Return to the Earth as a Bully

Chapter 1518: Cooperation to kill the king?

Qi Hong's pieces of meat fell from the sky, and the divine power gathered around also suddenly dissipated.

Before an ancient **** had time to wake up, he was completely gone, and he could no longer see the light of this world.

Qi Hong's blood turned into a rain of blood and fell, Zhang Ziling stretched out his hand to look at the blood dripping on his hand, his eyes flashing red.

Tian Yuan directly killed Qi Hong and Zhang Ziling was a little surprised, but Zhang Ziling also had a lot of dealings with Xie Wushuang, knowing that this type of people only talk about benefits and not others. As long as they can achieve their goals, they can do whatever they want.

Obviously, killing the ancient **** to gain a little trust in Zhang Ziling was a matter of great interest to Tian Yuan.

"Heh! It's really interesting!" Zhang Ziling laughed, raised his eyes to look at Tian Yuan, and jumped towards the sky.

It must be said that this series of actions by Tianyuan successfully aroused Zhang Ziling's interest, and Zhang Ziling now wants to know what Tianyuan will say next.

"Let's talk about it, what is your purpose for doing this?" Zhang Ziling came to Tian Yuan and asked when he looked at Tian Yuan.

At this moment, Tianyuan's serious appearance made the Qi family ancestor's face a lot more attractive, and it looked pleasing to the eye.

"Cooperate with you on one thing." Tian Yuan said calmly, "I originally planned to discuss with you when the **** king of the Hundred Academy Conference started the operation, but since you have arrived at Qi's house in advance, we should start cooperating now."

"Cooperate with what?"

"I provide the position of the **** king, you go and kill the **** king."

As soon as Tian Yuan said this sentence, Zhang Ziling's eyes suddenly burst, but Zhang Ziling soon calmed down, looking at Tian Yuan and asking indifferently, "Why should I trust you?"

"You can choose not to believe it. We fail to cooperate on this, and you can kill me at any time." Tian Yuan behaved very calmly, it seems that it is not surprising that Zhang Ziling said such words.

"I know you better than any other gods, Devil! I know that you are stronger than anyone else. After the gods are caught, you are even more unreasonable, even better than the gods!"

Hearing Tian Yuan's words, Zhang Ziling's already calm mood suddenly trembled.

Zhang Ziling directly reached out and pinched Tian Yuan's neck, and asked coldly, "How did you know about this?"

No outsider knew about Tiandao being caught except Zhang Ziling and Tianxunyi, and Zhang Ziling also confirmed that Tian Yuan could not be present, and that Tian Yuan knew about this... it became very strange.

"Cough! Don't get too excited about the Devil Emperor!" Tian Yuan was pinched by Zhang Ziling a little bit uncomfortably, and he struggled a bit, and motioned to Zhang Ziling to let him go.

Tian Yuan already had the strength of the Great Emperor, but now he was pinched like a chicken by Zhang Ziling, the real momentum that Zhang Ziling burst out at that moment almost didn't make Tian Yuan frightened.

Soon Zhang Ziling realized his gaffe, let go of Tian Yuan, and coughed slightly, "How did you know about this?"

Tian Yuan breathed a sigh of relief, then looked at Zhang Ziling with some horror, and faintly replied: "I control the cause and effect, and the way of heaven changes, I will naturally feel it, and I will also understand the changes in the cause and effect in the world. I can’t hide the fact of two powerful characters."

Not to mention which of the words Tian Yuan said is true, but Zhang Ziling did not choose to press on and continue to do business.

"You tell me the position of the **** king, what else do you want?"

"As far as I know, based on the current situation of your **** court, all of your power comes from the **** king. If I kill him... what good will it do for you?" Zhang Ziling looked directly into Tianyuan's eyes, as if he wanted to see through. Tianyuan.

"The power of the **** king is only given to the newly resurrected **** race. We have already had our own body and can restore the **** power by ourselves. There is no need to accept the power of the **** king."

"Furthermore, it is only wishful thinking of the **** king and a small number of people to make the gods come back. Not all of our gods want to reign in the Xuanxiao Continent again."

"After experiencing a battle with the Emperor of Humanity, I have long realized that this Xuanxiao Continent is the world of mortals. If the God King wants to take control of this Xuanxiao Continent again, he will definitely bring the scourge of annihilation to the Protoss!" Tian Yuan became serious. I got up and looked at Zhang Ziling and said solemnly, "If there is one emperor, there will be a second emperor."

"So, you want me to kill the **** king and prevent the **** king from leading the **** clan to rule the world?" Zhang Ziling looked at Tian Yuan in surprise, feeling very unbelievable at what Tian Yuan said.

"Ahem! It is to prevent the King of God from leading our Protoss to extinction." Tian Yuan coughed lightly and corrected Zhang Ziling.

"Okay, whatever you say." Zhang Ziling smiled politely but awkwardly.

At this moment, Tianyuan didn’t care if Zhang Ziling believed in him or not, he directly took out a piece of jade slip and handed it to Zhang Ziling: “It records the location of the **** king and his weaknesses. You only need to go to this place to see it. God King. At that time, whether you believe me or not, you will definitely kill him."

Zhang Ziling took the jade slip, and did not rush to check it. Instead, he received it in the space ring.

"Okay, I believe you for the time being."

"I'm telling you, I just ask you to spare our Protoss after killing the King of Gods. We also want to live in peace with you."

"I see," Zhang Ziling nodded, "I helped you kill the **** king. What you want is that I let go of your remaining **** race, right?"

"Yes." Tian Yuan nodded, "I hope we can continue to cooperate in the future."

"of course."

Zhang Ziling smiled and stretched out his hand to Tian Yuan: "Happy cooperation."

"This is the etiquette of your earth?" Tian Yuan said, holding Zhang Ziling's hand, "Cooperate and enjoy..."

However, before Tian Yuan could finish saying this sentence, Tian Yuan felt a sharp pain in his palm and his face changed suddenly.

Tian Yuan wanted to shrink his hand, but found that he couldn't break free of Zhang Ziling at all. Zhang Ziling's current hand was like iron tongs, and he was firmly holding Tian Yuan.

Tian Yuan suddenly raised his eyes and looked at Zhang Ziling, only to find that Zhang Ziling's smile had become cold and weird, making Tian Yuan chill all over his body.

"Demon Emperor, what are you?" Tian Yuan was puzzled, wondering why Zhang Ziling had to do it to himself.

Tian Yuan didn't understand where he was showing his feet, and Tian Yuan was sure that he couldn't threaten Zhang Ziling. Zhang Ziling had no need to do anything to himself.

"You are indeed very powerful. In fact, I haven't figured out what you want to do until now. I acted crazy for a while and wished to arrest me as a slave. For a while I acted shrewdly and wanted to conspire with me. I really don’t know which one is true. Of you."

"I don't even know what exactly is recorded in the jade slip you gave me... But I have one thing but I am very sure." Zhang Ziling smiled, looking innocent.

"You, you..." Tian Yuan found that his consciousness began to blur, his lips became pale, and his body was weak.

"You are too contradictory, contradictory that I can't see through you at all. However, as long as I kill you, then whatever you plan next is meaningless."

"Although you are very similar to Xie Wushuang, I thought you and the Evil Emperor are the same kind of people, it's a pity... now I take back this sentence."


Zhang Ziling's palm ignited demon flames and began to devour Tianyuan.

"I found out that you are not at all. After all... the evil emperor would not appear directly in front of me to discuss cooperation with me, because he knew that he would die."

"So, goodbye!"

Zhang Ziling squinted at Tian Yuan and laughed, and the Demon Flame completely swallowed Tian Yuan.

At the last moment when the magic flame swallowed Tian Yuan, Zhang Ziling saw endless despair and regret in Tian Yuan's eyes.

That means...

Zhang Ziling made no mistake.

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