Return to the Earth as a Bully

Chapter 1501: Assassinate

When Zhang Ziling and Mu Bing returned to the inn, Liao Hua had arranged the rooms for Zhang Ziling and others.

Because of the movement made by Zhang Ziling in the Mu Family Holy Land, the Mu Family’s small world has no way to live up to now. All the Mu family members are crowded in the Mu’s Mansion, or they just go out to find a place to live in Hongye City.

Zhang Ziling didn't want to be squeezed in Mu's house, so he simply lived with everyone in Baishi Academy.

After returning to the inn, Mu Bing returned to his room to rest normally as if nothing happened. After chatting with Liao Hua for a while, Zhang Ziling also found an excuse to return to the room at random.

If this were not the case, with Liao Hua’s curiosity about Xingyu, I’m afraid he would hold Zhang Ziling to talk for a day and a night.

Liao Hua already knew from Mu Ke that Xingyu defeated Qi Yuan in the Ninggong Realm with the strength of the Qi Gathering Realm. Liao Hua is very curious about Xingyu now, and wants to know what Xingyu uses to cross it. Two big realms to kill the enemy.

Zhang Ziling didn’t want to tell Liao Hua more about this. After all, if Xingyu mastered the law of the Great Dao in the Qi Gathering Realm, it would be a huge disaster for Xingyu, and it would be a great disaster for Xingyu’s growth. There is no benefit.

Zhang Ziling wanted Xingyu to be experienced, not to let Xingyu be chased everywhere.

After Zhang Ziling's refusal, Liao Hua could only return to his room with a stomach of doubt, and he was extremely uncomfortable.

"Next, we have to wait for the murderer to come out."

After Zhang Ziling returned to his room, he didn't care about Liao Hua's mood, and directly sat on his bed and began to merge with the origin of the Dao in his body, completely entering concentration.

Tianxuan left Zhang Ziling with three thousand avenues of origin, strictly speaking, there are only 2,999. Except for the law of nirvana, all the other avenues are in Zhang Ziling's body.

Although Zhang Ziling possessed these origins, Zhang Ziling was unable to fully integrate them in the first time. Zhang Ziling wanted to fully control the laws of the avenues of the Xuanxiao Continent, and it would take some time to adapt to these origins.

Moreover, now that the Heavenly Dao of the Xuanxiao Continent has disappeared, and Zhang Ziling now has the authority of the Xuanxiao Continent's Heavenly Dao, Zhang Ziling also has to spend a part of his energy to maintain the operation of the Xuanxiao Continent and prevent the world from tending to collapse.

Fortunately, Zhang Ziling's current spiritual strength can basically be said to be endless. Maintaining the normal operation of Xuanxiao Continent is not too difficult for Zhang Ziling, and it is not very difficult.

The only thing that puzzled Zhang Ziling was that even Tianxuan didn't have the avenue of silence.

When the Earth Heavenly Dao told Zhang Ziling that he did not have the law of the Great Way of Annihilation, Zhang Ziling was still skeptical, thinking that the Earth Heavenly Way was a great way to secretly preserve the origin of the Supreme Law.

But now that he doesn't even have the Sky Profound, Zhang Ziling realized that there must be a big problem.

It stands to reason that the origin of the Three Thousand Great Dao was nurtured by the Dao of Heaven, and Tianxuan transferred all the authority to Zhang Ziling, without reason, she would deliberately leave a Dao origin on her own.

In other words, none of heaven has mastered the law of death.

After thinking about it carefully, Zhang Ziling also discovered that in the ancient books he has read so far, no one has ever grasped or even touched the threshold of the law of nirvana!

"Could it be... this law of dying can threaten the ultimate, or is this the exclusive power of the ultimate?" Zhang Ziling muttered in a low voice, his eyes flickering, and the whole person was lost in thought.

Since Tianxuan left, Zhang Ziling has not given up his plan to find Tianxuan for a moment.

The strength of the forces behind the Profound Sky is unknown. Not to mention that Zhang Ziling is still unable to find the exact location of those people. Even if Zhang Ziling knows the location of those people, if they don't know the true strength of those people, it is undoubtedly the most stupid thing to do in the past.

It is absolutely impossible to master the forces of all worlds in the universe!

Zhang Ziling must pay attention to this.

Only the world of the Profound Sky Continent can give birth to the Supreme. Zhang Ziling does not believe that there will be no other Supremes in other worlds in the depths of the universe. If the Supreme alone can threaten the ultimate behind the Heavenly Dao, I am afraid that all the heavens. Nor would he be willing to be governed by the ultimate, or...


Therefore, Zhang Ziling needs more time to understand the ultimate, to understand the power behind the Tao of Heaven.

What Zhang Ziling wants now is not just to rescue the Profound Sky, Zhang Ziling wants...

It is to destroy the ultimate, and at the same time retrieve Zi You who was taken away by Xie Wushuang!

During the period of time when Zhang Ziling used the authority of Heaven to search the history of the Xuanxiao Continent and check the ancient books buried everywhere, the sky was already dark, the students of Baishi Academy were all asleep or settled, and the entire Red Leaf City was silent.

Including Mu Bing, she also fell asleep.

Mu Bing clearly knew that if he did not relax his vigilance, the murderer hidden in the dark would never appear, so Mu Bing could only show his fragility completely to the murderer.

Only in this way can the murderer come out.

The only thing Mu Bing can do is to believe in Zhang Ziling.

Forcing him to fall asleep, Mu Bing completely lost consciousness in his room.

The bright moon hung high, the inn fell into extreme silence, and Zhang Ziling was completely immersed in various ancient books.

In Mu Bing's room, a wisp of blue smoke gradually appeared, filling the room.

Mu Bing's frowning brows gradually eased, and the spiritual power flowing in his body gradually calmed down. Mu Ke completely fell into a drowsiness and lost his defense against the outside world.


With a soft sound, the window of Mu Bing's room was blown open by the wind and then closed again.

A dark figure appeared in front of Mu Bing's window, looking at Mu Bing who was sleeping indifferently.

"Someone can actually solve my insidious gu. It seems that this silent plan won't work. It can only be hardened." The shadow whispered, and gradually a poisonous dagger in his hand condensed, flashing with cold light.

"To blame you and that person are too close..." Sombra raised his dagger, killing intent in his eyes, "Go and accompany him."

Without any hesitation, Sombra suddenly stabbed the poisonous dagger in his hand and pierced Mu Bing's forehead.


But just when the dagger was about to stab Mu Bing, a piece of spiritual power flashed past, directly knocking down the dagger from the hands of Sombra.

"Who?" Sombra backed quickly, looking around and shouting.

"I said, is it really okay for you to roar so loudly during the assassination in the middle of the night?"

Zhang Ziling's voice sounded behind the black shadow, and the black shadow quickly turned around and looked around, only to see Zhang Ziling leaning on the wooden door leisurely, with a corpse lying under his feet.

Zhang Ziling kicked the corpse away and looked at the shadow with a sneer: "Your real target is me, right?"

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