Return to the Earth as a Bully

Chapter 1526: collision

Zhang Ziling floated down from the sky and landed firmly in front of Xingyu, looking at Ye Nan.

"Master!" Seeing Zhang Ziling appeared, Xingyu suddenly showed joy on his face and exclaimed excitedly, "You are finally here."

"I've always been there." Zhang Ziling didn't look back.

"Then..." When Xingyu heard Zhang Ziling's words, Xingyu's eyes were quite puzzled. Since it has already arrived, why did he come out now?

"That guy was enough for you to deal with just now, but this..." Zhang Ziling pointed to Ye Nan, "You are not his opponent."

Seeing Zhang Ziling blatantly pointing at himself, Ye Nan narrowed his eyes slightly, and asked, "Who are you?"

"You are from the Tiandiyuan." Zhang Ziling did not answer Ye Nan's question, but said to himself.

"Knowing that we are from the Tiandiyuan, don't you get out?" Bai Xiaoxiao, who was behind Ye Nan, seemed to dislike Zhang Ziling's way of playing. He felt that Zhang Ziling had slapped Ye Nan in the face and cursed directly.

"Xiao Xiao." Ye Nan glanced at Bai Xiaoxiao, "Don't be rude."

After being drunk by Ye Nan, Bai Xiaoxiao, instead of being sad, became very happy, and quickly smiled: "Yes, brother."

After that, Bai Xiaoxiao glared at Zhang Ziling again, with a strong warning in his eyes.

The students of Tiandi Academy are powerful, and their teachers are all saints, so their natural personality has become extremely domineering.

In the face of people from other colleges, let alone students, even teachers, students at Tiandi Academy look down on it.

And Zhang Ziling doesn't look like a teacher at all, he is probably also a student.

Even if Zhang Ziling is a teacher, in the eyes of the people in the Tiandi Academy, it is at best the True Martial Realm, so there is no need to worry.

"We belong to the Tiandiyuan, are you the master of that kid?" Ye Nan looked at Zhang Ziling and asked faintly after drinking Zhi Bai Xiaoxiao.

"Yes, what are you going to do?" Zhang Ziling did not shy away from it, and asked directly.

When the Tiandiyuan came to the burial ground entrance formation, Zhang Ziling focused his attention here.

The contradiction between Tiandiyuan and Mu Kexingyu Zhang Ziling is naturally clear.

Not to mention that Zhang Ziling has other things to do with the Tiandiyuan, even if there are no such bad things, just relying on the fact that the people in the Tiandiyuan bullied Zhang Ziling's disciples on the head is enough for Zhang Ziling to teach this group of people who don't know the height of the sky.

"Your apprentice slandered the reputation of our Celestial Emperor Academy and behaved according to the rules. I hope you don't stop me." Ye Nan said indifferently, seemingly natural.

"You guys owe a beating, isn't there such a domineering rule?" Mu Ke immediately became angry when he heard what Ye Nan said, and pointed at Ye Nan and cursed, "You did it first!"

Mu Ke originally thought that Ye Nan looked calm and capable, and he must be a man of self-cultivation, but from now on, Ye Nan was even more excessive than Xiao Qian.

"Your Tiandi Academy is amazing, isn't it? Do you want to fight with my teacher?" Mu Ke continued to curse, anyway, now that Zhang Ziling is here, Mu Ke doesn't have to worry about safety.

The people in the other colleges around saw the Baishi Academy and Tiandi Academy on the bar, they all saw their scalp numb, and they retreated subconsciously.

The battle between the first academy and the third academy is not something they can provoke.

Even the students of Tianshengyuan could not help but slap their tongues and admire the courage of Baishi Academy when they saw the people of Baishi Academy daring to confront the boss of Tiandiyuan.

Although Tianshengyuan ranked second, their overall strength was no more than that of Baishi Academy, and they were still far from the opponents of Tiandiyuan.

Since the first session of the Hundred Academy Conference, Tianshengyuan has only provoked the people of the Tiandiyuan once, and that time... Only one student of the Tianshengyuan participating in the Hundred Academy Conference finally survived.

Since that incident, the students of Tianshengyuan never dared to provoke Tiandiyuan.

Now that the Baishi Academy is on the Tiandiyuan, the students of Tianshengyuan have begun to observe the silence of the Baishi Academy.

Ye Nan listened calmly to what Mu Ke said, his expression did not change, and there was no mood swing in his eyes.

After politely waiting for Mu Ke to finish speaking, Ye Nan said to Zhang Ziling: "The woman, you should be cut according to the rules, you can get out of it."

"You!" Mu Ke was anxious, but didn't know what to say.

Zhang Ziling's eyes were also cold at the moment, but with a faint smile on his face, he asked Ye Nan, "Is this the rules of your Heavenly Emperor Academy?"

"My Heavenly Emperor Academy is the honor of the Hundred Academy, and there should be such rules." Ye Nan said frankly, "If you block, you should die."

"Haha, this is the first time I have heard such ridiculous rules! The Devil's Palace was not so overbearing back then. Are you in the corner of the Tiandiyuan, do you still rule the world?" Zhang Ziling laughed out loud and asked.

"Although it is the institution system established by the Demon Palace, the Demon Palace has long been destroyed, and we have been passed down from the Celestial Emperor Institute to this day, and everyone knows which one is better and which is inferior." Ye Nan said lightly, "The rules of the Demon Palace are too weak, so it was three. The Hundred Holy Land is destroyed. If the Demon Palace was domineering, and those who refused to obey it were killed, even if the Demon Emperor leaves... the Demon Palace will still be strong."

"After all, the name of the Devil's Palace is not true." Ye Nan said mercilessly.

Listening to what Ye Nan said, Zhang Ziling shook his head, his eyes completely cold.

"What if I don't let it?"

"Then you will die." Ye Nan's sword aura surged, his fingers formed into a sword, and the law of swordsmanship roared around his body. A huge sword with a length of tens of feet instantly condensed in the air and slammed into Zhang Ziling.

That is the sword of the great road condensed by the law of kendo, which can kill everything in the world.

The monks in the surrounding colleges saw the giant sword smashed down, their eyes were about to split, and they all hurriedly fled around, for fear of being cut by the sword.

"A small trail."

Zhang Ziling stood indifferently on the spot, with demon flames surging around his body, and a terrifying demon energy burst out from Zhang Ziling, suddenly turning into a giant sword that was grabbed by Ye Nan with a giant hand.

The laws of the magic way and the sword way were entangled in the air, and the restless spiritual power swept all around, and many monks were blown away by the wind.

"The Law of the Magic Way?" Ye Nan saw the black raised his hand and grabbed the giant sword of his own kendo law, his eyes changed slightly, and he exclaimed.

Ye Nan didn't expect Zhang Ziling to comprehend the law of magic!

That is one of the ten supreme laws!

"Who is this person?" Bai Xiaoxiao asked in shock, resisting the terrifying pressure from the air with difficulty.

Zhang Ziling's strength was beyond her expectations.

Ye Nan didn't have time to answer Bai Xiaoxiao now. He suddenly urged the spiritual power in his body, and the great sword of law caught by the giant hand suddenly grew bigger, as if to split the day.

"Break it for me!" Ye Nan yelled, the spiritual power around him bursting!

Everyone was shrouded in giant swords, and infinite fear appeared on their faces.

Screams of horror sounded everywhere, and countless people fled out like crazy.

If the giant sword is allowed to drop, I am afraid that everyone around here... will die!

This is the horror of Tiandiyuan.

"Baishi Academy is over." The students of Tianshengyuan, which had already fled to the periphery, looked at the people in Baishi Academy who had not moved, and said lightly.

However, no matter what other people did, Zhang Ziling didn't move at all, and the black giant hand transformed by the law of the magic way still clung to the giant sword, not letting the giant sword fall.

"So, is this your arrogant capital?"

Zhang Ziling looked at Ye Nan and asked indifferently, no longer caring about the sky's giant sword, and started walking towards Ye Nan.

Ye Nan's mouth twitched.

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