Return to the Earth as a Bully

Chapter 1498: Tianshengyuan Qifeng!

When Tiemu saw Zhang Ziling greet him, his whole face turned green, and he didn't know what to say.

The last time Tiemu met Zhang Ziling, it was at the city gate. At that time, Zhang Ziling forced him to lead the way to Tianyue Tower. As a result, all the boys in Tianyue Tower were almost slaughtered.

This time Tiemu saw the **** scene on the martial arts stage, and his heart couldn't stop shaking.

"Why am I so unlucky?"

Tiemu couldn't help cursing in his heart, wondering what he was trying to do when he rushed over.

He still vividly remembered the tragedy of Tianyue Tower, and Zhang Ziling's terror Tiemu knows better than others!

Even if Tiemu was dealing with those murderers, he didn't want to meet Zhang Ziling again.

But now, even if Tiemu cursed and regretted it, it would be useless. Zhang Ziling would greet himself. If he doesn't respond anymore, I'm afraid I don't know if his head is safe.

Tiemu was reluctant and helpless, and couldn't help but watch Zhang Ziling barely smile, wave his hand and tremble authentically: "Mr. Zhang, good, long time no see."

"You know?"

The student who came to the patrol army saw Tiemu actually say hello to Zhang Ziling, and pointed at Tiemu with a shocked face, and could not even speak.

An ominous premonition rose in his heart.

Zhang Ziling glanced at the students, then looked at Tiemu and asked with a smile, "How about General Tiemu's coming here?"

Tiemu shuddered as he looked at Zhang Ziling's gentle smile.

How dare he?

As one of the people who have been in contact with Zhang Ziling, Tiemu will not be fooled by Zhang Ziling's harmless and graceful appearance.

"Mr. Zhang, I heard that there was a disturbance here, so...that's why I rushed here with my brothers." Tiemu looked at Zhang Ziling and said with a smile, speaking carefully.

"Look now, is there anyone making trouble here? Do you need my help?" Zhang Ziling asked, with an undiminished smile on his face, as if he was innocent.

"No, no! I think this is just a normal contest. This kid lied about the news and wasted public resources. I will take him down!" Tiemu quickly smiled at Zhang Ziling, without any ambiguity, and directly ordered his subordinates. The student was suppressed.

"You bastards, get along with each other and don't die!" The captured student was completely confused about the situation and began to struggle frantically, but he couldn't get rid of the strong guards.

"If that guy kills the innocent, why don't you catch me? I belong to the Holy Land of the Li Family. You have absolutely nothing to eat if you catch me!"

Hearing the student's roar, Tiemu's already irritable mood became more irritable, and he slapped the student's face directly.

"Believe it or not, cut off your head again?"

Hearing Tiemu's roar, the student was stunned, and the fiery pain on his cheek instantly awakened the student. Now this is not his family, and all his teachers and classmates are kneeling on the martial arts stage, and he is still yelling here...

It's no different from looking for death!

After thinking about it, the student calmed down completely, lowered his head and shivered, hoping that this would save his life.

The students and Li Di on the competition stage saw the patrol troops in Hongye City look like this, and they were completely desperate, and their faces were covered with a layer of death gray.

Here. No one can save them anymore.

Suddenly, there was a smell of urine on the competition stage. Several people were directly scared and incontinent. Their fear of death now exceeds all.

Zhang Ziling frowned slightly as he watched the current appearance of the students on the competition stage.

Obviously, these people have been completely frightened, and Zhang Ziling has completely lost interest in torturing them.

Not wanting to talk nonsense with these students anymore, Zhang Ziling's fingertips lit a black fiery flower, and then threw it to the crowd of kneeling students.

"In the next life, I hope you will have a longer memory and know what awe is."

That fiery bone rose suddenly, and swallowed everyone who was kneeling!

Sorrowful screams echoed all around, and the cultivators under the martial arts stage stared at Zhang Ziling, who was illuminated by the fire, with shock in their hearts.

"let's go."

Zhang Ziling was not going to stay here anymore, and said softly to Mu Ke and Xingyu.

Although there were some small problems in the middle, Zhang Ziling's goal was achieved, and Xingyu initially grasped the power he should master.

Xingyu and Mu Ke watched all this, but didn't say anything, and quietly followed Zhang Ziling down the competition stage.

The surrounding monks all gave way to Zhang Ziling and the three of them looked at Zhang Ziling in awe.

"General Tiemu, I will trouble you to clean this place next." Before leaving, Zhang Ziling also said to Tiemu, which immediately refreshed him.

"Mr. Zhang, don't worry!"

Watching the three of Zhang Ziling walk away, Tie Mu returned his sight to the martial arts stage, and the raging flames had already burned everyone on the stage to ashes.

"General, this kid...what should I do?"

A guard pointed to the Tianyang College student who was scared to pee next to him, and asked Tiemu in a low voice.

Tiemu glanced impatiently at the trembling student, and waved at will: "Push him down and lock him up, I don't want to see him again!"


"In addition, other people dismantled this martial arts platform after the fire went out, and no one would dare to compete here." After Tiemu ordered the guards behind him, he didn't want to stay here anymore. Quickly leave.

The monks who were onlookers seemed to still be interested, but they did not dare to discuss Zhang Ziling, so they could only disperse reluctantly.

The crowd around the martial arts stage gradually dispersed, and the patrol troops began to sweep the battlefield. By the window of a restaurant near the martial arts stage, two noble boys in fancy clothes also took their gazes from the martial arts stage.

"Brother Qi Feng, what do you think?" a gentleman with a sharp eyebrow shook his folding fan lightly, and smiled and asked the equally heroic gentleman across the table.

Qi Feng!

The top genius of Tianshengyuan, the descendant of the Qi family, the leader of the young generation in the wasteland, entered the real martial realm at the age of thirty, and even many instructors are not Qi Feng's opponents, and their cultivation is terrible!

Qi Feng's expression was indifferent, and he said indifferently: "That guy should be Zhang Ziling, the teacher of the Baishi Academy, and he is exactly the same as the rumors, acting arrogantly."

"We have several good hands in the Qi family folded in this guy's hands, and Qi Yang's death is probably caused by him, this guy... not easy."

"What about Brother Qi Feng going to do?" The person sitting opposite Qi Feng didn't seem to be worried at all, and asked with a smile.

Hearing that person's words, Qi Fengzheng's hand holding the wine glass paused slightly, and then Qi Feng's mouth slightly hooked and drank the spirits.

Qi Feng gently placed the wine glass on the table, raised his eyes and looked out the window, and said, "It's easy to figure it out."

The wine glass on the table suddenly turned into ashes.

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