Return to the Earth as a Bully

Chapter 1519: Qi family annihilated!

Tianyuan was completely burned to ashes by Zhang Ziling, and it was the plan behind Tianyuan that burned to ashes along with Tianyuan.

No matter how much time and effort Tianyuan spent and how big the game was, as the fire of Zhang Ziling passed, everything was meaningless.

If Xie Wushuang's layout had been the deity used for the few meetings with Zhang Ziling, I'm afraid Xie Wushuang's layout would be like Tianyuan's, and it would become meaningless.

Zhang Ziling would kill Xie Wushuang just like killing Tianyuan now.

Perhaps Tian Yuan's game was comparable to Xie Wushuang's, but Tian Yuan had taken a wrong step and his life was lost.

Tianyuan's only fault was that he didn't understand Zhang Ziling at all.

Since you can't understand your layout, you can get rid of you directly over there, and even the player is no longer there. Naturally, this game is meaningless.

Not everyone is qualified to play a big game with Zhang Ziling.

"What a naive god." Zhang Ziling took out the jade slip and scanned the contents of the jade slip, and then destroyed the jade slip. "Do you really think I can't kill?"

After doing all this, Zhang Ziling looked down at the Qi family. It was a coincidence... Qi Feng was the only one who died in the Qi family. Everything Tianyuan did before can be said to completely destroy the Qi family. Up.

With the death of Tianyuan and the unborn ancient god, the divine power that permeated the Qi family's small world gradually dissipated, the gray sky began to clear, and the soft sunlight shone on the broken earth.

The smell of blood permeated all around.

"It's dawn..." Zhang Ziling looked at the blue sky and said softly, slowly falling to the broken ground.

There were blood stains everywhere, and magma was still flowing in many places.

Zhang Ziling walked slowly in front of Qi Feng and calmly watched Qi Feng kneeling on the ground with no spirits.

The ground around Qi Feng was full of fist marks, and Qi Feng's hands were bleeding.


Zhang Ziling whispered, Qi Feng suddenly woke up.

Qi Feng looked up and saw Zhang Ziling standing in the sun, his body trembling slightly.


The beautiful blue sky and ruins on the ground, these two extreme sceneries made Qi Feng a hit.

Everything changed in just one night.

Qi Feng is no longer the emperor of the Qi family, and he is no longer the first genius of Tianshengyuan. All the auras on his body disappeared at this moment.

Only the remnants of the Qi family remained...

Only the dying person.

"Devil, Demon Emperor..." Qi Feng opened his mouth, looking at Zhang Ziling and calling, his voice hoarse.

"What else do you want to say?" Zhang Ziling asked softly.

Although Qi Feng looks very pitiful now, and will not pose any threat to Zhang Ziling in the future, let alone contact with the ancient **** at all, but... Zhang Ziling will still kill him.

Two lines of clear tears flowed down Qi Feng's cheeks. He closed his eyes and slowly kowtow to Zhang Ziling. He trembled and said, "I was wrong."

"I was wrong... I shouldn't count my father."

"I shouldn't kill my brother."

"I shouldn't...should not conspire with God, it was I who killed the Qi family!" Qi Feng cried loudly, with endless regrets in his tone.

Zhang Ziling quietly waited for Qi Feng to confess, and did not say any enlightenment.

It is Qi Feng's own responsibility to fall into this field.

Moreover, Qi Feng originally planned to kill Zhang Ziling and the people around Zhang Ziling, just based on this...Zhang Ziling would not let Qi Feng go.

After Qi Feng finished crying, Zhang Ziling said lightly: "It's time to go on the road."

Hearing Zhang Ziling's words, Qi Feng's body shook suddenly, then Qi Feng slowly raised his head to look at Zhang Ziling and nodded slightly.

He accepted his fate.


In the sun, in the holy land of Qi family.

A head fell off a kneeling body, blood splashed, and the headless corpse fell softly in a pool of blood.

Zhang Ziling calmly watched Qi Feng's body soaked in blood, and turned away silently.

At this point, the last person in the Qi family died.

Qi family, dead.

"It's really nice weather!"

Zhang Ziling stretched slightly, his body gradually twisted and disappeared into this small world of Qi family.

Qijia Holy Land, a peaceful place.


Mu Bing walked out of the inn room, stretched vigorously, and yawned at the same time.

"Sister early!" Mu Ke also happened to walk out of the room and greeted Mu Bing with a smile, "How did you sleep last night?"

"It's pretty fragrant." Mu Bing saw Mu Ke lunge over, spread his hands to catch Mu Ke, and smiled softly.

"Hehe! I haven't slept so well for a long time!" Mu Ke shook Mu Bing's arm, "Sister, let's go down for breakfast!"

Mu Bing scraped Mu Ke's nose affectionately and nodded.

Although Mu Bing was very cold in front of outsiders, like a ten thousand year iceberg, Mu Bing was gentle and gentle in front of Mu Ke.

The two went downstairs holding arms and found that Zhang Ziling was already eating breakfast by a window.

"Good morning, teacher!" Mu Ke saw Zhang Ziling drag Mu Bing to walk over, and directly sat with Zhang Ziling, without shy away.

"Morning." Zhang Ziling nodded, eating breakfast leisurely, not at all as if he had just destroyed a great emperor and a heavenly holy place.

"How was the teacher's sleep yesterday? I don't think it's been a long time since I slept so soundly." Mu Ke asked Zhang Ziling while holding a fried dough stick.

Because of Mu Ke's double cultivation technique, especially the dark face cultivation technique of Mu Ke's cultivation, it is so strange that Mu Ke could hardly sleep a good night's sleep, but yesterday Mu Ke was sleeping especially sweetly.

"Fortunately, it's just some insomnia, so I went out for a short walk." Zhang Ziling said nonsense seriously.

"Teacher, that matter..." Mu Bing was very concerned about the assassin's affairs. Yesterday she had planned to help catch the culprit, but Mu Bing never thought that she would fall asleep and fell asleep until dawn. .

When he thought of this, Mu Bing felt a little guilty.

"It's all solved, you don't have to worry." Zhang Ziling smiled, and now even the Qi family has been erased, and the problem has been fundamentally solved.

Hearing what Zhang Ziling said, Mu Bing couldn't help flashing a hint of surprise in his eyes, and he quickly thanked: "Thank you, teacher."

After all, he has been poisoned by someone, if this matter is not resolved, Mu Bing will not be able to sleep well.

"What are you talking about? Can you tell me?" Mu Ke looked curious, she had no idea what Zhang Ziling and Mu Bing planned.

"Eat obediently, where are so many problems?" Zhang Ziling picked up a dumpling and stuffed it into Mu Ke's mouth.

"Woo!" Mu Ke was gagged by the food, and was speechless for a while, only bulging his cheeks.

Mu Ke's lovely appearance caused Zhang Ziling and Mu Bing to laugh.

There was joy on the dinner table.

And in the warm time between Zhang Ziling and the two beautiful apprentices, the storm of the Qi family's extermination... began to sweep the entire wasteland, and the news soon reached Hongye City.

The opening of the Hundred Academy Conference was just around the corner, and the entire wasteland was shaken in advance.

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