Return to the Earth as a Bully

Chapter 1523: Gathering Qi vs. Zhenwu

Xingyu roared out a word, and the man stopped the attack instantly and turned to look at Xingyu.

"What do you want to do?" The man asked Xingyu gloomily with a touch of danger in his eyes.

The monks all around looked at Xingyu, with endless admiration in their eyes.

Those who dare to roar at the Tiandi Academy are the real warriors!

Mu Jianxing Xingyu on the side took the initiative to stand up, quickly pulled Xingyu's sleeves, and whispered: "Xingyu!"

The two or three-tiered real martial arts in their Baishi Academy came here, even the monks of the Tiansheng Academy can't afford to provoke them, let alone those from the Tiandi Academy.

If the Tiandiyuan goes crazy, Mu Ke wonders if their Baishi Academy can block the fierce attacks of those people in the Tiandiyuan before the arrival of the strong Mu family.

"Mu Ke rest assured, this is my own business, and will not be related to the academy." Xingyu blocked Mu Ke, and looked at the man coldly and said: "You let him go. I just slandered your Heavenly Emperor Academy."

As soon as Xingyu said these words, there was an uproar around him. Everyone looked at Xingyu in shock, but didn't expect Xingyu to take the initiative to admit it.

Soon, everyone discovered that Xingyu was just a waste of the Qi Gathering Realm. Although he was standing with the Baishi Academy, he did not wear the uniform of the Baishi Academy, and it seemed completely safe.

For a while, everyone's expressions became extremely exciting, and they didn't know what to say.

The Qi Gathering Realm can be said to have just stepped into the cultivation world, and it is normal to not understand anything, but... in a place where the strong gather, even if there is no knowledge of the Qi Gathering Realm, it should be able to realize the seriousness of the scene. , But Xingyu insisted on coming out to be a hero.

"This kid...isn't he a fool?"

"I'm still in the Qi Gathering Realm when I'm so old, it's obviously not suitable for cultivation, why stay in the cultivation world?"

"But I admire people who dare to roar at the Tiandiyuan as a low-level monk!"

The surrounding students whispered, praising Xingyu's actions.

However, the student who was caught by the man from the Tiandiyuan gave Xingyu a grateful look, and then fainted completely.

"You let him go, it's none of his business, do people in Tiandiyuan like to be so brutal?" Xingyu asked when he looked at the man with sharp words.

"Interesting!" The man looked at Xingyu playfully, his smile turned hideous, and he threw the student in his hand aside.

"I don't know where your confidence comes from for a mere waste of energy!" The man twisted his neck with a smile, his bones crackled, "Do you know what you are facing?"

The students from the surrounding colleges all looked at Xingyu sympathetically, as if they were looking at a dying person.

Although many people admire Xingyu's courage, many people laugh at Xingyu's reckless ignorance.

A monk in the aura-gathering realm, it can be said that any student here can easily defeat him, but now it can be said that the weakest person here is actively standing up and provoking the mountain that everyone is looking up to. Everyone is totally unclear. What does Bai Xingyu think.

Mu Ke didn't know either.

Now this kind of protruding will bring a scourge of life, but she can't manage that much.

No matter what, it is impossible for Mu Ke to let Xingyu face the monsters in Tiandiyuan alone.

"Xingyu, step back, and hand it to..."

"You go call the teacher, there is me here." Xingyu stopped Mu Ke, but his attention was all on the man in the imperial courtyard that day.

Hearing Xingyu's firm tone, Mu Ke was slightly stunned, but he also stopped his movements and made a look at his sister.

Mu Bing instantly understood Mu Ke's thoughts, nodded slightly, then quietly blended into the crowd, and then disappeared.

This is Hongye City, the site of the Mu Family, they don't need to defeat the people of the Tiandiyuan.

It only takes a while.

The blood in Xingyu's body gradually became hot.

The man in the Imperial Court that day was the strongest enemy Xingyu faced in the true sense.

True Martial Realm Five Layers!

The battle between the Qi Gathering Realm and the True Martial Realm has never happened in the past.

The Qi Gathering Realm wants to defeat the True Martial Realm, just as the saint wants to challenge the Great Emperor, this is a battle that is simply impossible to win.

But today, Xingyu wanted to try it.

Xingyuguang felt extremely heavy pressure from the man's aura, but... Xingyu discovered that the heavy pressure made his whole body cells tremble, and seemed to be longing for this battle.

In Xingyu's body, the power of the Supreme Dao's law began to flow, filling Xingyu's body with powerful power.

"Do you ask me if I know who you are?" Xingyu raised his eyebrows and looked at the man and asked.

"Trash, I hate the look in your eyes." When the man saw Xingyu's warlike eyes, he immediately felt that his dignity had been insulted.

He is the proud son of the Heavenly Emperor Academy, and he can overlook the existence of all ordinary people in the wasteland, but now... is there a cultivator who has just started to practice wants to fight against him?

What a joke!

"I said just now, now repeat it again. The people in your Tiandiyuan are all rubbish, and you...not a thing." Xingyu provokes the man, taking all the blame on himself.

The students of Baishi Academy are definitely not the opponents of Tiandi Academy. Xingyu understands that the law of the Great Dao can be a battle. Mu Ke and the others can only be killed easily when they go up, and they can't play any role at all.

What Xingyu had to do now was to clean up his relationship with Baishi Academy.

No one believes that a student of Qi Gathering Realm is a student of Best Academy.

"You trash dare to say that I am not something?" The man was so angry that he turned back and felt that the stars were rampant. "Do you know who I am?"

It stands to reason that it is impossible for him to compete with the waste of Qi Gathering Realm, but Xingyu's eyes make him feel very uncomfortable.

"Die me!" The man no longer hesitated, and directly waved a psychic training to Xingyu, preparing to blast Xingyu to death with one blow.

A cultivator like the Qi Gathering Realm would not care about anyone who died here.

Just when everyone thought Xingyu would die suddenly under the attack of a man, a scene that stunned everyone at the scene.

The man's attack abruptly passed by Xingyu's cheek, and blasted on the ground behind Xingyu.

From beginning to end, Xingyu did not move.

The man's attack did not touch Xingyu at all.

The students looked at each other, wondering what the people at Tiandiyuan wanted to do.


But judging from the expressions of the man in Xingyu and Tiandiyuan, it didn't seem like a humiliation.

"Huh?" The man didn't believe that he would miss his hand. He wielded several spiritual power exercises in a row, but still no attack hit Xingyu.

The atmosphere on the scene suddenly became weird.

The cultivators around now also know that the people of the Tiandi Academy missed the attack, it was not intentional at all.

Even the other people in the Tiandiyuan frowned, wondering what method Xingyu used.

At this moment, everyone's expressions became extremely exciting.

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