Return to the Earth as a Bully

Chapter 1484: Soaring soaring soaring soaring!

"Rites, gifts?" Xun Tianyi thought he had heard it wrong, and looked at Zhang Ziling's back without responding for a while.

Are these nine demons a gift?

Xun Tianyi was full of doubts, wondering what kind of gift it was?

Those inner demons are real, monsters with exactly the same strength as Zhang Ziling!

When these nine heart demons went up together, Zhang Ziling had absolutely no resistance.

If these nine spirit demons were the revenge of Heaven, Xuntianyi might still believe it.

"In fact, I didn't expect this to happen, but it was an unexpected surprise from mastering the origin of the Three Thousand Dao Dao."

The more Zhang Ziling talked about the Heaven Seeker, the more confused it became, and it was completely surrounded by Zhang Ziling.

"Not the boss, what are you talking about?" Xun Tianyi asked questioningly, "Why don't these demons attack the boss?"

"Isn't that heart demon very fierce last time?"

"These demons are different." Zhang Ziling smiled, "Look at it, you will understand later."

"I hope you can stay calm."

Having said that, Zhang Ziling did not give too much explanation to the Heaven Seeker, and began to focus all his attention on the inner demon.

At the moment, Xun Tianyi stopped asking more questions, looking at Zhang Ziling with all his attention, wanting to know what Zhang Ziling was doing.

But one thing about the heaven seeker is now certain. These inner demons were created by Zhang Ziling on their own initiative, and there is no threat to them.

As long as they are safe, the heaven seeker is at ease.

Soon, the heart demon who was held down by Zhang Ziling's shoulders began to transform into energy, continuously pouring into Zhang Ziling's body.

"This, this is..." Seeing the change of the inner demon, Xun Tianyi almost didn't stare out, and a turbulent wave in his heart!

Zhang Ziling is here, but he is the demon!

At this moment, the heaven seeker suddenly thought of a possibility that the whole person could not even breathe because of the excitement.

Every monk wants to become stronger, he must cut off his own demons.

Once successfully cut off, the power of the heart demon will be completely absorbed by the body, doubling the power of the body...

Although the process of fighting with the heart demon is extremely dangerous, once the monk removes the heart demon, the gains are extremely huge!

The heart demon can be said to be a catastrophe that every monk needs to overcome, and it can be said that every monk will have a great fortune!

Everyone's life will only breed a demon, this is the law.

But now, Xuntianyi saw with his own eyes that Zhang Ziling had nurtured nine demons, and those nine demons did not pose any threat to the body!


The sky seeker felt that he was going to faint because of lack of oxygen, because he couldn't imagine the chance.

Every time he absorbs a heart demon, Zhang Ziling's strength will double.

"This, this..." Tianxun's body trembled violently, and his eyes were filled with excitement.

If this is really the case, it doesn't matter what the gods and Buddhas are, and what is the avenue of heaven and earth...

"Boss!" Xun Tianyi roared out excitedly, watching Zhang Ziling completely absorb the demons!

The strength soared, and the spiritual power in Zhang Ziling's body was like turning over the river and the sea, the endless supreme power exploded and turned into a dragon roar.

Following Zhang Ziling's strength soaring, there are the remaining eight demons!

Wanton laughter appeared on their faces, endless power burst out, and the whole small world began to crack!

The strength of the inner demon is always in sync with the body!

"Converge a little bit."

Zhang Ziling's calm voice sounded in the courtyard, and a group of inner demons actually obeyed Zhang Ziling's orders and condensed all their bursting strength, seeing Xun Tianyi dumbfounded.

Xuntianyi had never heard of it, and the inner demon could be so obedient.

Zhang Ziling did not show the slightest shock or surprise about this. After he absorbed one inner demon, Zhang Ziling walked to another inner demon.

"Guru!" Tianxunyi swallowed slightly, watching Zhang Ziling put his hand on the shoulder of the heart demon, paying attention.


The heart demon held by Zhang Ziling also did not have any accidents, directly turned into energy like a rushing river, rushing into Zhang Ziling's body roughly.

The dark magic energy surging around Zhang Ziling, the entire courtyard became pitch black, and Tian Xun Yi felt that he had seen the origin of the world.

The entire Xuanxiao Continent was faintly surging with thunder, and the outer cosmic nebula was changing, seeming to be welcoming the Lord's coming!

At this moment, everyone in the Xuanxiao Continent thought of the Devil Emperor inexplicably, and they didn't know why.

The law of the Three Thousand Avenues is a carnival!

Xuntianyi's eyes widened, not wanting to miss any detail!

The second heart demon was also completely absorbed by Zhang Ziling.

"Um..." After absorbing the second heart demon, Zhang Ziling exhaled a suffocating breath, and the surrounding space began to shatter.

Just breathing, it was the small world of Mu Family Holy Land that began to fall apart.

Tianxunyi pursed his mouth and stepped back subconsciously. It suddenly became a little scared, but it was more excited.

Zhang Ziling's current power is no longer definable.

The strength of the remaining seven inner demons was the same as before, in sync with Zhang Ziling.

"Hahaha!" Seeing such a situation, Tianxunyi laughed happily, as if its strength was soaring.

In fact, when Xuntianyi knew that there were people behind Tiandao, Xuntianyi began to worry, fearing that his boss would not be able to deal with the next situation.

But from now on... everything seems to be less important.

Zhang Ziling closed his eyes and felt it carefully, a faint smile hung on the handsome face, and the surging power made Zhang Ziling feel more amazing than ever.

But Zhang Ziling didn't enjoy this feeling for long, and then he set his sights on the next demon.

Zhang Ziling smiled at the inner demon, and then the inner demon took the initiative to flood into Zhang Ziling's body.

Time and time again, Zhang Ziling continued to absorb the remaining demons.

Mu Changqing outside the courtyard has no pressure at all at this moment, he can't even feel the breath of Zhang Ziling, the whole person is extremely relaxed.

However, Mu Changqing still did not dare to enter the courtyard to see what happened inside.

Mu Changqing froze with the epic laughter from the heaven seeker. Mu Changqing didn't understand why there was a neurosis laughing in the courtyard of Lord Demon Emperor.

Soon, there was only one heart demon in the courtyard. He and Zhang Ziling were all lit up with pale white halos. The surrounding space was not broken by their every move, but it seemed that Zhang Ziling and the others had merged into it.

"Boss, where's your power?" Xun Tianyi suddenly realized that she couldn't feel Zhang Ziling's power, and her whole person became a little panicked.

Will it be the opposite?

If this is the case, the Heaven Seeker might cry to death.

Hearing Xuntianyi's question with deep concern, Zhang Ziling just squinted at Xuntianyi and said softly, "Don't worry, it's still there."

Zhang Ziling's voice fell, and the last heart demon also smiled at the Sky Seeker, and then it turned into smoke and disappeared between the world and the earth.

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