Return to the Earth as a Bully

Chapter 1510: God of Cause and Effect!

"What did Master Tianshen tell you?" Cao Mu looked at Qi Feng excitedly, his feelings of disappointment disappeared.

Like the Qi family, the Cao family has become servants of the ancient gods, working for the ancient gods in the Xuanxiao Continent.

Just in one domain of the Nine Lights Upper Shenzhou, two of the four top-level families are the minions of the ancient gods, not to mention other domains and other Upper Shenzhou situations.

It is speculated from what we have seen here...Xuanxiao Continent is already dying.

The ancient gods don't know how many years they have infiltrated. Once the human emperor has passed away, the ancient gods and others have a vague tendency to reclaim the Xuanxiao Continent.

Zhang Ziling sat peacefully in the void, looking at the Qi family below and the magical soldiers and arrays in the air, while listening to the conversation between Qi Feng and Cao Mu.

Qi Hong's magic weapon never touched Zhang Ziling at all, and Zhang Ziling had disappeared in place at the moment that magic weapon transformed.

Only the phantom of Zhang Ziling was suppressed by the gods.

The sacred formations that Qi Feng and Cao Mu displayed naturally had no effect on Zhang Ziling.

Although the sacred formation said that even the Great Emperor could theoretically control it regardless of the cultivation base, it was only theoretically.

As long as the emperor still has a little self-consciousness, even if Qi Feng and Cao Mu have been refining for 10,000 years, they will not be able to control the emperor.

This magical technique used by Qi Feng and Cao Mu was completely tasteless in Zhang Ziling's view.

"Master Tianshen said he would help us in secret, as long as Zhang Ziling is controlled, we can get blessings again!" Qi Feng smiled at Cao Mu, his tone of voice extremely excited.

"Is this really true?" Cao Mu was also quite surprised, but he didn't expect that the **** would give Qi Feng a message.

Blessed... Cao Mu is very envious of Qi Feng's use of supernatural power!

"Really! Otherwise I wouldn't be able to use this magical technique so hastily!" Qi Feng said categorically without any hesitation, "If you help me, the Lord God will definitely bless you!"

"Is there an ancient **** behind to help them?" Zhang Ziling frowned slightly when he heard what Qi Feng said. He didn't notice any ancient gods around him.

But from Qi Feng's expression and eyes, it doesn't seem to be a lie.

"Interesting!" Zhang Ziling smiled, his eyes full of meaning.

After Zhang Ziling mastered the origin of the Three Thousand Dao and obtained the authority of the Heavenly Dao, there was almost nothing in the world to hide Zhang Ziling's creatures.

Except for a few powerful or special creatures with deception methods, Zhang Ziling can understand everything.

And just when Qi Feng was about to start refining the phantom of Zhang Ziling who was suppressed by the gods, Qi Hong suddenly came back to his senses and sternly stopped: "Stop!"


"Senior Qi Hong?"

Qi Feng and Cao Mu froze at the same time, and looked at Qi Hong suspiciously, not understanding why Qi Hong wanted to stop them.

Just now Qi Feng didn't say that there was the help of the gods, and when they might face the risk of death when they performed the magic skills, Qi Hong had no reaction at all.

But now Qi Feng said that there was a **** behind him, and when things seemed infallible, Qi Hong stopped it again.

Qi Hong's performance made Cao Mu suspicious.

After all, Cao Mu is not Qi's family, let alone Qi Hong's son. Cao Mu did not trust Qi Hong like Qi Feng.

Cao Mu is only friends with Qi Feng, which does not mean that Cao Mu will believe in Qi Hong, the head of the Qi family.

After reaching a certain level, only interest disputes are left, and everything else is false.

"Feng'er, Master Tianyuan spoke to you? Where is he now?" Qi Hong asked with his hands on Qi Feng's shoulders.

"Tianyuan?" Zhang Ziling, who was high in the sky, suddenly became energetic after hearing Qi Hong's question.

Without any hesitation, Zhang Ziling immediately asked Liyun Tianheng in Hongye City, "Liyun Tianheng, who is Tianyuan?"

"Tianyuan?" Hearing Zhang Ziling's words, Li Yun and Tian Heng, who were resting in the blood cell of the cold prison, couldn't help but their expressions changed. "Sir, where did you hear this name?"

"In Qi's house! Who is he?" Zhang Ziling asked again, his tone becoming serious.

It seems that Tianyuan is a big fish this time!

"Tian Yuan is one of the ten major gods of the God Court, and can rank in the top ten in strength in the God Court. He is the confidant of the God King!" Tian Heng said solemnly, his voice trembling slightly.

Compared with the strong man like Tian Yuan, he is too small for the little person who ranks last in the court.

"Our Protoss has all fallen in the battle with Human Sovereign. The stronger the gods are, the more difficult it is to recover. I didn't expect Tianyuan to recover too!" Li Yun continued with Tianheng's words, his voice trembling as well.

For gods of their level, talking about high-level gods would be unstoppable with fear.

"Tianyuan..." Zhang Ziling muttered in a low voice, with red glow in his eyes, "Do you two know his abilities?"

The gods of the Xuanxiao Continent have similar functions to the gods of the earth, and each **** controls a different ability. For example, Liyun is the **** of water, who holds three thousand weak waters, belongs to the ancient **** of water system, and Tianheng is the purple emperor of Tianlei, who controls purple thunder, belongs to the ancient **** of thunder system.

Although Liyun and Tianheng seem to be very powerful, the power they control is very single, and they are natural forces, and they are not side by side in the gods.

"Tian Yuan is the **** of cause and effect, and he is in charge of the fate of the world's cause and effect, which can rewrite the destiny of hundreds of millions." Li Yun said solemnly, and a little cold sweat could not help but think of the terrible Tian Yuan.

"He can control not only the destiny of the creatures in the world, but even the destiny of our gods! There was once a **** who was ranked lower in the world who had provoked Tianyuan, but within three days... that **** was seriously ill. , Died!" Li Yun said, swallowing slightly.

"Master Demon Emperor, you must know that it is impossible for our Protoss to cultivate the body... it is impossible to get sick!" Tianheng added, "Tianyuan is extremely cruel to anyone!"

"I understand... the **** of cause and effect, controls the cause and effect, and the principle of the same cause and effect, no wonder..." Zhang Ziling looked at the Qi family below and muttered, suddenly understanding why he could not sense the existence of gods around him.

Being able to change his own cause and effect means that Tian Yuan can easily deceive the Dao of Heaven and can change his identity to anyone in this world.

Zhang Ziling could not find Tianyuan in a short time, it was normal.

"Father, Master Tianyuan just talked to me, Master Tianyuan didn't tell me that I have a position." Qi Feng respectfully said Qihong, not daring to neglect.

"Why Master Tianyuan didn't tell me? I also have several methods to control people's spirit..." Qi Hong seemed to be a little dissatisfied with this, and asked in a deep voice.

Hearing Qi Hong's question, Qi Feng's expression changed slightly, and he took a few steps quickly, and Qi Hong bowed and said, "Father, Feng'er has no other meaning! Father is still the most trusted servant of Lord Tianyuan!"

Qi Feng's body trembled slightly, and his whole body was in a cold sweat.

If Qi Hong misunderstands that he wants to take his place... Qi Feng doesn't think Qi Hong will recognize the deep love between father and son!

Before God, all blood connections will become meaningless.

Only strong yourself is the only one!

Qi Hong narrowed his eyes and looked at the way he was bowing to himself. He didn't say anything, but Cao Mu who was on the side looked frightened.

It seems that the relationship between the Qi family and the father and son is not very good.

Cao Mu's eyes grew suddenly.

"Feng'er, how could I not believe you?" Qi Hong suddenly laughed, flapping his meat wings lightly, Qi Feng whispered softly to ease the tension around him.

However, before Qi Feng could breathe a sigh of relief, Qi Hong stretched out his huge paw to Qi Feng and said lightly: "Give me the array!"

The surroundings suddenly solidified!

As soon as Qi Hong said this sentence, Zhang Ziling's eyes suddenly appeared playful.

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