Return to the Earth as a Bully

Chapter 1511: Father and son

"Father?" Qi Feng looked at Qi Hong with an unbelievable expression. He swore that he had never seen his father's expression.

Greedy, selfish, fierce...

Qi Hong's performance now exceeds Qi Feng's cognition.

Seeing Qi Feng stunned on the spot, Qi Hong couldn't help flashing a trace of impatience in his eyes, and asked in a deep voice, "Feng'er, are you defying my orders?"

"Or, my father is no longer in your eyes?"

Qi Feng woke up in an instant, shook his head and said, "I don't dare, it's just this panic..."

"Are you giving or not?" Qi Hong's eyes flashed with blood, "Could it be that after Master Tianyuan appreciated you, you didn't even recognize your father?"

Hearing what Qi Hong said, Qi Feng realized that Qi Hong felt that his status was threatened because he did not receive Tianyuan's voice transmission!

Thinking of this, Qi Feng broke into a cold sweat and couldn't stop shaking.

Qi Hong is... killing him!

"My father, I, I'll give you the array..." Qi Feng tremblingly handed the array to Qi Hong's hand, and stepped back subconsciously.

If Qi Hong really feels that his position is threatened, then he will definitely deny his position. No matter who threatens his position, he will end up with death!

Qi Feng is no exception.

As Qi Hong's son, Qi Feng knew his father very well, and he did not dare to show any rebellion at this time.

Qi Feng remembers clearly how his mother died!

Cao Mu, who was on the side, saw that Qi Hong had won the battle, swallowed slightly, wanted to stop it, but did not dare to speak.

Qi Hong's appearance is really scary.

But this blast had already been bound to Qi Feng and Cao Mu, and outsiders couldn't move them at all. If they were forced to move, they would only be backlashed.

"Give me your formation." After getting Qi Feng's formation, Qi Hong seemed unsatisfied and began to ask Cao Mu for a second formation.

"Senior Qi, Qi Hong..." Cao Mu didn't expect Qi Hong would even point the finger at him, his whole body trembled slightly, trying to stop Qi Hong.

Cao Mu didn't understand what Qi Hong wanted to do.

"Huh?" Qi Hong snorted softly, and a heavy snort snorted out, and a powerful force immediately pressed against Cao Mu.

"Brother Cao Mu!" Qi Feng quickly reminded, winking at Cao Mu.

"I, I..." Cao Mu couldn't help but when Qi Feng motioned to him to hand over the formation, he bit the bullet and handed the formation to Qi Hong.

Cao Mu couldn't bear the power of Qi Hong's saint.

The atmosphere at the scene was very weird, and Cao Mu didn't know what to do.

After getting the two formations, Qi Hong laughed, grabbing the two formations in his hand and directly soaring into the sky, regardless of Qi Feng and Cao Mu.

"Brother Qi Feng, your father...what the **** is he going to do, our situation is not..."


Qi Feng stopped Cao Mu from continuing, and then Qi Feng glanced at Qi Hong who was already flying high, and after confirming that Qi Hong did not monitor them, Qi Feng breathed a sigh of relief and whispered to Cao Mu: " The control authority of the array is lifted."

Hearing what Qi Feng said, Cao Mu's expression suddenly changed: "Isn't this..."

Qi Feng directly reached out his hand to cover Cao Mu's mouth, and said quickly: "Master Tianyuan only transmits sound to me but not to my father. This incident has already made my father suspect that I will threaten his status. He may deal with me at any time, let alone you!"

Cao Mu's eyes were huge, and he didn't expect this to be the case in this Qi family.

How can a father kill his son just because his son threatens his position?

Moreover, this is just a sound transmission.

Cao Mu couldn't believe it.

"Whether you believe it or not, it's like that! Qi Hong's winning of our battle is enough to explain this! If we take control of Zhang Ziling, then he won't have a chance to act on us again!" Qi Fenglian Qi Hong's name has been changed, and there are even blue veins on his neck.

Cao Mu stared at Qi Feng. What he saw here today was beyond his imagination.

The saints annihilate their clan, father and son are slain...what tragedy will happen after this?

Seeing Cao Mu calm down a little, Qi Feng removed the hand covering Cao Mu's mouth and said in a low voice, "Qi Hong is now either trying to seize control of Zhang Ziling, or he just wants to use it. Divine magic summons new gods out."

"But isn't the control of the sacred formation in our hands?" Cao Mu asked, even if Qi Hong successfully manipulated the sacred formation to change Zhang Ziling's mind, in the end the control would fall on them.

Seeing Cao Mu's question, Qi Feng suddenly sneered and looked at Cao Mu and said, "Therefore, it is very likely that he will not change Zhang Ziling's thinking, but will deliberately fail to revive the new god!"

"The right to control is in our hands, which means that this divine art is used by us. The new gods will only use our bodies as the body for resuscitation. Qi Hong will not be affected by the slightest!" Qi Feng said coldly. There was cold light in the eyes.

"Since he thinks Master Tianyuan doesn't value him anymore, then Qi Hong will find a new **** to be the master. Isn't this operation normal?"

Hearing what Qi Feng said, Cao Mu was already dumbfounded. He didn't expect Qi Hong to start calculating them.

"Brother Qi Feng, what should we do now?" After thinking about those joints, Cao Mu quickly grabbed Qi Feng's hand and asked, he didn't want to die in such a place unclearly.

This change in Qi Hong's attitude really scared Cao Mu.

"So, you and I have lifted the control authority at the same time, and completely get out of the trance formation at the critical moment, don't get involved with this divine formation!" Qi Feng said in a low voice, his eyes could not stop the cold killing intent.

"When the gods want to recover, they can only find Qi Hong or Zhang Ziling in the gods."

"And if we have two more, it is very likely that there will be two gods who will recover, and neither of the two saints in the gods can run away!"

Cao Mu looked at Qi Feng in shock, but couldn't say anything.

This is really...too vicious!

Qi Feng not only wanted Qi Hong to endure the backlash of the divine formation, but also the resurrected **** swallowing Qi Hong's body.

This is simply... a living father killing!

"You are unkind and I am unrighteous. If Qi Hong doesn't do those things, he won't do anything. What's there to say about this!" Qi Feng glanced at Qi Hong who had begun to manipulate the two formations in the high-altitude crowd. Then he glared at Cao Mu and snarled, "Are we dead or he died, have you figured it out?"

Cao Mu was awakened by Qi Feng's words, his face instantly became firm.


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