Return to the Earth as a Bully

Chapter 1486: New arrivals, dialogue between master and disciple

"God King?" Hearing Zhang Ziling's words, Xun Tianyi couldn't help but think of the eyes he saw in the forbidden ground of Baishi Academy. Now Xuntianyi has lingering fears and is quite scared.

"Well, it is estimated that when we find the King of Gods, perhaps on the way to find the King of Gods, we will be able to know what to do next." Zhang Ziling nodded, the whole person was very calm, as if everything was in his grasp.


"What about the Dao that day? How should we save it?" Xuntianyi asked again, and it suddenly discovered that there was still a lot of things waiting for them to do.

"Now I can't perceive where Heaven's Dao is, maybe she is no longer in this world." Zhang Ziling shook his head slightly and began to clean up the mess around.

"But I believe that one day I can see her again, don't worry." Zhang Ziling muttered to himself, and the surrounding courtyard was restored to its original shape at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Not only this courtyard, but the entire small world of Mu's Holy Land is recovering at an unimaginable speed, and those broken spaces are beginning to heal, and even become stronger than before.

"Xuanxiao Continent is still there, Tianxuan will not die."

Seeing Zhang Ziling's magical methods, Tian Xun Yi didn't feel shocked. Instead, he continued to care and ask: "Boss, can you beat the people behind the Dao of Heaven?"

"And how do you compare with the boss?"

"The boss of the evil emperor can you trample to death now?"

Hearing question after question from Tian Xun Yi, Zhang Ziling couldn't help but glance at Tian Xun Yi, then grabbed it with a big hand: "Give me back obediently!"

"Eh! Old, boss, don't..." The Heaven Seeker didn't want to return to Zhang Ziling so quickly, but no matter how the Heaven Seeker struggled, it didn't have any resistance and was easily received by Zhang Ziling.

After Xun Tianyi was taken back by Zhang Ziling, the courtyard instantly became quiet, leaving only Zhang Ziling and Xingyu still lying on the ground.

"Next, let's play slowly." Zhang Ziling said a strange smile at the corner of his mouth, saying something inexplicable.

At this moment, Xingyu woke up in a leisurely manner, and there was starlight in his eyes, but it was fleeting.

"This is..." Xingyu sat up, looked at the strange scenes around him with a face of confusion, only feeling his head dizzy.

"you're awake?"

Zhang Ziling's soft voice rang in Xingyu's ear, and Xingyu woke up instantly.

"Master Nine Emperors?" Xingyu quickly stood up from the ground and looked at Zhang Ziling nervously.

Although Xingyu is very confused by the strange clothes Zhang Ziling is wearing now, Xingyu will never forget Zhang Ziling's face and Zhang Ziling's voice.

"How many times did I say? What should you call me?" Zhang Ziling looked at Xingyu and scolded.

After being scolded by Zhang Ziling, Xingyu stood straighter, looking at Zhang Ziling tremblingly and shouting: "Master, Master."

Hearing Xingyu's cry, Zhang Ziling nodded in satisfaction, and then said lightly: "Now you have any questions, and I will help you answer if necessary."

Xingyu swallowed slightly, and then took a careful look at the surroundings. Seeing the antique layout around him, Xingyu finally asked himself the first question with difficulty: "Master... where is this place?" "

After Xingyu got the inheritance of Zhang Ziling, he had been in a coma, and Xingyu didn't know what happened next.

Xingyu even thought this was the earth.

But no matter how you look at the surrounding environment, you don't want to be the earth.

At least Xingyu had never breathed such fresh air before, and just breathing could refresh himself.

Moreover, the degree of spiritual power around this area can be called thick.

"This is the Xuanxiao Continent, not the earth. You can understand that this is the alien world described in the earth novel." Zhang Ziling patiently explained to Xingyu. After all, Xingyu has just woke up, and there must be a lot of confusion for a while. Place, "And you, you have passed through."

Zhang Ziling needs to let Xingyu accept the current situation before proceeding to the next step.

"Xuan, Xuanxiao Continent? Crossing?" Xingyu was stunned, his head suddenly crashed, he did not expect that he was just sleeping, and the world had undergone earth-shaking changes.

But soon Xingyu seemed to think of something. The confused expression on his face turned into ecstasy, and the whole person asked Zhang Ziling excitedly: "Master, is Master Ziyou in Xuanxiao Continent?"

Xingyu was once sunk because of Zhang Ziyou's departure, and now Xingyu's potential to inspire the Son of Chaos has a lot to do with Zhang Ziyou.

Seeing Xingyu's excitement, Zhang Ziling couldn't help but shook his head and smiled, saying, "She is indeed here."

Xingyu's appearance reminded Zhang Ziling of the way Xingyu met him for the first time, kneeling down and begging to save Ziyou.

In the eight years since Zhang Ziling left the earth, Zi You was lucky to find such a good apprentice Xingyu.

At least, when Zhang Ziling was not with Zi You, Zi You would not feel too lonely.

Hearing Zhang Ziling's affirmative answer, Xingyu became more excited. He wanted to rescue Zi You back in his dreams. Now that he came to Xuanxiao Continent, he would definitely be able to see Master Zi You!

"Master, where is Master Ziyou?" Xingyu asked Zhang Ziling urgently, even temporarily forgetting his fear of Zhang Ziling.

"You can't see Ziyou now." Zhang Ziling's words like a basin of cold water poured directly on Xingyu's head, and Xingyu's excitement instantly cooled down.

Xingyu opened his mouth and held it back for a long time before carefully asking, "Well, Master Na Ziyou..."

"Don't worry, Zi You is safe, but it's not the time to bring her back, so you can take care of yourself." Zhang Ziling didn't want to explain too much about this to Xingyu, so he had to say so.

Although Zi You is now with Xie Wushuang, Zhang Ziling still believes that Xie Wushuang can at least guarantee Zi You's safety.

At least before I saw Ziyou, Ziyou was safe.

"Oh." Xingyu's mood became a little low, but Xingyu soon adjusted and regrouped.

Besides, he has now reached the Xuanxiao Continent. Compared with the helpless and desperate situation on Earth, he is much better now.

After adjusting his state, Xingyu looked at Zhang Ziling again and asked seriously: "Master, you brought me to this Xuanxiao Continent, what do you need me to do?"

"Become stronger." Zhang Ziling stared at Xingyu and replied earnestly.

"Becoming stronger?" A hint of doubt flashed behind Xingyu's eyes, "Master, you are strong enough, even if I become more powerful, I am afraid I can't help you master, right?"

Zhang Ziling shook his head and looked at Xingyu and said, "You don't want to belittle yourself. There is only one younger generation in Xuanxiao Continent that can match yours."

"It's just a matter of time before you become the emperor."

"Next, this Xuanxiao Continent requires a lot of strength, and you have to take part of the responsibility."

"I, I... are so powerful?" Xingyu was a little confused, and some couldn't believe what Zhang Ziling said.

When he first arrived, he has to assume part of the responsibilities of Xuanxiao Continent?

Xingyu couldn't imagine.

Seeing Xingyu’s self-doubt now, Zhang Ziling laughed and stretched out his hand to pat Xingyu’s shoulder and said, "You will understand later, and now there is no need to put too much pressure. I will take you with you during this time. After you get acquainted with this period of time, I will let you go out to practice, and then it will be dead or alive..."

A red light flashed in Zhang Ziling's eyes.

"It depends on your good fortune."

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