Return to the Earth as a Bully

Chapter 1489: You guys have a fight

"Master Devil, am I or I still one of your students?" Mu Ke summoned up the courage to ask Zhang Ziling, with a certain expectation in his eyes.

Although Mu Ke deliberately stayed away from Zhang Ziling after he knew Zhang Ziling's true identity, even Mu Ke didn't know what his true feelings for Zhang Ziling were in his heart.

Perhaps at this moment, Mu Ke's real emotions were completely revealed in his eyes.

Mu Ke didn't want Zhang Ziling to be further and further away from him.

"How long is this, why didn't even the teacher call?" Zhang Ziling tapped Mu Ke's head, pretending to be angry.

After being knocked by Zhang Ziling, Mu Ke not only didn't feel the pain, but also laughed happily: "No, no, the students dare not."

Is this... affirmed?

Mu Ke couldn't stop jumping for joy.

"Eh, look! Mu Ke actually laughed!"

"How long has it been? I remember that after the immortal came to our Mu's retreat, I didn't seem to have seen Mu Ke laugh."

"It seems that they have a deep sense of mentor and apprenticeship. Mu Ke was happy when the Shangxian came out. I don't know what the Shangxian has. It will be so valued by the Patriarch and Patriarch!" He noticed that Mu Ke and Zhang Ziling in the crowd began to whisper, with a smile on their faces.

Different from the people of Mu Ying's line, the people of Mu Renxiong's lineage basically have a good impression of Zhang Ziling. After Zhang Ziling came, their position in the Mu family has risen linearly, and Mu Renxiong also got the head of the family. The reuse of it may even become the next owner of the house.

Zhang Ziling's arrival has benefited them a lot, and it is impossible for everyone to feel bad about Zhang Ziling.

The other Mu family members naturally didn't know Zhang Ziling's identity, otherwise they wouldn't be able to tease them leisurely.

Mu Ke couldn't bear the ridicule of the tribe, his face blushed slightly, and then he took Zhang Ziling to escape outside Mu's mansion.

If he continues to stay here, Mu Ke feels he will find a place to sew in.

"Master!" Xingyu watched Zhang Ziling being taken away by Mukola, and he hurried to catch up, not dare to stay here.

The breath of every monk around made Xingyu feel extremely powerful.

The Xuanxiao Continent is really a terrible place!

Soon, Mu Ke took Zhang Ziling and ran out of Mu's house, while Xingyu stood behind them panting.

Xingyu still didn't know how to use spiritual power, and he was just a Qi Gathering Realm, completely incomparable with Zhang Ziling and Mu Ke.

Although Mu's Mansion is said to be a mansion, as Hongye City occupies a huge area, the area of ​​Mu's Mansion is about the same size as a town. Xingyu chasing Zhang Ziling out of Mu's Mansion is already his limit.

The spiritual power in the body has disappeared.

"Don't, don't run, I can't run anymore," Xingyu gasped and said, really reaching the limit.

"Okay Mu Ke, stop, there is no one around who knows you anymore." Zhang Ziling stopped and said with a smile at Mu Ke, whose face was still pink.

Zhang Ziling did not expect that Mu Ke would run so far because of shyness.

"Huh..." Mu Ke stretched out his hand to fan, then smiled and stuck out his tongue at Zhang Ziling.

Just now, Mu Ke tried his best to run, not only because of shyness, but also to get rid of all the gloom she had accumulated before.

Now Mu Ke is back to normal.

"Teacher, who is he?" After stopping, Mu Ke pointed to the panting Xingyu behind Zhang Ziling.

Xie Wushuang had disappeared, but now there was another Qi-gathering guy beside Zhang Ziling, and Mu Ke was naturally very curious.

"He is my inheritance disciple, and he will exercise by my side during this time." Seeing Mu Ke asked, Zhang Ziling also explained with a smile.

"He? Is the teacher's inheritance disciple?" Mu Ke exclaimed, thinking he had heard it wrong.

In Mu Ke's cognition, even the disciples of the saint's inheritance are unparalleled peerless geniuses, and they can outnumber their peers at a young age.

But Xingyu was twenty years old now, and his realm was still in the Qi Gathering realm. It was obvious that he was a type of person who was not suitable for cultivation, and could only make a living in the world of ordinary people.

Mu Ke really did not expect that Tangtang Devil Emperor would accept this kind of guy as his disciple.

This is incredible.

Seeing Mu Ke pointing at him, Xingyu couldn't help but beckoned to Mu Ke and smiled, but he was still breathing heavily, obviously exhausted.

Mu Ke looked at Xingyu's shy look, but couldn't figure out where Xingyu could be seen by Zhang Ziling.

"You can't just look at the surface, even if you fight with Xingyu, you may not be able to beat Xingyu." Zhang Ziling said to Mu Ke with a smile, not at all joking.

"Just rely on him? Just a guy in the Qi Gathering Realm?" Mu Ke couldn't help raising his voice a bit. Although Zhang Ziling said this, Mu Ke still didn't believe it.

Mu Ke raised Xingyu by two great realms. If all this can be lost, then Mu Ke's cultivation in these years would have been in vain.

"Master, stop joking, how could I be her opponent?" Xingyu on the side could not help but yelled out. Although he didn't know Mu Ke, Xingyu could feel something from Mu Ke. Absolutely strong aura, this is completely beyond his realm to provoke.

"Look at the teacher, he doesn't even believe him, why do you say that he can defeat me?" Mu Ke said to Zhang Ziling in a hurry, eager to prove himself.

She was originally the proud girl of heaven, but now she is said by her most important teacher that her strength is not as good as a guy in the Qi Gathering Realm, Mu Ke is naturally anxious.

"Why don't you two fight a game?"

"Humph! Hit it!"

"No, no! I think it's fine."

Mu Ke and Xingyu spoke together, but the answer was completely opposite.

Hearing Xingyu's words, Mu Ke couldn't help but give Xingyu a blank look: "Coward!"

Xingyu smiled wryly on this, not arguing with Mu Ke.

Xingyu didn't think he would be Mu Ke's opponent at all. Xingyu knew how much spiritual power he had in his body.

He was just an impenetrable monk on the earth, and everyone in Xingyu felt that they were incomparably powerful in the Xuanxiao Continent where there were many immortals and gods.

However, Xingyu still hasn't realized that he has understood one of the ten supreme laws. Coupled with the inheritance of the Devil Emperor, Xingyu has hidden countless emperor arts and various cultivation experiences in his mind.

There is even the breath of Zhang Ziling in Xingyu's body!

Although Xingyu's spiritual power cannot use any emperor art at all, Xingyu is able to call the laws of heaven and earth, and the spiritual power around him can be used for his own use, so that the emperor art he knows can generate powerful power.

As long as the surrounding spiritual power is enough, Xingyu can now fight against the monks in the Nirvana Realm. If Xingyu is lucky to mobilize the breath of Zhang Ziling, it can even crush the strong in the Heavenly Palace Realm.

Zhang Ziling wants Xingyu to play a game, and there is also the mind that makes Xingyu realize that he is strong.

Xingyu is just a computer house on Earth. In Xuanxiao Continent, if Xingyu cowers like on Earth, he will definitely not grow up.

Therefore, Zhang Ziling needs Xingyu to gain strong confidence!

But Mu Ke... is too arrogant. Her personality also has drawbacks to her own development, so Zhang Ziling also wants someone to frustrate Mu Ke's spirit.

Xingyu happens to be the best choice.

Unwilling to miss this opportunity, Zhang Ziling began to grab Xingyu's collar and lifted Xingyu into the air, and asked gloomily: "I'll ask you again, you...can't you fight?"

Staring at Zhang Ziling's red eyes, Xingyu felt that his soul was seen through.

Threatened by Zhang Ziling, Xingyu shivered suddenly and nodded: "Hit, I will fight..."

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