Return to the Earth as a Bully

Chapter 1482: The Demon Emperor's Demon Reappears!

Mu's Holy Land!

"Boss, this..." In the courtyard of Zhang Ziling, Xun Tianyi's face had turned pale, and he couldn't even say the whole thing when he looked at Zhang Ziling.

At this moment Xingyu has completely recovered, but he is still in a coma, the law aura surrounding him has disappeared, and the inheritance of Zhang Ziling's plant in Xingyu has not been absorbed by Xingyu.

However, the heaven seeker is not caring about Xingyu now.

The words Tiandao said when he left before made Tianxunyi always feel that something was going to happen.

Moreover, no matter how stupid he is, he can tell that there are some stories between his boss and Tiandao that he doesn't even know.

When Heavenly Dao left the Xuanxiao Continent, all the heaven and earth spirit creatures that were born by gathering the heaven and the earth's air fortune in the Xuanxiao Continent felt, and the heaven seeker as the supreme artifact was no exception.

At the moment when Tiandao left, Tianxunyi exhausted all his strength to search for Tiandao, but never felt the breath of Tiandao in this space.

Heavenly Way, completely disappeared.

When I thought of this, the heaven seeker felt that the sky was about to collapse.

Xuanxiao Continent has become a world without heaven?

Then Xuanxiao Continent has become a small world like the Mu Family Holy Land? Who is in charge of Three Thousand Avenue? How should the world's spiritual power be regulated?

Without the way of heaven, all the order in Xuanxiao Continent would be chaotic, and the heaven seeker could not imagine such a chaotic world!

"Boss, do you think of a way?" Tian Xun Yi is now anxious like an ant on a hot pot, completely lost.

After Zhang Ziling left Tiandao, he stayed in place and didn't know what was going on. No matter how the Xuntianyi shouted, Zhang Ziling didn't respond.

But what Tianxunyi didn't notice was that Zhang Ziling's palm had a series of numbers faintly, shining with a faint light.

The number was written with "zero nine", and there was a name invisible to the naked eye behind the number.

If it were not for Zhang Ziling's powerful spirit, I am afraid Zhang Ziling would not be able to see that name clearly.

"It's been so long before I knew that you were called Tianxuan." Zhang Ziling shook his five fingers. "You girl, you gave me all the Three Thousand Dao Principles of the Xuanxiao Continent. Is this Tuogu?"

Zhang Ziling whispered to himself, now as long as he closes his eyes, Zhang Ziling can clearly see the rules of the world of Xuanxiao Continent and the origin of the Three Thousand Dao.

The last time Zhang Ziling encountered this situation was when the earth obtained the authority of the heavenly path for one day.

When Zhang Ziling took the initiative to grab the hand of Tian Dao, Tian Dao quietly transferred all of his authority to Zhang Ziling, and he went to nothingness to be judged.

"Behind you girl, there are still a lot of terrorist forces? Didn't I guess it in the end by hiding it from me for so long?"

"Unexpectedly, behind Tiandao... there are managers. What kind of monsters are they?"

"You transferred all your authority to me, and finally disappeared without saying hello. You must know what will happen next? You asked me to save you, do you believe me that way?"

"I obviously... just want to be alone. You arranged such a heavy task for me all at once. I haven't even found Ziyou now. Why do you believe that I will come to save you?"

Speaking of this, Zhang Ziling's voice had already begun to tremble, his eyes gradually turned red, and the hand with the number engraved by the Heavenly Dao began to tremble slightly.

When Xun Tianyi noticed Zhang Ziling's current strangeness, he immediately calmed down, staring at Zhang Ziling in a daze.



Xuntianyi couldn't believe that he could see his boss so gaffe in his lifetime!

In the end what happened?

"When you came down to see me this time, you didn't ask me for your fault at all? In the past, your body couldn't have temperature at all, but this time you came to the real body. Are you saying goodbye to me?" Zhang Ziling still muttered to himself As a result, the whole person became desperate.

"No... how could I allow you to leave like this?"

Zhang Ziling roared, and then his eyes became completely hollow!

In the palm of Zhang Ziling's hand, the serial number was shining with faint light, exuding warmth.

An inexplicable energy poured into Zhang Ziling's body from the serial number, and the spiritual power in Zhang Ziling's body moved faster and faster, and the speed at which his strength was rising had actually doubled!

Gradually, a dark mist filled Zhang Ziling's body, and Zhang Ziling's eyes gradually became completely black and very deep.

The aura of Zhang Ziling's whole person also became gloomy and cold.

Looking at Zhang Ziling's current appearance, Xuntianyi couldn't help but see endless fear in his eyes.

"No, impossible! How is this, this possible?" Tianxun kept backing away, and couldn't believe what he saw.

"Why? Hasn't the boss already cut off the demons? Why do demons still breed!" Xuntianyi screamed, her voice trembling.

You know, when a person's emotions are the most fluctuating, the defense of one's own soul is the weakest, and that is the best time for the heart demon to replace the body!

However, all this shouldn't have happened to Zhang Ziling.

Even if Zhang Ziling's mood fluctuates again, Zhang Ziling's inner demons have been cut off, and it is impossible to breed new inner demons!

Inner demons have strengths comparable to those of the main body. They are inspired by the potential of the body. Cutting off the inner demons is equivalent to stimulating their own potential and doubles their strength.

How can there be a new demon?

"Boss, wake up!" When Xun Tianyi thought that Zhang Ziling might be replaced by this new heart demon, the whole person was completely panicked. Regardless of the consequences of doing this, he started to grasp Zhang Ziling and shake it constantly.

However, Zhang Ziling did not react at all, instead, the black energy on his body was getting more and more.

"Jie Jie!" Suddenly, a gloomy laughter sounded in the courtyard, and Tian Xun Yi only felt that his whole body was frozen, and he saw in horror that the black energy on Zhang Ziling's body condensed into a human form and appeared in the courtyard!


Xun Tianyi looked at the person who was exactly the same length as his own boss, and even the same breath standing in the courtyard, fear filled his whole body!

The demon who broke away from the body...

Xuntianyi has never heard of such a weird thing!

"What do you want to do?" Although the heaven seeker was afraid, the heaven seeker stood in front of Zhang Ziling and looked at the demon in front of him tremblingly.

Tian Xun Yi knew that as long as the heart demon slaps it, it will turn into broken bronze and iron.

But even so, the heaven seeker still guards Zhang Ziling.

If you want to devour your boss, you have to step over your corpse!

"Jiejie!" The heart demon looked at Xuntianyi with a gloomy smile, his eyes were dark, and the whole body was filled with horrible devilish energy, but he did not move at all.

Seeing that the inner demon did not act immediately, Xun Tianyi couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief, thinking that the inner demon's current intelligence had not yet fully developed and was unable to act.

"You have to wake up the boss as soon as possible, and kill the demon!" Xun Tianyi made a decisive decision and turned around to wake Zhang Ziling.

But when Xun Tianyi turned around and saw Zhang Ziling's appearance, he almost didn't get scared and wasted!

"How, how could it...I, I am dreaming? One, must be dreaming!" Xun Tianyi's eyes became dull, and she slapped herself severely, unable to believe what she saw.

Now Zhang Ziling's whole body is filled with thick black mist once again!

Zhang Ziling’s Demon...

Still breeding!

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