Return to the Earth as a Bully

Chapter 1487: A little compensation

Zhang Ziling's last words were a bit gloomy, which really frightened Xingyu.

"Master, Master?" Xingyu looked at Zhang Ziling's serious look, feeling that his legs were a little soft, and he didn't know what to say now.

If he really left him alone on this strange continent, Xingyu didn't know how many days he could live.

The alien continent, don't even think about it, know that it is full of crises.

"Haha, you brat, you have to practice again!" Seeing Xingyu's distress, Zhang Ziling laughed and patted Xingyu's shoulder.

"Don't worry, I will put you by my side to exercise for a while before you can stand alone. After all, letting you out now will only make you a ration for other monsters, or be captured by other monks as a slave."

"I know, I know." Xingyu looked at Zhang Ziling and smiled reluctantly. I don't know why, Xingyu always felt that Zhang Ziling's comfort did not make him relieved, but made Xingyu more awe of the world.

However, what Zhang Ziling wanted was Xingyu's awe of this world.

After all, the aptitude of Xingyu Chaos Son was given by this world.

"That's it, these days just in time for Hongye City to be lively, you follow me to see the world." Zhang Ziling smiled and decided to take Xingyu out for a tour.

Although the incident had happened before, and even Heavenly Dao disappeared, but for the current Hongye City, the disappearance of Tianxuan did not have much impact.

The origin of the Three Thousand Avenue is still here in Zhang Ziling, the world rules of the Xuanxiao Continent are still functioning normally, everything is living normally, and few people know what is happening in this world.

To insist on the impact of this incident on Hongye City, I am afraid that in the process of Zhang Ziling's absorption of the inner demon, the Mu family moved all the people out of the holy land, and the entire Mu Mansion was filled.

The actions of the Mu family caused quite a stir in the Red Leaf City. Almost everyone was wondering if something was wrong with the Mu family, and even some careerists began to secretly start small actions, as long as they discovered something was wrong with the Mu family, They were ready to tear off a piece of meat from Mu's body.

Although Hongye City was surging, it was also a small nine among the big forces, and it did not have much influence on the younger generation of Tianjiao who came to Hongye City.

The Hundred Academy Conference is approaching, and the tutors of the various colleges are also leading the best students from their colleges to Hongye City, preparing to participate in the triennial event.

Many geniuses are gearing up to show off their style at the event, and then become famous.

In these recent days, in order to maintain the order of Hongye City, the Mu family has specially set up competition stations everywhere, just to let those young and restless college geniuses fight privately before the conference, and all kinds of grievances and disputes can be used for competition. Solve it on stage to avoid chaos in the city.

Many monks in Hongye City therefore squatted around the martial arts platform all day to watch the young talents of various colleges compete and fight, and even idlers opened the handicap when the famous geniuses were dueling, which made the atmosphere of Hongye City become more lively .

Such a lively situation is naturally the Mu Family and Hongye City's major forces are willing to watch. After all, Zhang Ziling's disturbance in Hongye City a while ago was too loud, and they urgently needed other things to divert everyone's attention.

"Mu Changqing? What are you doing here?"

Zhang Ziling took Xingyu out of the courtyard and saw Mu Changqing alone at the door, raising an eyebrow and asked.

Before Zhang Ziling paid too much attention to other things, he did not pay much attention to the situation outside the courtyard.

Seeing Zhang Ziling finally came out, Mu Changqing couldn't help but heaved a sigh of relief, with a smile on his face, and said to Zhang Ziling: "Master Devil, the movement you just made in the yard is a bit big, I am a little worried, so ..."

"This is because I'm worried, and it has caused you a lot of trouble." Hearing Mu Changqing's words, Zhang Ziling instantly reacted and knew Mu Changqing's intentions.

Mu Changqing waved his hand quickly and said with a smile: "No trouble, no trouble! As long as we don't hinder Lord Devil Emperor, that's enough."

Although Mu Changqing did not know exactly what happened in the courtyard, he did sense the breath of the inner demon.

But now, Zhang Ziling is fine, and there is no trace of the inner demon.

Judging from this point alone, Mu Changqing knew that something major must have happened inside, and it was a major event related to the entire Xuanxiao continent.

Compared to the Devil Emperor killing his own inner demon, Mu Changqing felt that the destruction of the entire Mu family's small world was not a big problem.

"Finally, after all, I still cause you so much trouble. I will give you some compensation. After all, those magic soldiers can't be wasted." Zhang Ziling glanced at a pile of broken bronze iron not far away, and smiled at Mu Changqing Laughed.

Zhang Ziling knew from a glance that Mu Changqing had put all his wealth in in order to condense the barrier.

Thinking of this, Zhang Ziling still feels a little sorry.

The saint's entire wealth, at least, it takes thousands of years to accumulate.

Hearing what Zhang Ziling said, Mu Changqing was not hypocritical, but became extremely excited.

The Devil’s Compensation...

Mu Changqing didn't think that "a little" in the Devil Emperor's mouth was really a little.

With the devil emperor's wealth, Mu Changqing believed that even if the devil emperor casually leaked a little **** from the space ring, it was a treasure to them.

Once Mu Changqing was the book boy of Emperor Yulong, so Mu Changqing knew clearly...As long as he reached the realm of the Emperor, even if the Emperor simply touched an object, he would eventually attach that object to the Emperor's Dao Yun and possess supreme power.

Not to mention the items that were deliberately collected, it was even more supreme for them, especially this was taken out of the Devil Emperor's pocket.

"Thank you, Lord Devil!"

Fearing that Zhang Ziling would go back, Mu Changqing bowed to Zhang Ziling and thanked loudly.

Xingyu behind Zhang Ziling watched Mu Changqing bowing to Zhang Ziling in a daze. He was already shocked by the terrible waves in his heart.

Xingyu felt Mu Changqing's horror when he saw Mu Changqing.

Xingyu felt like a Taishan Mountain was pressing on his shoulders just by the aura radiating from Mu Changqing's body unconsciously.

With such an existence, I am afraid that countless people like him can be killed within a few seconds.

But it is such a powerful existence, in front of the master, it is so respectful or even flattering, which is no different from the performance of the major forces on the earth when facing the nine emperors...

Xingyu has a deeper understanding of Zhang Ziling's strength.

Lord Nine Emperors can not only conquer the situation on the earth, and behold sentient beings, even in the Xuanxiao Continent where there are many immortals and gods... it is an invincible existence!

Xingyu looked towards Zhang Ziling's back subconsciously, and suddenly felt that Zhang Ziling was getting taller.

"This is my compensation. Although it is not a particularly precious thing, I think you should be able to use it."

Zhang Ziling took out a piece of jade slip, entered a martial art, and gave it to Mu Changqing.

Mu Changqing solemnly accepted the jade slip, looking forward to the martial arts or exercises inside.

"At the same time when the Emperor Yulong and I evolved the technique of the True Dragon Heart Sutra, there was actually its supporting emperor martial art, the Burning Dragon Transformation. I improved it a little bit and used this martial skill to match the True Dragon Heart Sutra. It can increase its strength tenfold."

When Zhang Ziling said these words, Mu Changqing's hands shook suddenly, and he almost didn't throw the jade slip in his hand.

Strength increased ten times...

Mu Changqing's mouth was a little dry, and his body trembled slightly.

For their Mu Family, this Burning Dragon Transformation is absolutely worth far more than everything in the Mu Family Holy Land!

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