When Tian Yuan said these words, the atmosphere of the entire Qi family instantly solidified, Qi Feng's body became stiff, the smile on his face gradually disappeared, and then he became full of fear.

"The Devil... Zhang Ziling?" Qi Feng said with a trembling voice, only feeling his head buzzing.

This title is both familiar and unfamiliar to all the cultivators on the Xuanxiao Continent today.

Basically every cultivator on the Xuanxiao Continent has heard of this name, and almost everyone has never seen the devil emperor's deity.

Thousands of years after the Devil Emperor left the Xuanxiao Continent, even the Devil Palace has declined, and the Devil Emperor's influence has been weak to the extreme.

However, countless legends about the Devil Emperor have been circulating on the Xuanxiao Continent, and even the things that the Devil Emperor has done and haven't done have been compiled into allusions and passed down from generation to generation.

The Devil Emperor has become a generation myth.

Almost every monk grew up listening to the name of Devil Emperor Zhang Ziling.

But now, Tian Yuan is calling Zhang Ziling the Devil Emperor in front of everyone in the Qi family...

Before, everyone only thought that Zhang Ziling had the same name as the Devil Emperor. After all, the world is bustling with so many people, and the same name is not a strange thing, it is normal.

But now...

"God, Shenjun...What do you call him?" Qi Feng swallowed slightly, and asked Tianyuan tremblingly.

Qi Feng hopes he has heard it wrong.

If Zhang Ziling is really the Devil Emperor, the Qi family...will perish!

Even Qi Feng has no objection to this.

Hearing Qi Feng's question, Tian Yuan just glanced at Qi Feng indifferently, and said: "Humble servant, I have no obligation to tell you."

Although Qi Feng helped Tian Yuan find a good body, Tian Yuan admired Qi Feng this servant very much. However, in Tian Yuan's eyes, Qi Feng was still a slave, and he had no right to ask his master at all.

Fortunately, Tian Yuan is in a very good mood now, so he is not prepared to play with Qi Feng.

Otherwise, Qi Feng will die.

Qi Feng didn't get Tian Yuan's reply, and he couldn't help becoming anxious, but he didn't dare to look at Zhang Ziling again.

Qi Feng didn't think that Tian Yuan, who was a god, would recognize the wrong person from the name he heard from Tian Yuan's mouth.

In the eyes of everyone, the Devil Emperor is an invincible existence.

"It seems that you have known my identity a long time ago." Zhang Ziling looked at Tian Yuan with interest and smiled, until he didn't show the slightest surprise, he admitted it so generously.

Zhang Ziling has long known that the information of the ancient gods is shared. Zhang Ziling did not hide his identity when solving the ancient gods. Now it is estimated that the ancient gods living on the Xuanxiao Continent know him.

Moreover, Zhang Ziling did not deliberately conceal his strength when he was fighting Qi Hong before. Tianyuan was able to recognize himself, and Zhang Ziling was not surprised at all.

However, Zhang Ziling was surprised at Tian Yuan's strength.


Unlike the ancient gods Zhang Ziling had encountered before, Tianyuan was obviously an ancient **** that had been resurrected for a long time, and even Zhang Ziling suspected that Tianyuan had recovered thousands of years ago, as Yuan's strength had already been restored to its peak state today.

Zhang Ziling can feel the majestic vitality of Tianyuan from the breath of Tianyuan!

Although Zhang Ziling wondered why a great emperor would stay in a heavenly holy place like Qi family, no matter what Tianyuan's purpose was, since Tianyuan appeared in front of Zhang Ziling, Zhang Ziling naturally had no reason to let him go.

The top ten ancient gods must be killed!

"Devil Emperor, I've heard of you before." Tian Yuan looked at Zhang Ziling calmly, without the slightest flinch in his eyes, "Unfortunately this is the first time we met."

"When I recovered, it was rumored that you were number one in the world, but before I regained my strength and took you as my servant, you had already stepped through the void and fled to other worlds, and I would never have a chance to capture you. ."

Zhang Ziling listened to Tian Yuan's talk, with smiles in his eyes, but he didn't refute Tian Yuan.

Zhang Ziling was very curious, where did Tian Yuan's confidence come from.

Although the ancient gods crushed mortal cultivators in the same rank, no matter how powerful Tianyuan was, he was no more than the emperor, far from the supreme.

Not only Zhang Ziling, but even the expressions on the faces of everyone in the Qi family were so strange that they didn't even bow to Tianyuan, and froze in place.

In Tianyuan's conversation, everyone in the Qi family also confirmed that Zhang Ziling was the Devil Emperor!

The Devil Emperor is rumored to be the first supreme being on the Central Profound Sky Continent to step into the Supreme Being.

Even if it is a god... in the hearts of all the Qi family members, perhaps they will not be the opponent of the Devil Emperor.

The word "devil emperor" is too heavy in the hearts of the cultivators in the Xuanxiao Continent, and nothing can compare with it.

Now that everyone heard that Tianyuan wanted to capture the Devil Emperor, they couldn't help but feel that this was a bit of a fantasy.

It's ridiculous.

"Devil Emperor, you slaughtered my God Clan a few days ago and almost broke the great event of the God King... At that time, I knew that you were back. I was extremely excited." Tian Yuan was floating in the air, his eyes flashing golden light, "Dang Wu Do you know how excited I am when you know you are in the wasteland?"

"I have waited for you for thousands of years! I thought you would never come back, and I would lose the best servant in the world. At that time... my heart hurts!"

"When I know that you are back, I can't wait to find you right away, I can't wait to suppress you immediately and take you into my servant for my drive!"

As Tian Yuan said, his eyes couldn't help showing madness, and the power of the body swayed, and the earth began to shake.

"Now my wish has finally come true, I am so excited!"

Fear was constantly growing in the hearts of all the Qi family members. They looked at Tian Yuan in fear and suddenly realized that Tian Yuan was a lunatic!

And they... actually betrayed their Patriarch and ancestors to serve a lunatic as their master!

Everyone in the Qi family regretted it just thinking about it.

Now this lunatic is delusional to capture the Devil Emperor, this is simply pushing their entire family into the fire pit!

Feng Tianyuan, the master of the Qi family, was not to die, they were to make the family stronger.

Things backfired. They found that after they became the masters of the ancient gods, the family was not only as powerful as they had imagined, but it also brought about an extermination!

Now even Qi Feng is beginning to regret it a little, and Tian Yuan's current performance is beyond their expectations.

It is crazy to want to be an enemy of the Devil Emperor.

Tianyuan's laughter echoed in the sky, and then stopped abruptly. The entire Qi family instantly became quiet, and the air gradually solidified.

Tianyuan's pressure on them is getting stronger and stronger.

Zhang Ziling looked at Tian Yuan calmly, with a playful smile on his face, and whispered, "What kind of medicine do you sell in the gourd?"

At first Zhang Ziling thought that Tianyuan was a fool, but judging from the exaggerated performance of Tianyuan now, Zhang Ziling suddenly realized...

Tianyuan's arrogance may be disguised!

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