have a high school degree.

Tian Dao's face flushed with anger, and the clenched powder fist trembled slightly, gnawing his teeth at Zhang Ziling: "Don't think you are talking nonsense..."

"No! Don't believe it! You can ask the heavens of the earth about this matter. I think there should be a way to connect between you. Computers are the product of scientific and technological civilization, and electromagnetic waves are also the definition of scientific and technological civilization. You are a cultivation civilization. It’s forgivable that Tiandao doesn’t know these."

"But you shouldn't jump to conclusions just because of your own ignorance and ruin a genius who could change the world!" Zhang Ziling quickly explained to Tian Dao.

"I am ignorant!" Hearing this sentence, Tiandao felt that his whole person was almost blown up.

She controls the fate of all beings in Xuanxiao Continent, knows everything and all the secrets in the world, and now she is called "ignorance" by Zhang Ziling?

Tiandao can't wait to kill Zhang Ziling.

"Let's get in touch and solve this matter!" Zhang Ziling was very happy looking at Tiandao's angry look, and said quickly.

"Hmph! Don't let me find evidence that you are nonsense!" Tian Dao snorted coldly, and after glaring at Zhang Ziling, he closed his eyes and stopped talking.

The Way of Heaven, as Zhang Ziling said, went to contact the Way of Heaven on Earth to verify.

There is a unique way of contact between them, and they can instantly connect with the heavens of various world civilizations.

And the Heavenly Dao of the Xuanxiao Continent is the strongest Heavenly Dao in the major world civilizations, and it is very easy to connect with other Heavenly Dao.

At the beginning, even Zhang Ziling, when he took the origin of the Three Thousand Dao and approached the Heavenly Dao, he also issued a warning to the major civilizations around the earth through the origin of the Three Thousand Dao.

Zhang Ziling can do this, and as the heavenly way of Xuanxiao Continent, she can naturally do it easily.

Zhang Ziling saw Heavenly Dao calm down, and didn't bother Tian Dao. He just turned around and smiled at the trembling Heaven-seeking Instrument, which made the Heaven-seeking Instrument agitate.


Looking at Zhang Ziling, Xuntianyi slandered in his heart.

After a while, Tiandao opened his eyes and recovered.

"How about, I didn't lie to you?" Zhang Ziling looked at Tiandao and smiled.

Tian Dao sighed and looked at Zhang Ziling with a grievance: "You people on earth are all monsters!"

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