Return to the Earth as a Bully

Chapter 1508: Power seed

Qi Hong finally used the divine power hidden in his body, and that power caused Qi Hong's entire body to mutate and gradually began to break away from the human category.

At the same time, Qi Hong's breath began to soar, and the world shook.

Zhang Ziling squinted at Qi Hong, not worried that Qi Hong would threaten him after gaining divine power.

The only thing Zhang Ziling was curious about was how the ancient gods gave them such power.

Outside Qi Hong, there was no massive amount of power poured into Qi Hong's body, which means... Qi Hong's divine power was dug out from his body!

While Zhang Ziling destroyed the Qi Family Holy Land, Zhang Ziling also searched the entire Qi Family Holy Land with his soul.

Except for discovering that many monks had divine power hidden in their bodies, Zhang Ziling had not found any objects related to ancient gods at all, let alone ancient gods.

On the face of it, the Qi family seems to have nothing to do with the ancient gods.

"Zhang Ziling, you will pay for everything you do next!" Qi Hong looked at Zhang Ziling indifferently, as if he had completely regarded Zhang Ziling as everything in his palm.

"Let you see and see, you will never be able to touch... the power of God!"

When Qi Hong's voice fell, there was a sky fire burning in the sky, and the fleshy wings behind Qi Hong ignited a flame of blood, burning the entire sky red.

"God... by the way! There are two of them!"

Qi Hong's words instantly reminded Zhang Ziling that he was still imprisoning two living ancient gods in the blood cell of the Mu Family!

Thinking of the two of them, Zhang Ziling did not care about Qi Hong who was about to attack, and immediately transmitted to Liyun and Tianheng, "Liyun Tianheng!"

In the blood cell of the cold prison, Li Yun and Tian Heng who were bound were drowsy, and Zhang Ziling's voice blasted in their ears, awakening both of them at the same time.

"Master Devil Emperor?"

Li Yun and Tian Heng cried out in unison, looking around, but there was no sign of Zhang Ziling.

During the previous period, Zhang Ziling left a deep impression on them. Now Li Yun and Tianheng are very respectful to Zhang Ziling, and they dare not have any presumption in front of Zhang Ziling.

"No need to look for it, I'm not here, now it's a sound transmission." Zhang Ziling seemed to be able to see Li Yun and Tian Heng, and stopped them from looking around.

"What's the matter with Lord Devil?" Li Yun asked first. Zhang Ziling was transmitting at this time. It was definitely not that I was bored and wanted to chat. There is definitely something right!

"I ask you, if you want to give strength to the monks, is there any other way besides God descending to occupy their bodies?" Zhang Ziling was not verbose, and went straight to the topic.

Li Yun and Tianheng couldn't help but stunned when they heard what Zhang Ziling said, and asked, "Master Devil Emperor, why are you asking about this?"

Zhang Ziling would definitely not appreciate their so-called supernatural power, so Li Yun and Tianheng were very curious about it.

Could it be... Lord Demon Emperor is fighting with other ancient gods again?

After Liyun and Tianheng were cleaned up by Zhang Ziling several times, they are now completely Zhang Ziling's people.

Although they are still being held by Zhang Ziling, their hearts are still on Zhang Ziling's side.

Zhang Ziling's strength is definitely not weaker than that of God King!

When Zhang Ziling asked this question, Li Yun and Tianheng thought of the relationship between Zhang Ziling and the gods.

"You only need to answer my question." Zhang Ziling's attitude towards Liyun and Tianheng is not very good, and the current situation does not allow Zhang Ziling to talk nonsense with Liyun and Tianheng.

If Zhang Ziling hadn't restrained and killed Qi Hong at once, then the time to find the ancient **** hidden behind the Hundred Court Conference might have to be delayed again.

Hearing what Zhang Ziling said, Li Yun couldn't help but shudder, and hurriedly replied: "Master Hui Devil, in addition to the gods descending and occupying the body of the mortal monk to enhance the power of the mortal monk, we can also use the'blessing' to enhance it. The power of our believers."

"Blessing?" Zhang Ziling seemed to hear an interesting vocabulary, his eyes lit up, "I'm talking, listen!"

"'Blessing' is a method that our gods used to reward our own servants. By condensing our own divine power into a divine power seed and implanting it in the body of the slave, it can be used when the slave needs it to obtain the power of God." Yun explained to Zhang Ziling, not daring to neglect in the slightest.

"This is the highest reward given by the gods to the servants!" Li Yun added.

"Then can you find where the ancient gods are through this'divine power seed'?" Zhang Ziling continued to ask.

At this moment, Qi Hong had rushed in front of Zhang Ziling. Both his strength and speed were dozens of times stronger than before. It was almost like a different person.

Qi Hong's soaring breath shattered the Qi family's small world.

"I'm afraid it won't work. The master can only find the servant for the'divine power seed' of the'blessing'. The servant cannot find the master through the'divine power seed'." Li Yun explained patiently, "If you want to find those The words of the gods behind the servants can only wait for them to come out."

"It seems that things are not as simple as imagined..." Zhang Ziling blocked Qi Hong's claw blow, muttering softly, his eyes twinkling.

Hearing Zhang Ziling's words, Li Yun suddenly felt that his opportunity had come, and quickly said to Zhang Ziling: "Master Devil, you let me out, I have a way to find the **** behind!"

"Besides this, you stay at ease!" Zhang Ziling directly ignored Liyun's appeal and cut off the sound transmission.

Zhang Ziling now does not trust Liyun and Tianheng, nor does he need to do extra things with Liyun and Tianheng.

"Master Devil Emperor didn't agree?" After Zhang Ziling finished his voice transmission, Tian Heng on the side couldn't help but look towards Li Yun and asked.

Li Yun shook his head disappointedly, and sighed: "Master Devil Emperor hasn't trusted us yet, I'm afraid what we can do now is to answer the questions that Lord Devil Emperor needs to know like just now, nothing more."

Hearing what Li Yun said, Tian Heng's face couldn't help but become ugly, and he asked in a low voice, "Then what should we do next? It's no way to be stuck here all the time!"

Li Yun sighed heavily, his eyes closed slightly, and said: "Wait for peace of mind, the king has abandoned us. At least we are still alive, aren't we?"

Zhang Ziling didn't know what Li Yun and Tian Heng were talking about. After learning about the power of Qi Hong and others, he began to figure out how to draw the ancient gods.

But there is no thoughts yet.

"Hahaha! What's wrong with Zhang Ziling? Aren't you crazy just now? Didn't you want to destroy our Qi family? Why do we abandon it now? Continue!" Qi Hong laughed wildly while attacking Zhang Ziling, depressed before sweeping away.

After using the divine power, Qi Hong felt that he had endless power in his body to squander!

The overall situation is set!

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