Return to the Earth as a Bully

Chapter 1520: Wasteland chaos

In the following days, the entire wasteland was plunged into extreme chaos due to the demise of the Qi family, but many forces did not feel sad and lamented because of the demise of the Qi family.

They don't have so much time.

The monks didn't have time to be hurt or shocked, and they joined the army of sharing the family.

The Qi family's resources are too huge, as long as a little is swallowed, one force can be supported.

In order to cannibalize the Qi family, all the forces went crazy.

The death of the Qi family has become a carnival for everyone.

The Qi family is one of the four top-level families in the wasteland, and the resources under its control account for almost a quarter of the wasteland. Those main cities, spirit mines, medicinal fields, secret realms... are necessary for the development of countless forces. Strategic resources have all become unowned, causing many big forces to scramble to grab them, and even the forces of Outland stretched out their hands.

Especially the main city of the Qi family, the giant city Tianyan City, and several earth-level holy places fought for the battle for Tianyan City, causing numerous casualties.

In the mighty movement to divide the family, the attention of the Hundred Academy Conference has dropped a lot, many forces are busy grabbing resources, and Hongye City has also become relatively deserted.

Extreme Snow City, one of the four big families, the Lin family!

At the top of a towering mountain peak, where snow is covered all year round, a palace made of ice crystals stands there, and is ravaged by the cold wind all day long.

"The Qi family was destroyed, have you found out who did it?" An old man sat on the Ice Crystal Throne and asked indifferently to a real martial arts monk wearing a white robe below.

"Master, I am waiting to send thousands of spies to various cities in the wasteland to inquire about the news, but there is no gain." The monk said respectfully, not daring to overstep.

"This Qi family was annihilated overnight. In the entire holy land, not one of the ten thousand people died. The broken corpse of the Qi family's patriarch and the broken ancient coffin of the Qi family ancestor were both in the holy place. The two saints died silently, but we The Tanzhi in Qi's house is also dead, otherwise you will know which emperor came to the wasteland." The old man murmured, with a cold breath in his mouth, and the air continued to condense with frost as the old man breathed.

After thinking for a moment, the old man stood up slowly and looked at the monk below lazily: "Go down and check again. The focus is on the Hundred Academy Conference. At this critical point in time, I suspect that the great emperor will take action and the Hundred Academy Conference. related."

"Yes!" The monk saluted the old man, then disappeared in place and left the hall.

After the man left, the old man sighed slightly and whispered: "The sky in this barren going to change."

After wandering in place for a few times, the old man sat back on the throne again, his face turned cold again, and said in a low voice, "Chuan Xuan'er enters the hall to see me!"

Desolate City, one of the four big families, the Cao family!

In a manor full of rare and exotic animals, a white-haired young man in luxurious clothes is sitting by the lake and fishing leisurely, with an elegant manner.

Hundreds of servants stood neatly behind the gray-haired youth, serving the gray-haired youth at any time.

A middle-aged man walked quietly behind the white-haired youth, saluted slightly, and said softly: "Ancestor."

"How's the investigation going?" The white-haired young man didn't look back, and asked faintly while fishing.

"I haven't found anyone who did this." The middle-aged man whispered, cold sweat slipping off his forehead.

The surrounding atmosphere became slightly suppressed.

"The Qi family was annihilated overnight. Tens of thousands of people were dead and clean in one night. It is impossible for such a big incident to be silent at all." The voice of the white-haired youth was rather cold, the middle-aged man's body There was a sudden tremor.

"Subordinates are incompetent! Subordinates checked all the recent movements of the Qi family, only to find that the head of the Qi family, Qi Hong, was in the Qi Mansion of Hongye City on the night of the extermination, and the sound of fighting was heard from the Qi mansion that night." The middle-aged man quickly. Said, did not dare to hesitate.

"My clan inheritance and even Cao Mu was a guest in Qi Mansion, and then the card was broken."

In the presence of the ancestors of the Cao family, their lives are almost the same as that of a beast, and they will die if they miss it.

"They are in Hongye City..." The white-haired young man put down the fishing rod in his hand, got up from the chair, turned his back with his hands on his back and looked at the middle-aged man, his eyes were indifferent, "Then explore it in Hongye City, the great emperor. It will definitely come out."

"Our Cao family and Qi family were supposed to be one. Now that the Qi family is destroyed, our Cao family will definitely be affected. This matter...must be resolved as soon as possible."

"Yes!" The middle-aged man took the order, but did not back down.

The white-haired young man was about to turn around, but found that the middle-aged man had not stepped back. The white-haired young man couldn't help but narrowed his eyes, and said coldly, "What else is there?"

The middle-aged man hurriedly saluted, and quickly said: "Back to the ancestors, several prefecture-level sacred places took advantage of the current chaos in the wasteland and began to reach out to the place under the jurisdiction of our Cao family. We should..."

"Do you still need me to teach you?" Hearing the words of the middle-aged man, the white-haired young man's eyes clearly flashed unpleasantly, and his tone became gloomy.

Seeing that the white-haired youth was displeased, the middle-aged man trembled suddenly and quickly replied: "Subordinates understand that they will deal with those earth-level holy places!"

"Retreat." The white-haired young man didn't seem to want to say much, and beckoned to the middle-aged man, "By the way, the Hundred Academy Conference will be held tomorrow, and help me prepare."

"Although something has happened to the Qi family, the Hundred Academy Conference is a tradition in our wasteland, and it must be held.

"Boy understands."

"Yeah." The white-haired young man nodded, and then he sat back in his chair and stopped talking, not looking like an ancestor at all.

Hongyecheng, Mu's family!

"How about it, have you contacted Lord Devil?" Mu family veteran Mu Changqing asked Mu Tian anxiously in the Mu Mansion. After the accident in the Qi family, Mu Changqing wanted to say a few words to Zhang Ziling, but Zhang Ziling did. He has always avoided seeing them for the reason of focusing on teaching his students.

In Mu Changqing's view, the entire wasteland has the ability to destroy the powerhouse of the Qi family this heavenly holy land overnight, and only Devil Emperor Zhang Ziling is the only one.

Moreover, they are also aware of the contradiction between the Qi family and Zhang Ziling. Now that the news that the Qi family has been annihilated comes out, Mu Changqing doesn't need to think that Zhang Ziling did it.

Originally, Mu Changqing did not care about the life and death of the Qi family, but now is the time when the Hundred Academy Conference is about to be held. One of the four major families of the Qi family has been annihilated, and countless forces have been involved in disputes over resources. The influence of this Hundred House Conference has been reduced indefinitely, and Mu Changqing doesn't know if this Hundred House Conference will continue.

Moreover, the students of the major colleges are all from major forces. Now all forces in the wasteland are fighting for the Qi family inheritance. The disciples of their major forces will probably desperately kill everything at the Hundred Academy Conference, even together with the college. Will not show mercy.

If this session of the Hundred Courts Conference is held, it will probably be the most deadly and injured in history.

"Tomorrow the Hundred House Conference will be opened, but we don’t know what the Devil Emperor’s attitude towards this matter is... If the Devil Emperor does not want the Hundred House Conference to be held, then we continue to hold it, don’t we want to die? "Mu Changqing's tone was full of anxiety, and the genocide of the Qi family made Mu Changqing a headache.

What worries Mu Changqing even more is that the Qi family and the Cao family are one. Now that the Qi family has been annihilated, the Cao family has become a bomb that will explode at any time!

When the Cao family is in trouble, it will be a headache again.

"Evergreen, Mu Tian, ​​what are you two worried about?"

Just when Mu Changqing and Mu Tian were stunned, Zhang Ziling, wearing a black robe, suddenly appeared behind them, sitting at the stone table playing with jade wine glasses.

"I heard, you two are looking for me?"

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