Return to the Earth as a Bully

Chapter 1509: Soul Exchange

"Ahem! Brother Qi Feng is fortunate to have you, it was so dangerous just now!"

Among the ruins of the Qi family, Cao Mu and Qi Feng crawled out of a pile of **** rocks. Their luxurious clothes had become tattered, and there was almost no place in their entire body. They were covered in blood.

They had also been affected by Qi Hong's attack before. If Qi Feng hadn't reacted quickly and quickly condensed a barrier to cover the two of them with divine power, I am afraid that they would have to die like other Qi family members.

"I didn't expect Zhang Ziling to be so insidious and cunning, we were all shamed by him!" Qi Feng looked at Zhang Ziling bitterly, cursing insidiously.

"It's really shameful that a dignified saint likes to do these bullying things!" Qi Feng cursed, as if he had forgotten that he himself thought Zhang Ziling was weak and designed Zhang Ziling with the power of the Qi family.

Now all the divine power stored in Qi Feng's body has been exhausted just now, which is absolutely an unbearable loss for Qi Feng!

It is extremely difficult to get the blessings of the gods. Qi Feng cherishes his power very much, but he did not expect to use up his divine power in this way.

"What can we do? People are saints, and most of your Qi family has been destroyed. Even if your father suppressed Zhang Ziling, the loss he caused can't be compensated." Cao Mu spread his hands on the sidelines, ruthlessly Said, "Acknowledge this time."

"No...can make up for it!" Qi Feng's momentum suddenly became gloomy, and he muttered in a low voice.

Hearing Qi Feng's words, Cao Mu was stunned at first, and then suddenly reacted, looking at Qi Feng in shock and asking, "Brother Qi Feng, should you want it?"

"Huh! He ruined half of our Qi family, and also caused me to use up the divine power that I had finally obtained. How can he solve my hatred without paying a certain price?" Qi Feng said, what to do Crazy things.

"But Senior Qi Hong has already put Zhang Ziling down, and we haven't fully grasped that magical technique yet, in case of an accident..." Cao Mu didn't seem to agree with what Qi Feng was going to do. Persuaded in a low voice.

"No! It will succeed! Believe me..." Qi Feng turned around and grabbed Cao Mu's shoulders and shouted out, feeling extremely excited, "It will definitely succeed!"

"The two guys, what are they discussing?" Zhang Ziling, who passively struggled with Qi Hong, quickly noticed the dispute between Qi Feng and Cao Mu in the ruins.

Zhang Ziling suddenly became interested and focused his attention on Qi Feng and Cao Mu.

Qi Feng possesses ancient divine power, and his ability to survive Qi Hong's attack did not surprise Zhang Ziling in the slightest.

Originally, Zhang Ziling planned to clean up the remnants of the Qi family after he solved Qi Hong, but now Qi Feng wants to take the initiative to stand up, Zhang Ziling doesn't mind changing his plan slightly.

"You still dare to be distracted, you are really looking for death!"

Qi Hong keenly caught Zhang Ziling's chance of being distracted, and pinpointing the flaw in that Ziling was to blast with all his strength, the violent divine power swept everything in the world, all poured on Zhang Ziling.

Zhang Ziling was instantly covered by a dazzling light, and the entire Qi family shook violently, the endless spiritual power was agitated, the small world gradually cracked, and even the monks in the Tianyan city outside felt a powerful divine might.

Seeing the situation at high altitude, Qi Feng couldn't help but change his eyes, and quickly took out a disc from his space ring.

"There's no time, you can keep up with me!"

"Wait for me!" Seeing that Qi Feng didn't say anything, Cao Mu started the formation. He couldn't help but panicked and quickly took out a formation that was exactly the same as Qi Feng from his space ring.

"Get up!"

Qi Feng's pupils turned golden in an instant, the spiritual power in his body began to surge, and the magic circle engraved with complex patterns on half of it suddenly appeared from the circle and hung in the air.

"Hurry up!" Qi Feng could not help shouting when he saw Cao Mu hesitating on the spot.

This ancient magic was practiced by Qi Feng and Cao Mu together, and both of them were bestowed by the ancient gods, and neither was indispensable!

"Why are you panicking?" Cao Mu glared at Qi Feng, his face hard to hide his anxiety.

Obviously, this ancient magic is very dangerous to the caster.

"Father, I'm all forced, you have to bless me!" Cao Mu put his hands together in prayer, and finally caught the eye of Qi Feng about to kill.

The magic formations displayed by the two formations were united together, and a complete array of complex patterns appeared in the air, and at the same time it became larger and larger, covering the sky.

"What are those two guys doing?" Qi Hongben was still immersed in the power he showed, and the movements made by Qi Feng and Cao Mu immediately attracted Qi Hong's attention.

The things that the gods give to each **** servant are different, even Qi Hong can't figure out what Qi Feng and Cao Mu are doing now.

However, the **** formation seemed to be no weaker than the Emperor Rank Killing Formation!

"Father, don't kill Zhang Ziling, I have a great use!" Qi Feng yelled to Qi Hong on the ruins, the magic circle getting bigger and bigger, covering Zhang Ziling and the divine power that envelops Zhang Ziling.

"What are you doing?" Qi Hong frowned slightly when he heard Qi Feng's call, but he still withdrew a little bit of supernatural power, and his whole body was in front of Qi Feng.

"Father, this is a magical technique given to us by Lord God, who can completely transform a person's soul without any cultivation base and make him willing to become our slave!" Qi Feng quickly said to Qihong, "I want that guy to be mine. slave!"

Hearing what Qi Feng said, Qi Hong's brows became more frowning. Although the magic technique is powerful and weird, the pressure on the operator is also huge. The description of Qi Feng is really against the sky. Qi Hong does not believe in Qi Feng's use. There are no side effects of this magical technique.

"What is the success rate?" With the doubts in his heart, Qi Hong asked Qi Feng while offering a **** soldier to suppress Zhang Ziling.

"The weaker the target, the higher the success rate! Zhang Ziling killed so many people in our Qi family, and let your father use your divine power. It is meaningless to suppress and torture him, and it cannot restore our loss!"

"Let a saint be our slave to help us do things, then sooner or later our Qi family will make up for today's loss!" Qi Feng said excitedly, now the completion rate of the **** formation is very high, better than any previous practice!

"Senior Qi Hong, although this soul-changing spirit formation is powerful, but once it fails, the souls of Qi Feng and I will exchange, and we will even directly become the sacrifices of Lord Celestial God, summoning a new Celestial God..." Cao Mu Qihong said to the side, his tone was bitter and reluctant.

If it weren't for this divine formation to have two people sacrificed at the same time, if one of them didn't cooperate, the two people would be backlashed by the divine formation, Cao Mu would not do it anyway.

Zhang Ziling’s scourge was the Qi family and not the Cao family, and Cao Mu had no need to take risks.

"Maybe a new **** will be summoned?" Qi Hong keenly caught Cao Mu's words, his eyes lit up, and then he fell into thought, his flesh wings flapped gently.

"Senior Qi Hong? Senior Qi Hong?" Cao Mu couldn't help calling out twice when seeing Qi Hong sinking into thought, but Qi Hong didn't respond.

Seeing this situation, Cao Mu's entire face collapsed.

Cao Muben wanted Qi Hong to stop Qi Feng, but judging from the current situation, the hope of stopping Qi Feng is really slim.

"Haha! Brother Cao Mu, don't worry, you will succeed this time!" Qi Feng laughed, and said to the heavenly soldier who suppressed Zhang Ziling, with confidence in his eyes.

"Just now, Lord Tianshen passed a message to me!"

As soon as Qi Feng said these words, Cao Mu's anxious mood was immediately excited!

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