Return to the Earth as a Bully

Chapter 1516: Change cause and effect

Zhang Ziling watched Tian Yuan's performance quietly, trying to figure out what Tian Yuan wanted to do.

Under the supernatural power of Tianyuan, the whole land split open and the sky became dim.

The soul-changing formation condensed by Qi Feng and Cao Mu didn't know when it had disappeared. Qi Hong, who had long been unconscious, fell to the ground, sinking into the cracked ground.

Now the entire small world is in chaos. Under the agitation of Tianyuan's divine power, spiritual power and divine power are intertwined, the environment becomes extremely bad, the earth cracks and magma erupts.

Many Qi family members fell in because the ground cracked, and eventually fell into the magma, leaving no bones.

The surviving monks of the Qi family didn't understand why Tianyuan wanted to kill them, but they knew...If they didn't run now, they had to wait for death!

For a time, this Qi family was scattered, and there were fleeing monks everywhere. Unfortunately, the small world of Qi family has collapsed, and there is no exit from this small world at all. Unless the strength reaches the point where it can break through this small world, otherwise Only stay in place and wait for death.

The Qi family mourned everywhere, and the Qi family members were crying desperately everywhere.

They did not expect that they would eventually die at the hands of the gods they served.

"What the **** is Tianyuan...what is it going to do?" Zhang Ziling frowned slightly, and Zhang Ziling suddenly found that he couldn't see through Tianyuan.

After seeing Zhang Ziling, Tianyuan first broke Zhang Ziling's identity, and then said like a madman that he wanted to take Zhang Ziling as a servant. He was so excited, but he never started to act.

Now Tianyuan released his pressure wantonly, wanting to shatter this small world, and let all the Qi family servants who surrendered to Tianyuan die.

Zhang Ziling could not understand Tianyuan's operation at all.

However, Tian Yuan did not explain that he slaughtered the Qi family while shouting his excitement, and his beautiful face was stained with scarlet blood.

The beautiful face of the ancestors of the Qi family was ruined by Tian Yuan's expression.

Qi Feng hid in a corner and looked at Tianyuan in the sky tremblingly, with fear in his eyes.

Tianyuan suddenly felt like a neuropathy* that made Qi Feng very puzzled. Things changed so quickly that Qi Feng couldn't accept it.

Previously, Qi Feng had been following Tianyuan’s orders, using the soul-changing formation and killing his father. After doing all this... Qi Feng thought he could sit on the top seat of the Qi family and received Tianyuan’s reward. Step into the realm of saints in advance.

However, everything in the Qi Family Holy Land is now sinking into the earth under the mighty power of Tian Yuan, and the apocalyptic scene in front of him makes Qi Feng's brain blank.

"This...why is it?" Qi Feng watched one after another die, and he became helpless, his fists clenched tightly, his nails even pierced into the flesh.

Tears of blood flowed from Qi Feng's cheeks.

In order for the master to betray his father and his brothers, what finally the master's betrayal?

It can be said that Tian Yuan has completely wiped out the Qi family.

And now Tian Yuan didn't seem to see the situation in front of him at all, and he laughed more and more crazy, making people think that Tian Yuan was a lunatic.

However, will the top ten ancient gods in the ancient gods court be mad?

Zhang Ziling didn't believe it anyway.

"Liyun, Tianheng...Do you know what Tianyuan is doing?" With the question in his mind, Zhang Ziling projected the picture of the Qi family into the minds of Liyun and Tianheng, and asked the two ancient gods.

The question that belongs to the gods is still clearer, and Zhang Ziling doesn't want to try to guess Tianyuan's purpose.

Perhaps when Zhang Ziling figured it out by himself, Tianyuan's goal was achieved.

Li Yun and Tianheng changed their expressions after seeing the picture that Zhang Ziling had projected for them, and said quickly, "Master Devil, be careful! Tianyuan is changing cause and effect! He is completely pretending to be crazy and bewildering Lord Devil. you!"

"Change cause and effect?" Hearing what Li Yun and Tianheng said, Zhang Ziling couldn't help but a glimmer of doubt flashed in his eyes, and he carefully surveyed the surroundings, but soon Zhang Ziling gave up.

Now under the chaos of Tianyuan, spiritual power and divine power are all mixed together, and the mixing of various powers makes everything around him become extremely chaotic, and Zhang Ziling cannot perceive any slightly regular power trajectory from the surroundings.

Any move or magic circle has its own law of spiritual power movement, and there must be its corresponding power movement trajectory in the air.

When those forces are combined in an orderly manner in a certain way, they will become a variety of moves and exert different effects.

The essence of martial arts is also to change the ordering method of spiritual power or natural spiritual power in the monk's body.

Now Zhang Ziling doesn't feel any orderly power from the surrounding spiritual and divine powers. That is to say, Tian Yuan has not used any moves or magic circles at present, so how can he change the cause and effect?

"My Lord Devil doesn't know that Tianyuan controls the world's cause and effect, which is illusory, but he can change the destiny of all living beings in the world, and his method is unknowingly, people who are changed cause and effect will not at all. Any perception."

"Even if you are a master of the Devil Emperor, your own cause and effect will definitely be modified by Tian Yuan under the influence of Tian Yuan. The agitated spiritual power he deliberately created is to cover up the adult's perception, so that you will not feel the slightest disagreement. Naturally!" Li Yun said quickly, with a little anxiety in his tone.

Now Li Yun and Tianheng have completely betrayed Shen Ting and took refuge in Zhang Ziling. If Zhang Ziling's fate is rewritten, then the fate of the two of them will definitely not be much better!

Therefore, Li Yun and Tian Heng now hope that Zhang Ziling will kill Tian Yuan more than anyone, and then change the changed destiny back.

"In other words... that guy is tampering with my destiny now?" Zhang Ziling squinted at Tian Yuan, who was laughing wildly at the sky, and asked softly.

"Master Demon Emperor, don't be careless! Even when the Emperor Human was fighting with the Divine King, Tianyuan changed the destiny of the Emperor Human and made the Emperor suffer a great loss!" Tianheng also reminded that he hoped that Zhang Ziling would not Too careless.

Although in the eyes of Liyun and Tianheng, Zhang Ziling is already regarded as the emperor of humanity, but the emperor of humanity once suffered a loss in Tianyuan's hands, which also means that Zhang Ziling may also suffer in Tianyuan's hands.

You should start as soon as possible!

"Even the Emperor has suffered a loss..." Hearing what Tianheng said, Zhang Ziling couldn't help becoming serious, looking straight at Tianyuan in the sky, spreading his body and soul.

In Zhang Ziling's body, the origin of the Causal Dao began to tremble gently, an inexplicable aura was unfolding around, and a mass of chaos enveloping countless entangled causes and effects manifested in Zhang Ziling's brain.

That is the concrete manifestation of Zhang Ziling's cause and effect.

"Perhaps Human Emperor has suffered from your ability to control cause and effect, but in this are not the only one who will change cause and effect!" Zhang Ziling looked at Tian Yuan with a chuckle, and the origin of cause and effect appeared in Zhang Ziling's palm, shining brightly. Light.

The aura of the great avenue rushed out, spreading out here, covering the divine power of Tianyuan and the spiritual power of the world!

In Zhang Ziling's brain, the chaos was concretized in the small world of the Qi family, beside the chaos... At the same time, a figure was concretized!

It is Tianyuan!

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