Return to the Earth as a Bully

Chapter 1502: first meet

Looking at the playful smile on Zhang Ziling's face, the black shadow completely sank.

The corpse that fell on the ground was sent by him to assassinate Zhang Ziling. Now it is obvious...The assassination has failed, and the Lord has found it.

"This time you won!" The shadow said to Zhang Ziling gloomily, and then he didn't know where to take out the ball for a moment and slammed it at Zhang Ziling.

Zhang Ziling just tilted his head slightly, and the ball hit the wooden door behind Zhang Ziling and then exploded.

A pungent smoke filled the room, and the black shadow rushed out of the window at this moment.

"Can you escape?"

A pair of scarlet eyes were displayed in the thick smoke, and Zhang Ziling walked out of the thick smoke and stopped in front of Mu Bing's bed.

"This girl, really believe me..." Zhang Ziling looked at Mu Bing with a light smile, and set up a barrier around Mu Bing to protect Mu Bing's safety.

Mu Ke didn't talk about Zhang Ziling's identity with Mu Bing, that is to say, Mu Bing didn't know Zhang Ziling was the Demon Emperor until now, but simply believed that Zhang Ziling had the power of True Martial Realm.

But even so, Mu Bing chose to believe in Zhang Ziling and surrendered his life and fate to Zhang Ziling instead of going back to seek help from the family.

This sense of trust caused Zhang Ziling's heart to feel warm.

"Get a good night's sleep, get up... it's all over." Zhang Ziling said softly, turning around and leaving Mu Bing's room with the corpse, while gently closing the door.

Mu Bing slept soundly, completely unaware of what happened to the outside world.

The bright moon hangs high in the Red Leaf City, and the cold moonlight sprinkles a layer of silver on the top of all the buildings.

Zhang Ziling stood at the top of the inn bathed in moonlight, and the night wind blew Zhang Ziling's long hair, his red eyes seemed to see through the world.

In the extreme distance of Hongye City, the black shadow who had previously failed to assassinate Mu Bing was fleeing into the distance.

"I want to see... who is behind you assassin?"

Zhang Ziling wore an evil smile at the corner of his mouth, as he danced with the wind in a black robe.

The watchman of the shifter passed by the inn where Zhang Ziling was located, and suddenly felt something unusual on the roof, but when he looked up, he found that there was nothing on the top of the inn.

Outside Hongye City, the black shadow still flees in the wilderness, without letting down his vigilance.

"Damn it! I didn't expect this Ziling to discover our existence a long time ago. It seems that this mission has failed!" Sombra screamed while fleeing quickly.


The black shadow stopped directly and stood in the middle of a bamboo forest with a long knife in his hand.

"Come out, follow for a long time." The shadow said calmly, watching Zhu Ying whirling.

A powerful aura diffused from the black shadow, making the surrounding atmosphere depressing.

The black shadow stood in the middle of the bamboo forest for a long time, motionless, waiting.

After a long time, Sombra put away his long knife and took off his night clothes.

This dark shadow is the noble son who drank with Qi Feng during the day!

"It seems that no one is following, it's time to go back!" The noble son burned the night clothes down, and fleeed towards Hongye City.

However, after a while, the noble son came back once, and after three such rounds, the noble son completely confirmed that there was no one to follow, and he was relieved to go back.

Not long after the noble son left, Zhang Ziling's figure appeared in the bamboo forest.

"This kid is quite vigilant. He is a plastic talent, but unfortunately he is an enemy. He is destined to be short-lived." Zhang Ziling sighed slightly, and pursued the noble son.


Hongye City, Qi Mansion!

Qi Mansion is the real estate purchased by the Qi family in Hongye City. It is managed by the branch of the Qi family on weekdays. Now that the Hundred Court Conference is about to be held, the Qi Mansion has become the lodging place for the Qi family.

"Huh, it's considered to be back." The noble son appeared at the gate of the Qi mansion and heaved a sigh of relief, "That Zhang Ziling is really hard to deal with!"

The noble son walked into the Qi mansion while reading, still obsessed with Zhang Ziling's discovery of him.

"Brother Cao Mu, how are things going?"

In the courtyard of the Qi mansion, Qi Feng sat alone in the courtyard drinking, and asked the noble son who entered the courtyard.

"Sure as Brother Qi Feng said, that servant Zhang Ziling is unfathomable, and he knew I would go there and be assassinated." Cao Mu sat across from Qi Feng and said condensedly, "I failed."

"Since Zhang Ziling can discover Brother Cao Mu's insidious gu, he can naturally expect Brother Cao Mu to assassinate. Tonight...The inn is probably a trap dug long ago." Qi Feng poured wine for Cao Mu while calmly Said.

"Brother Qi Feng had expected that I would fail?" Cao Mu raised his eyebrows slightly, looking at Qi Feng and asked.

"It's not hard to guess. The killer I sent to Baishi Academy before was also solved by Zhang Ziling. This person can kill my servant, which shows that he has some ability. Cao Mu is so underestimated and failure is normal." Qi Feng Said lightly.

"That's reckless, I'll punish myself for a glass!" Cao Mu looked at Qi Feng and said with a smile, picking up the glass of wine and drank it.

Qi Feng watched Cao Mu put down the glass, and calmly filled Cao Mu with wine, and said, "Brother Cao Mu, this glass...maybe not enough."

"Oh? Where did Brother Qi Feng say this?" Cao Mu asked, looking at Qi Feng.

"Brother Cao Mu failed the assassination, and managed to escape again. Don't Brother Cao Mu think this is going too smoothly?" Qi Feng asked, looking at Cao Mu.

Hearing Qi Feng's words, Cao Mu frowned slightly, and said, "It is true that Brother Qi Feng said that. After I escaped from the inn, I never encountered interception again, even if I deliberately went outside the city. After a few laps, I still didn't find anyone following me."

"This is very strange to me."

"Haha! It seems that Brother Cao Mu lost again!" Qi Feng looked at Cao Mu and laughed, "We should fine one more cup!"

Although Cao Mu didn't understand what Qi Feng meant, Cao Mu still drank this glass of wine, and then looked at Qi Feng and asked, "Brother Qi Feng will help you to clear up your doubts."

"That Zhang Ziling is so easy to let you out, I must be trying to find my existence through Brother Cao Mu, and he may have seen through Cao Mu's deliberate move out of Hongye City, so he has been hiding in the dark."

"That is to say...I brought that Zhang Ziling here?" Cao Mu frowned and asked Qi Feng in a low voice.

"I'm afraid that's the case." Qi Feng smiled and nodded, as if he was not worried about this at all, "Zhang Ziling, maybe he has already arrived in the mansion."

Snapped! Snapped! Snapped!

At this time, loud and rhythmic applause sounded in the courtyard, and Zhang Ziling walked out of the dark with a faint smile on his face.

"Unexpectedly, Qi Feng, the famous Tianshengyuan, even his head is so good!" Zhang Ziling teased, seeming to appreciate Qi Feng.

Qi Feng didn't show any panic on his face. He still filled Cao Mu with his own wine, as if he was not surprised by Zhang Ziling's appearance.

"Mr. Zhang, meet for the first time."

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