Return to the Earth as a Bully

Chapter 1485: The ambition of the evil emperor

Seeing the last heart demon turned into smoke and disappeared, Xun Tianyi couldn't help flashing a trace of doubt in his eyes, and quickly asked: "Boss, this last heart demon?"

Xuntianyi didn't understand why Zhang Ziling didn't absorb this last demon.

"It doesn't make any sense to absorb the last heart demon, but it will do bad things. He naturally has other effects." Zhang Ziling gave Heaven Seeker a simple explanation.

Hearing Zhang Ziling's words, Xun Tianyi nodded its head unexpectedly. Although it didn't understand why the boss did that, Xun Tianyi believed that the boss must have his own intentions.

No longer entangled with this matter, Tianxun became excited again, looking at Zhang Ziling and asking: "How is the boss now? What realm is it?"

Zhang Ziling just shook his head, looked at his palm, and shook it slightly: "I am not very clear, but I have a feeling that I seem to be beyond the previous realm."

"Super, surpassed... Supreme?" The Heaven Seeker's voice trembled a bit, only feeling that his legs were soft.

The Supreme was supposed to be a realm that Xuanxiao Continent had never had before, but now Zhang Ziling said that he was beyond the Supreme...

This kind of incredible thing, Tianxunyi couldn't believe it, but Tianxunyi had to believe it. The eight soul demons just absorbed it.

"Let's not talk about this first, I have other things to do." Zhang Ziling exposed this topic, and did not say much in his own realm.

Although Zhang Ziling's cultivation base has improved so much, Zhang Ziling had no evenly matched enemies before.

Even if Zhang Ziling's strength increased sharply, without a strength reference, Zhang Ziling couldn't see the difference between himself and before.

"Yes, right! Now that the boss's strength has soared, and he has mastered the origin of the Three Thousand Great Dao, the law of time will surely be too. Let's go and save His Royal Highness Ziyou, as well as Heaven!" Xuntianyi nodded like a chicken pecking at rice. Zhang Ziling said excitedly.

With Zhang Ziling's current strength, Xun Tianyi believes that Zhang Ziling can do everything.

However, Zhang Ziling shook his head unexpectedly by Xun Tianyi.

"Boss?" Xuntianyi looked at Zhang Ziling suspiciously, not understanding why Zhang Ziling shook his head.

Hasn't the boss always wanted to rescue His Highness Ziyou? And Tiandao is still waiting for the boss to save...

"It's not what you think." Zhang Ziling gave a helpless look at Xuntianyi, "I also want to find Xie Wushuang to save Ziyou, but I have just used the law of time to spy on the long river of time, the entire Xuanxiao continent There is no trace of Ziyou and Xie Wushuang in history."

Hearing what Zhang Ziling said, Tianxun's brows frowned: "How could this be?"

The long river of time encompasses everything in the past, present and future, and it is impossible for Ziyou and Xie Wushuang to disappear.

"The guy Xie Wushuang used the Law of Time and the Law of Causality to separate himself and Zi You from the long river of time. The two of them are like rootless duckweed floating on the banks of the long river of time."

"Furthermore, I found that from the time when Tianxuan was taken away, there was a fault in the Time Long River, and the downstream of Time Long River became chaotic. All cause and effect, time, and space were all mixed together, and the future became uncontrollable. , Does not exist." Zhang Ziling said calmly, recognizing the reality.

"In other words, no one can find the exact individual in the chaos, and Xie Wushuang may have taken Ziyou into the chaos."

"Boss mean...we still can't find your Highness Ziyou?" Xun Tianyi felt a bit dry in his throat, and the whole person was a little sad.

Zhang Ziling nodded, but shook his head again.

"Yes, and no. Although we can't find anyone in the chaos, as long as we split the chaos in the future and suture the long river of time, we can find Ziyou."

"Xie Wushuang told me at the time that Zi You was waiting for me on my path to the ultimate, and it should be to let me split the chaos of the future." At this point, Zhang Ziling couldn't help but flash a red light in his eyes. "This guy is still in his game now!"

Hearing what Zhang Ziling said, Xuntianyi opened his mouth, but didn't know what to say.

This is really... too scary!

In Xuntianyi's heart, the evaluation of the evil emperor has been even higher.

The fear of the evil emperor does not lie in his strength.

In today's world, whether it is the **** king or the existence behind the heavenly path, the heaven seeker may not be able to resist it.

In other words, the evil emperor might not even be ranked in strength among the top figures hidden in this universe.

What is terrifying about the evil emperor is his layout, his planning, and his...ambition.

"I'm afraid I was wrong in my previous speculation. Xie Wushuang's layout on the earth did not allow me to destroy God's Court, or Mie God's Court was just his hand." At this moment, Zhang Ziling frowned slightly and whispered to himself.

"One of his purposes is to take Ziyou away, and the other is to let me accept Xingyu as a succession disciple, and use Ziyou's departure to stimulate Xingyu and stimulate Xingyu's talent."

"The role of the gods is just to trap me in the gods for a few days, so that the talents of the stars in the world can be fully stimulated and one of the ten supreme laws can be understood."

When Zhang Ziling said this, Xun Tianyi couldn't help but his eyes widened, and he was shocked to speak.

"And what Xie Wushuang wants me to do on Earth is just to bring Xingyu, who already has the aptitude as a child of chaos, to Xuanxiao Continent, and everything that happens after that will happen naturally. It is already a certainty."

"Xie Wushuang created a son of Chaos, Xie Wushang in advance, and then waited for Xingyu to wake up and become the second son of Chaos. By then, the luck of Xuanxiao Continent would definitely not be enough, and Tianxuan would definitely take other worlds for me. Qi Luck, then Tian Xuan would violate the rules and provoke the anger behind her and be punished."

"The Xuanxiao Continent will also become uncontrollable in the future because of the loss of Heaven's Dao. He can hide better."

Zhang Ziling muttered, couldn't help looking up at the sky, his fists began to clenched.

"The evil emperor...sure enough, all of this is still in your game. I'm afraid you have known for a long time that there is a more powerful existence behind the way of heaven, what you are planning... is really the ultimate in this world?"

Listening to Zhang Ziling's analysis, the celestial seeker on the side had already formed a mass of paste in his mind. Xie Wushuang's chess game was linked to each other, making the celestial seeker feel extremely suffocated.

When Zhang Ziling uncovered a corner of the chess game with all beings from the heavens and the earth as the pieces, he could clearly feel...

Xie Wushuang's suffocating ambition.

"I haven't seen his plan thoroughly yet, but I'm sure... the evil emperor will not show his fangs easily until the last moment!"

Zhang Ziling said in a low voice, but he also sincerely admired the evil emperor. Zhang Ziling thought that he could not do the evil emperor's ambitions.

If Zhang Ziling went to the extreme of strength, then Xie Wushuang went to the extreme of wisdom.

"The boss, let' do we move the next move?" Xun Tianyi asked hoarsely, it no longer wanted to think, the evil emperor's chess game exceeded his vision.

Hearing Tianxun's inquiry, Zhang Ziling smiled, watching a colorless fire on the tip of his index finger ignite and extinguish, continuously circulating.

"Didn't the evil emperor give us a hint?"


"Ancient Gods Court, King of the Gods."

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