Return to the Earth as a Bully

Chapter 1517: Tianyuan who betrayed the **** king?

After Zhang Ziling's causal chaos and Tianyuan's villain were concretized, Zhang Ziling's smile became interesting.

"This guy, he really doesn't know what he is doing. If it weren't for Li Yun Tianheng's reminder, I would have been fooled by this guy!" Zhang Ziling muttered to himself, but he didn't seem worried at all.

The concreteized'Tianyuan' was a method used by Tianyuan to change Zhang Ziling's cause and effect, but Zhang Ziling had transformed it into the appearance of Tianyuan.

Whether it is Tianyuan's method or Zhang Ziling's cause and effect, they are all illusory and invisible, and they need to be given a certain shape when they are embodied, and what the shape is... Naturally, it all depends on Zhang Ziling's will.

At this moment, the concreteized "Tian Yuan" was at a loss next to the concrete chaos, completely unsure of what he was going to do.

In the chaos, cause and effect are intertwined, even Zhang Ziling himself can't see his own cause and effect, let alone Tian Yuan, he has no clue, he can't start.

Zhang Ziling believed that even if Tian Yuan was given more time, I am afraid that Tian Yuan would not be able to change his destiny.

From now on, everything in the world will become chaotic. Before order is restored, the path of cause and effect may become the most useless law.

"It is really interesting to change human cause and effect as a means of attack. It seems that I will have to develop other methods in the future." Zhang Ziling has only mastered the origin of the Three Thousand Dadao not long ago, and is not very familiar with using other Dadao origins as attack methods.

Of course, there are tens of thousands of ways in the world, and any one of them will be extremely powerful. Zhang Ziling's research on other methods is just icing on the cake and can be used as entertainment in his leisure time.

"As expected of the Devil Emperor, I found it..." Tian Yuan didn't seem to be surprised that Zhang Ziling found out that he was tampering with the fate of cause and effect. He narrowed his eyes as he looked at Zhang Ziling, as if he was thinking about something.

Under the agitation of Tianyuan's divine power, the Qi Family Holy Land was almost destroyed, and the Qi family who were still alive could even count it with their hands.

And looking at the state of those people, it is estimated that they are not far from death.

Hidden alive in the corner, Qi Feng saw the misery of the Qi family, his eyes had turned blood red, and his heart was filled with despair.

For him, everything about him was ruined.

The Qi family was gone, and the gods also betrayed them, and Qi Feng lost everything he deserved.

"Damn it!" Qi Feng slammed his fist to the ground, with rubble splashing everywhere.

I hate it!

After Zhang Ziling concretized his own cause and effect, Tian Yuan no longer pretended to be mad and acted stupid. The turbulent Qi family finally calmed down at this moment, and the dim sky made the momentum of this small world extremely depressing.

Tian Yuan stood in the void, surrounded by pale golden spiritual power, and the glow of sunlight spit out quietly.

The concrete "Tian Yuan" was directly erased by Zhang Ziling, and the cause and effect of the chaos that belonged to Zhang Ziling gradually dissipated.

After Zhang Ziling sacrificed the origin of the Dao of Cause and Effect, Tian Yuan knew that he could not change the fate of Zhang Ziling's cause and effect.

"To be honest, your cause and effect are even more complicated than that of the emperor. I was shocked when I first saw it."

"In another sentence, your future is full of uncertainty. One step is bright, and one step is dark." Tian Yuan looked at Zhang Ziling and said with a smile, full of inexplicable words.

Zhang Ziling looked at Tian Yuan calmly, without making any response.

After the means of changing cause and effect failed, Tianyuan had no means to threaten Zhang Ziling, but Tianyuan didn't seem to show any surprises, he had known such a thing for a long time.

An ancient **** who has lived from eternity to today, his strength ranks among the top ten in the gods' court, if there is no means, Zhang Ziling would not believe it anyway.

Judging from the current situation of the Qi family, it seems that Tian Yuan's appearance is not just to give the Qi family a chance or want to fight Zhang Ziling.

This Tianyuan is more like a person like Xie Wushuang.

Even more frightening is that Tian Yuan may have lived longer than Xie Wushuang.

"It's worthy of being the Devil Emperor. Whether it's strength or other, it's first-class. It's not an exaggeration to say that you are the new Emperor." Tian Yuan did not hesitate to praise himself, but he never mentioned business matters.

The more Tianyuan was like this, the more Zhang Ziling felt that Tianyuan was planning something big.

"What on earth do you want to say?" Zhang Ziling cut directly to the topic, and didn't want to say such inconsequential words to Tian Yuan.

Judging from the performance of Tianyuan just now, Zhang Ziling did not believe that Tianyuan would not know his strength, and that Tianyuan looked different from other ancient gods, and did not blindly praise the power of the gods.

From this point alone, Zhang Ziling knew that Tianyuan was not just a god.

Seeing Zhang Ziling directly asked Tianyuan, he smiled and said, "Don't worry about the devil emperor, the other gods will not know the next conversation between us, this is a private conversation."

"What I did just now was just throwing a smoke bomb."

"So?" Zhang Ziling raised his eyebrows. The ancient gods and the monks were basically on opposite sides. Zhang Ziling couldn't think of anything he could talk about with these ancient gods.

Even if it was Li Yun and Tian Heng who were subdued, Zhang Ziling has not trusted them up to now.

Moreover, Tian Yuan's behavior was very strange this time, Zhang Ziling didn't need to think about it and knew that he couldn't pry out anything useful from Tian Yuan's mouth.

For this kind of core figure of the ancient god, directly killing may be the best choice.

But from now on, Tianyuan seems to want to cooperate with him to plan something.

To kill or not to kill? this is a problem.

"Don't be annoyed by the Devil Emperor, it's just that my plan is very big, and I must disturb the surrounding cause and effect to prevent the **** king from eavesdropping." Tian Yuan looked at Zhang Ziling with a smile, and said this calmly.

"Thousands of years ago, I knew that the Devil Emperor is powerful, so I naturally didn't have the courage to find the Devil Emperor your trouble. What I said just now was against my heart."

"It's about the King of Gods?" Zhang Ziling suddenly became interested, but he didn't expect that he could hear such words from Tian Yuan's mouth.

Zhang Ziling thought that as the core confidant of the **** king, he was also loyal to the **** king, but from now on... this **** court also has a lot of intrigues.

Zhang Ziling didn't believe that Tian Yuan made such a big battle just to talk to himself about the power of God King.

"Say!" Zhang Ziling didn't plan to go around the corner, and asked directly.

Zhang Ziling also understands what is going on in this small world of Qi family. The order is broken and spiritual power is turbulent, and all causes and effects have become chaotic. know.

Means such as the exploration of heavenly secrets have completely lost their effectiveness.

"The Devil Emperor is not in a hurry. In order to express my sincerity, let us have the possibility to talk about it next and give you a gift first."

As Tian Yuan said, the palm of his hand was flowing divinely, and then it turned into a giant hand under Zhang Ziling's gaze, and rushed to the ground of Qi family.

"This is...cannibalism?"

Zhang Ziling saw that Qi Hong, who was unconscious, was arrested by Tian Yuan.

"The **** is the most vulnerable when he recovers, and as long as we destroy the body where he is staying at the moment he regains consciousness, then the god..."


Qi Hong's body was directly squeezed by Tian Yuan!

"It will also be completely lost."

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