"Over, over! It's over!"

Xun Tianyi watched two Zhang Ziling's inner demons appear in the courtyard, his whole body completely softened and his fighting spirit was completely lost.

A heart demon can easily take the Heaven Seeker into scrap. Now that the two statues are together, even if the Heaven Seeker explodes, it is impossible for things to turn around.

Moreover, what made Tianxunyi feel desperate is that after Zhang Ziling produced two inner demons, there was still black mist around his body!

Zhang Ziling is... is producing the third demons!

"It's endless!" Xuntianyi was about to cry, and Zhang Ziling's empty eyes made Xuntianyi helpless.

Can't wake up Zhang Ziling, and there is a supreme-level inner demon staring at him outside, and Tian Xun Yi has never felt so desperate.

But the only thing worthy of the Celestial Seeker's rejoice is that the heart demon that Zhang Ziling spawned did not do anything, but stood in place with a grimly smile, and the horror power permeating his body spread to the surrounding without limit.

Xuntianyi temporarily survived.

Mu Changqing outside the courtyard could not withstand Zhang Ziling's might for a long time, and he even called Mu Tian to come and help. But even so, the two of them did not make any improvement to the status quo.

"What the **** is Lord Demon Emperor doing? Our Holy Land absolutely can't bear such a powerful power. All people in this small world are going to die!" Mu Tian roared, his whole body skin was cracked, and the spiritual power in his body was about to be consumed. Exhausted.

Zhang Ziling was about to collapse Mu Changqing and Mu Tian because of the power that spread out unconsciously.

"Mu Tian, ​​go and evacuate the tribe, fast!" Mu Changqing said to Mu Tian with difficulty, short of breath.

"My ancestor, what do you do?" Mu Tian asked quickly, and now they both can't bear it anymore. If he leaves, I'm afraid the defense line here will collapse in the first time.

"We all have to die here if you don't leave!" Mu Changqing roared out, "Something must have happened to Lord Devil Emperor. This restless and cold power is obviously a breeding ground for heart demon! Even if you stay here, It's useless, so I might as well evacuate the tribe!"

"Damn it!" Hearing Mu Changqing's words, Mu Tian sipped fiercely, and then quickly sacrificed all the treasures in his space ring and pushed them directly over the Zhang Ziling courtyard.

"Sacrifice!" Mu Tian quickly squeezed the technique, refining all his treasures into spiritual power, to bless the barrier.

Mu Tian's move is equivalent to taking in all his wealth.

After doing all this, Mu Tian bowed to Mu Changqing, and then turned into a light to escape into the distance, and began to drive all the Mu family out of the small world.

"This bastard, there are so many ways!" Mu Changqing looked at the magical weapons that Mu Tian sacrificed and couldn't help but shook his head and laughed.

Using the energy produced by refining the magic weapon as a barrier, such an extravagant approach... I am afraid that few people in the world can do this.

However, Mu Changqing also began to look good, sacrificing all his **** weapons and treasures, and refining them to bless the barrier!

"It should be possible to hold it for a while now." After offering his **** weapon, Mu Tiandun felt a lot more relaxed and began to regain his spiritual power.

"Master Devil...Don't worry about it anymore, we can't afford it!" Mu Changqing looked at the dense black mist in the courtyard and read it worriedly.

Now it is only possible for them to hold on for a while to gain time for the Mu family to evacuate.

In the end, Mu Changqing will never survive.

In the courtyard, the Heaven Seeker was completely numb at this moment. It looked at the eight demons that appeared in front of him, and the demons that were breeding in Zhang Ziling, without any fluctuations in his heart.

"Boss, when are you going to wake up, do you give a letter!" Xun Tianyi sat on the ground quite bored, completely giving up resistance.

When Zhang Ziling gave birth to the fourth demon, the Heaven-seeking Apparatus was already numb, and it had thoroughly seen life and death. Now it wanted to know how many hearts Zhang Ziling could breed.

If the heart demon in this courtyard were to run out, it wouldn't be certain if the entire Xuanxiao Continent was still there.

Everyone had to die anyway, Xuntianyi felt much better when he thought of this.

After the ninth heart demon was completely formed, Zhang Ziling finally no black mist appeared, Zhang Ziling's whole body was restored to peace.

Seeing Zhang Ziling returned to normal, the numb face of the heaven seeker suddenly became energetic, and he rushed to the side of Zhang Ziling, watching the nine inner demons guardingly in front of him.

Although in Xuntianyi's view, to deal with the nine demons, even the boss could not have any chance of winning. But if it is the safest place in the world today, Zhang Ziling is undoubtedly the best choice.

"Old, boss, are you awake?" asked the heaven seeker in a low voice, floating beside Zhang Ziling, with cold sweat all over.

Although Zhang Ziling is back to normal, Zhang Ziling is not sure whether he woke up or not.

It is not sure, if Zhang Ziling will never wake up...

Tianxun could not imagine such a future.

"Yeah." Suddenly, Zhang Ziling's gentle voice rang in the ears of the Heaven Seeker, making Heaven Seeker so excited that he almost didn't cry.

"Old, boss, you finally woke up and terrified me!" After hearing Zhang Ziling's words, Xuntianyi instantly hid behind Zhang Ziling and said loudly.

Zhang Ziling woke up like a sedative to the heaven seeker, which invigorated the heaven seeker.

"Well, something did happen just now." Zhang Ziling grabbed the arm of the heaven seeker and pulled it in front of him, and said lightly.

From the look in Zhang Ziling's eyes, there was no longer any feeling of loss or regret.

Yes, only incomparable depth remains.

Zhang Ziling pulled the Xuntianyi to the front, and saw the nine bewitching demons, the excitement in his heart suddenly disappeared.

At this time, Xun Tianyi realized that Zhang Ziling's awakening did not mean that the crisis was over.

With nine demons of equal strength, it is impossible for anyone in this world to defeat them!

Seeing the nine demons, Tianxun's body could not stop shaking: "Boss, shall we run now?"

It must be impossible to fight. If you run, Tianxunyi believes that they have such a glimmer of hope of running out.

Hearing the words of Xuntianyi, Zhang Ziling suddenly laughed: "Run? Why run?"

"You don't need to run?" Tianxunyi was stunned, completely unable to believe what Zhang Ziling said.

Xuntianyi didn't think Zhang Ziling would have any chance of winning when facing the nine demons at the same time.

"Of course you don't have to run." Zhang Ziling smiled and walked towards the nine demons without any defense at all.

"Boss!" Seeing that Zhang Ziling took the initiative to move forward, Xun Tianyi wanted to hold Zhang Ziling, but Zhang Ziling just waved his hand slightly and stopped Xun Tianyi.

"Boss, what on earth are you going to do?" Zhang Ziling's strange behavior made Tian Xunyi unable to understand.

"They..." Zhang Ziling walked to a demon and pressed his hand on the shoulder of the demon, "It is a gift from Tianxuan."

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