Xingyu looked at Mu Changqing's excited look, and was very curious about what kind of treasure Zhang Ziling took out.

Xingyu first entered the Xuanxiao Continent and didn't know what the "burning dragon change" actually meant.

That represents the rise of a top power!

Mu Changqing himself is the Great Perfection of the saint, and he was only one step away from being able to step into the half-emperor. If he uses the Burning Dragon Decree to increase his power tenfold, then Mu Changqing can truly be called the first person under the Great Emperor. The status of the Namu family will also be improved as never before.

Even after the Mu family became the largest clan in the wasteland, it was not impossible to completely suppress other families.

"Many, thank you Lord Demon Emperor for your love!" Mu Changqing couldn't say anything at this moment, but his eyes started to turn red.

This "Burning Dragon Transformation" does not only mean an emperor martial art, it also has greater significance for Mu Changqing!

The Emperor Yulong disappeared, and the Dragon Gate of the Prosperous Age was destroyed in the war three thousand years ago. All the things left by the Emperor Yulong were swept away by the Allied Forces of the Three Hundred Holy Lands. He risked his death to steal the "True Dragon Heart Sutra" and escape. Out, and drifted into the wasteland of Shenzhou on Jiu Yao, living carefully.

Mu Changqing didn't even know how much hardship he had suffered before he would come to where he is today.

Now seeing the "Burning Dragon Transformation" in his hands, Mu Changqing once again thought of Emperor Yulong.


Mu Changqing knelt down towards Zhang Ziling, looked at Zhang Ziling with red eyes, and asked with a trembling, "Master Devil Emperor, junior...I have something to ask."

Zhang Ziling looked at Mu Changqing calmly, but did nothing to get Mu Changqing up, but said lightly: "Say."

"Master Devil knows that Emperor Yulong's old man... where did he go?" After Mu Changqing asked, he looked at Zhang Ziling expectantly.

Not long after Zhang Ziling left, more than half of the great emperors on the Xuanxiao Continent suddenly disappeared, and everyone thought that they had left after Zhang Ziling.

Mu Changqing is no exception.

Now that the Devil Emperor has returned, Mu Changqing believes that the Emperor Dragon must be somewhere too, perhaps the Emperor Dragon has also returned.

Hearing Mu Changqing's words and looking at Mu Changqing's expectant eyes, Zhang Ziling couldn't help but sighed slightly.

Obviously, Mu Changqing and the Emperor Dragon have been waiting for thousands of years.

However, Zhang Ziling thought of the reincarnation of an era that the emperor could not escape.

Although the emperor had already stood at the pinnacle of the world, since ancient times, apart from Xie other emperor has ever escaped the nightmare of this reincarnation.

Although the Xuanxiao Continent is now in the flourishing age of cultivation, with a hundred flowers blooming, it has to be is the end of this era.

The Emperor Yulong disappeared, and obviously he did not escape that cycle.

After Tianxuan also disappeared, Zhang Ziling was able to faintly guess why the emperor disappeared, but Zhang Ziling didn't know how to talk to Mu Changqing.

Perhaps, Emperor Yulong has already died.

"I do not know."

Finally Zhang Ziling spoke, spit out these cold four characters, letting Mu Changqing's expectations come to nothing.

"I know." Hearing what Zhang Ziling said, the excitement in Mu Changqing's heart was gone. He thought he had come out of the disappearance of Emperor Yulong for thousands of years, but now Mu Changqing Qingcai found out that he had never put down Emperor Yulong.

He was just a little book boy at the beginning, if it weren't for Emperor Yulong, he would never have today.

Seeing Mu Changqing's low look, Zhang Ziling sighed slightly, just patted Mu Changqing on the shoulder, and without saying anything, he walked forward with Xingyu.

Perhaps Mu Changqing should be glad that he is still in the realm of saints.

"Call all your people back, this small world is empty, blame it for being deserted." After Zhang Ziling and Xingyu disappeared in the distance, Mu Changqing heard Zhang Ziling's words.

"Yes." Mu Changqing recovered, took a deep breath, and cheered up again.

The three-hundred holy land coalition has not yet been destroyed, and there are still many things he has to do.

Without paying attention to Mu Changqing, Zhang Ziling took Xingyu directly out of the Mu's small world.

"Master, do we just leave him alone?" After leaving the Mu Family Holy Land and coming to Mu Mansion, Xingyu finally couldn't hold it back anymore and asked Zhang Ziling worriedly.

Mu Changqing's state just now was really bad.

"His age is the ancestor of your ancestor, do you need to worry about it?" Zhang Ziling glanced at Xingyu and joked.

If Mu Changqing's Dao Xin was affected only because of Zhang Ziling's words, then Mu Changqing would have been swallowed by the heart demon a long time ago, how can there be today?

Being complained by Zhang Ziling, Xingyu couldn't help but shrink his neck, no longer caring about Mu Changqing, and focused his attention on the surrounding buildings, with endless curiosity in his eyes.

For Xingyu, everything in this world is very fresh.

Because all the Mu's family were brought out by Mu Tian, ​​even though many of the Mu's family have gone to Hongye City now, the Mu's house is still extremely crowded.

Zhang Ziling took Xingyu out of the room and found that Mu Mansion was full of people.

"Teacher! Are you all right!"

Not long after Zhang Ziling came out of the Mu Family Holy Land, Mu Ke squeezed out of the crowd and ran to Zhang Ziling anxiously, looking at Zhang Ziling and asking worriedly.

"I heard from the Patriarch that something big happened to you."

The entire Mu family had been driven out, and Mu Ke was extremely worried about Zhang Ziling.

Had it not been for Mu Tian's strict order to prohibit anyone from entering the Mu's Holy Land, and even sent a strong man to guard the entrance of the Mu's Holy Land, Mu Ke had already sneaked in.

Mu Ke is one of the people who knows Zhang Ziling's identity. Some time ago, Mu Kedu deliberately stayed away from Zhang Ziling because Zhang Ziling was the devil emperor. Mu Ke always thought that his identity was not worthy of Zhang Ziling's students and was very inferior.

However, after this incident occurred in the Mu family, Mu Ke found that...Even if she was far away from Zhang Ziling, she was still very worried about Zhang Ziling.

Looking at Mu Ke's worried look, Zhang Ziling couldn't help but feel warmth in his heart.

And when Mu Ke found Zhang Ziling staring at him, a panic flashed across his face, he stepped back subconsciously, and quickly said: ", my lord, I, I didn't mean to approach you, I ,I'm just……"

She is just a small figure in Nirvana, and Zhang Ziling is the devil emperor, and Mu Ke doesn't think he is qualified to talk to Zhang Ziling.

When I was a student of the Devil Emperor, it was just that the Devil Emperor hid his identity and collected it casually, and he couldn't take it seriously.

Seeing Mu Ke retreating, the humbleness flashing in her eyes, Zhang Ziling couldn't help feeling a little distressed, and directly reached out and grabbed Mu Ke's hand, pulling Mu Ke closer to him.

"The Devil Emperor..." Mu Ke was suddenly confused.

"Silly girl, how long has it been since I came to the teacher to guide you?" Zhang Ziling put a hand on Mu Ke's head and rubbed, "Could it be that I can't teach you anything?"

He was rubbing his head by Zhang Ziling and hearing these words Zhang Ziling said, Mu Ke's body was shocked and his eyes suddenly turned red.

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