Return to the Earth as a Bully

Chapter 1497: reinforcement?

The students on the martial arts stage stopped speaking, and their expressions were as uncomfortable as holding shit, and their legs couldn't stop shaking.

Now all the students, like Li Di, really felt the powerful pressure from Zhang Ziling.

That feeling of suffocation made everyone breathless, and the brains of all the students on the martial arts stage became blank.

What is even more frightening is that they find that their knees are beginning to be out of their control and are slowly bending!

boom! boom! boom!

One by one, all the students knelt down to Zhang Ziling!

"You, what are you doing?" Li Di couldn't help but cried out when he saw the students kneeling, and the veins on his forehead violently.

The students of Tianyang College actually knelt in front of so many people...

With their kneeling, the entire Tianyang Academy's face was lost.

But Li Di didn't have time to scold the students, he found that his knees were not under his control, and gradually bend.


Finally, Li Di also knelt down in front of Zhang Ziling in front of everyone.

All the monks in the audience looked at Li Di who was kneeling, and smiled with difficulty.

Saying no, the body is quite honest!

"How come?" Li Di's expression became dull, and his eyes became hollow.

He obviously doesn't want to kneel, but why... his legs bend involuntarily?

Li Di couldn't understand, raised his eyes and looked at Zhang Ziling stupidly, hoping to get an explanation from Zhang Ziling.

However, Zhang Ziling didn’t want to say anything to Li Diduo now. All the students in Tianyang College ran up and pointed at him. Although Zhang Ziling had never put these students in his eyes, the ants were too noisy and annoying. of.

It's all crushed to death.

One student apparently realized that he had stabbed a big basket, and said to Zhang Ziling tremblingly: "You, what are you going to do, I, I are the inherited disciple of the Yellow Grade Holy Land, you can..."


The man hadn't finished speaking, his body exploded suddenly, the flesh was splashing, and the scarlet blood stained the competition stage.


The surrounding students screamed in horror and screamed. They had no idea that Zhang Ziling would be so decisive and cruel!

"be quiet."

Zhang Ziling's voice sounded calmly in everyone's ears, but those Tianyang College students, as if they hadn't heard Zhang Ziling's voice, shouted louder and louder.


At this moment, the body of the loudest person suddenly cracked, and the flesh and blood were spilled on the ground. The students instantly fell silent, staring at Zhang Ziling with horrified eyes, and even the blood that was about to flow into the eyes did not dare. To wipe.

They don't want to die!

The competition stage was also silent. All the cultivators looked at Zhang Ziling in a daze, only feeling that they were dry and very depressed.

The **** scene on the martial arts stage made everyone nauseous, and at the same time everyone had endless fear of Zhang Ziling from the bottom of their hearts.

They only heard about Zhang Ziling's deeds before, and they didn't understand the real horror of Zhang Ziling.

But now, when they saw Zhang Ziling’s methods, they realized what kind of fear the dudes in the Tianyue Tower had experienced at the beginning, and the cultivators could finally understand why those dudes still dare not forget after Zhang Ziling left. After Zhang Ziling's instructions, the other dandies were killed.

With Zhang Ziling's powerful aura and his **** methods, people with weak consciousness are prone to mental breakdown!

Obviously, the students kneeling on the martial arts stage are all flowers that grew up in the greenhouse. They have been well protected by their families since they were young. They have never seen such a cruel scene.

Otherwise, they couldn't impulsively run to the competition stage to force Zhang Ziling to let Li Di go.

Among this group of people, Zhang Ziling was really able to see that Qi Yuan, who had run away, was at least able to recognize the situation.

Such a group of people, if they enter the burial ground, there will be no bones left to eat by people from other colleges, and they will not survive at all.

In other words, once they escape the protection of the family, they will die sooner or later!

Zhang Ziling looked at the trembling students who were kneeling on the ground, walked up to them and squatted down, and stretched out his hand to lift a man's chin at random: "You are all over twenty, and I really think this world is all for you. Mother?"

The person was trembling, and he did not dare to look at Zhang Ziling's eyes.

"Let me go, let me go, I, I can give you elixir treasures, and I can give you whatever you want. If you kill me, my family is a holy land..."


The head fell to the ground, and the headless corpse fell softly to the ground, blood splashing on Zhang Ziling.

The people kneeling around closed their eyes with fear, afraid to go to the **** scene.

No one dared to speak out and scold Zhang Ziling, and there was endless regret in everyone's hearts.

They used to think that as long as there are many people, as long as the family is powerful, Zhang Ziling would not dare to do anything with them no matter what they do.

However, the **** scene deeply told them...what is regret.

Li Di's face was completely pale, looking at Zhang Ziling, he couldn't speak, and he even forgot about the fact that he was kneeling.

Li Di admitted that he also had murderous intent on Zhang Ziling's trio, and he did intend to prevent Zhang Ziling's trio from walking down the martial arts stage alive, but Li Di swears that he had never thought of using such cruel methods!

Seeing the flesh and blood in this place, Li Di increasingly thinks that Zhang Ziling is the evil spirit from the abyss.

"I'm fighting with you!"

Suddenly, a kneeling student rushed towards Zhang Ziling. The dagger in his hand stabbed Zhang Ziling's forehead, his face was full of madness.

He's crazy.

The cultivators in the audience saw the student's assassination violently, and the thought came out in their hearts.

A monk in the condensed palace realm might not even be able to enter the body of others.

Sure enough, the student hadn't finished speaking long before the whole person exploded into blood fog halfway.

Everyone in Tianyang Academy fell into deep despair at this moment!

"What happened here!"

Finally, a clear drink came, giving hope to everyone in Tianyang Academy. The cultivators in the martial arts stage spread out again, and a group of patrol troops rushed over under the leadership of a general wearing treasure armor.

"General Tie, that's him! He is killing innocent people!" The student who had been ordered by Qi Yuan to find the patrol army rushed back. He saw the **** scene on the martial arts stage, his eyes were cracked, and he quickly pointed to Zhang Ziling and shouted loudly. .

Kneeling students on the field saw the rescue soldiers coming, and their faces were full of ecstasy, and they hurriedly shouted: "The general, save us! Quickly kill this monster!"

Zhang Ziling heard that his fame had passed, and his delicate face was still stained with blood, which looked quite evil.

Zhang Ziling saw the appearance of the general of the patrol army, Zhang Ziling couldn't help but raise the corner of his mouth, and said hello to the general: "Hey, it's General Tiemu, long time no see!"

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