Return to the Earth as a Bully

Chapter 1522: Domineering

Hearing that scream, even Mu Ke stopped talking, and quickly stretched out Xuebai's neck and looked out.

In the past, the students of the Tiandiyuan were always seen by the dragons, and it was impossible for them to appear before all the students from the colleges and universities were buried.

If the person was not called the wrong person, the people from the imperial court came here that day, there must be something big to happen.

Mu Ke looked around and saw only five students wearing black and white uniforms with black unicorns embroidered on their chests slowly walking towards here.

Tiandiyuan’s students have always been scarce, but the criteria for selecting students in Tiandiyuan is extremely strict, and even Qi Feng, who is ranked first in Tianshengyuan, is not eligible to enter the Tiandiyuan.

In fact, no one in the entire wasteland entered the Tiandiyuan.

As long as you enter the Tiandi Academy, the resources you can get can be said to be endless. Not only are all the martial arts and martial arts, but the teachers are at least sages, and even the water that the students bathe every day is the concoction of the holy medicine.

The students who successfully graduated from the Tiandi Academy are all saints with the worst cultivation level, and even the Tiandi Academy has also produced a great emperor, which is a veritable imperial school.

There have never been more than ten students in the entire Tiandi Academy, but fewer than ten of them were able to slaughter all the students of other colleges in a short time!

Therefore, no one dares to provoke the Tiandiyuan!

The five people were indifferent and walked forward side by side, all the surrounding students backed away.

Just the momentum of the five people suppressed the students from the hundreds of colleges around.

"Is that a student from the Tiandi Academy? Very stylish!" Xingyu craned his neck to look at the five students, with curiosity in his eyes.

"Hush!" Mu Ke quickly turned around and covered Xingyu's mouth, "You don't want to die?"

Mu Ke admits that Xingyu is very strong, but the weakest students who walked out of the Tiandiyuan are all five or more True Martial Stages, and their cultivation is terrifying, Xingyu has no chance of winning when they meet them!

Even if Xingyu is the son of Chaos, Xingyu is too young after all.

Seeing Mu Ke's nervous appearance, Xingyu's little chicken nodded like a peck, saying that he would no longer make a fuss, and Mu Ke released Xingyu's mouth.

"Muke, what are they coming from? Why are everyone afraid of those five people." Xingyu asked Mu Ke in a low voice, although Tiandiyuan ranked first, it shouldn't be such an exaggeration, right?

Xingyu even saw the students of Tianshengyuan began to hide, his eyes flickering.

The five people in Tiandiyuan made the thousands of students in this square scared to speak. From Xingyu's point of view... it was impossible.

"You don't know, the students of the Tiandi Academy are all the deans of the Tiandi Academy who traveled to the Xuanxiao Continent, and the enchanting geniuses brought back from all over the place. Each of them is extremely talented, and they can even stand up to others in one day of cultivation. The face, the realm of the world, is extremely terrifying." Mu Ke said to Zai Xingyu in a low voice.

"Is it so powerful?" Xingyu's eyes widened, not believing what Mu Ke said.

This is really too exaggerated. One day of cultivation is equivalent to one year of others' cultivation. Does this mean that others should live?

"Why are they not so powerful? Those people may not be able to come out of one domain, they are all peerless wizards. Moreover, the speed of cultivation is only the first admission standard of the Tiandi Academy."

"There are other requirements? Then I can't even enter the gate of the Tiandiyuan?" Xingyu was even more shocked. He suddenly thought about himself. If he uses his Qi Gathering Realm cultivation base, I am afraid that he will not even see the Tiandiyuan. Will take a look.

What a shame to Master!

Xingyu almost didn't slap himself.

"Brother, what's wrong with you?" Mu Jianxing Xingyu's expression was tangled, and he looked at Xingyu with some doubts.

In fact, Mu Ke has also heard about the admissions standards of the Tiandi Academy. Mu Ke is not clear about the specifics. In short, it is very strict.

But in Mu Ke's opinion... Xingyu can become the inheritance disciple of the Devil Emperor, even if the admissions of the Tiandi Academy are strict, that Xingyu's talent will definitely surpass those stinky students of the Tiandi Academy by several blocks.

After all, there have been hundreds of students in the Tiandi Academy for nearly ten thousand years, and the Devil Emperor has only blindly accepted disciples.

What's more, the Tiandiyuan didn't deserve the shoes for the Devil Emperor.

Mu Ke originally had a little fear and admiration for the Tiandiyuan, but after Mu Ke thought of Zhang Ziling's identity, he instantly became hardened, pretending to pat Xingyu's shoulder deeply, and said: "Brother, don't be ignorant of yourself. Teacher he accepts You are a disciple of the inheritance, that means your talent is extremely high, and the talents of all your peers in the world are not as good as yours!"

"Aren't they the students of Tiandi Academy? It is estimated that when they appear in front of the teacher, the teacher will not even look at them!" Mu Ke said with a laugh, and began to feel a little smug.

After all, Mu Ke is still a teenage girl, and she knows a big secret like Zhang Ziling. Keeping the secret has made Mu Ke very tired, and that Mu Ke naturally can't control his self-absorption.

Mu Ke can't wait to let the whole world know who his teacher is.

"Who was slandering us just now?" Just as Mu Ke was comforting Xingyu, one of the five students in the Tiandi Academy frowned and asked in a deep voice.

This man was in his forties, but he was considered very young when he lived in the Xuanxiao Continent for thousands of years. It is normal to be a student in the college.

Mu Ke heard the man's questioning, and immediately covered his mouth, not daring to speak any more.

Although Mu Ke thinks that Xingyu's talent is better than the students of Tiandiyuan, and his own teachers are unparalleled in the world, but now Zhang Ziling is not here, Xingyu is still very young, they naturally can't easily provoke him from Tiandiyuan.

Mu Ke didn't expect that the man's ears were so sharp, and he deliberately lowered his voice and was heard.

Although Mu Ke covered his mouth and stopped making a sound, the man did not give up. He scanned the surroundings with a stern look, and the powerful pressure diffused from his body and spread to the surroundings.

"No one has dared to slander my Tiandiyuan!"

The men's coercion made all the students in the surrounding colleges breathless.

The man randomly grabbed a student from a miscellaneous college and asked coldly: "You, tell me who was talking about us just now?"

Being caught by the people of the Tiandi Academy, the students of the miscellaneous academy were shocked and hurriedly said, "I, I don't know!"

"Don't you know? Believe it or not, I slapped you to death?" The man picked up the collar of the college student of the miscellaneous brand, his palm was surging, and his momentum was shocking.

The student cried directly, and tremblingly begged for mercy: "I, I really don't know!"

"You're looking for death!" Seeing that the student still didn't answer him, a hideous trace flashed across the man's face, and he was ready to take a shot.

The other four Celestial Academy members all watched indifferently, and did not stop them.

The student's classmates looked so ugly that even the teacher dared not beg for mercy.

They are just incompetent academies, if they provoke the Tiandi Academy, then their entire academy will die!

The man's cultivation level even far exceeds that of the instructor of that academy, and his strength is insufficient...Their academy can only suffer from this boring loss.

"Help!" The student of the miscellaneous college screamed sternly, and the man slapped the student's head with a palm, obviously he was going to directly explode the student's head!


At this critical moment, Xingyu's roar stopped the man's movements.

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