Return to the Earth as a Bully

Chapter 1527: Rush into the burial ground!

Seeing Zhang Ziling approaching him effortlessly, Ye Nan knew that Zhang Ziling's strength was far superior to him, at least now.

The giant sword condensed from the sky's law was already the limit of Ye Nan's power to use the law, but even so, Ye Nan found that he still had no way to break through Zhang Ziling's law.

This also means that Zhang Ziling far surpasses Ye Nan in comprehension of the principles of the Great Dao.

Kicked to the iron plate!

This was the first thought that came to Ye Nan's mind.

The character of Zhang Ziling seems to have been born out of nowhere. Ye Nan has also participated in many Hundred Court conferences in the wasteland, but this is the first time he has encountered a character like Zhang Ziling.

It's suffocating, just like the master.

Bai Xiaoxiao, who was behind Ye Nan also realized the seriousness of the matter at this moment, and his expression became serious.

Originally, what happened in Bai Xiaoxiao's eyes should be the next step that the giant sword of the law smashed down, killing all those who dared to provoke the Tiandi Academy, and then they leisurely did their own things.

But now...

"Brother, you..." Bai Xiaoxiao couldn't help but a hint of worry flashed in her eyes, and she couldn't help but ask Ye Nan.

"Don't panic, leave it to me here, you guys will do the business!" Ye Nan's eyes were solemn, and after Zhang Ziling suddenly appeared, Ye Nan knew that what they were going to do could not be delayed.

In case of an accident next, no one can bear this responsibility.

Hearing what Ye Nan said, Bai Xiaoxiao was shocked and said with some worry: "But brother, you..."

"Go!" Ye Nan glared at Bai Xiaoxiao coldly, his tone was harsh, and Bai Xiaoxiao was shocked.

Bai Xiaoxiao opened her mouth, but in the end she didn't say anything before turning around and rushing to the other three Tiandi Academy students.

They didn't come here to grab positions with other people to enter the burial ground ahead of time. With their strength, there was no need to take advantage of these small advantages.

They have other things to do.

Zhang Ziling saw Bai Xiaoxiao rushing towards the entrance of the burial site with three other people, and the corners of his mouth could not help but slightly raised: "Finally started to act!"

When Zhang Ziling saw Bai Xiaoxiao rushing to the entrance of the funeral, he did not intend to entangle Ye Nan, but chased Bai Xiaoxiao instead.

"Your opponent is me!" Seeing Zhang Ziling chasing Bai Xiaoxiao regardless of himself, Ye Nan couldn't help but his expression changed, and he hurried to the front of Zhang Ziling, trying to block Zhang Ziling.

"Get away." Zhang Ziling slapped Ye Nan's face and slapped Ye Nan away.

The monks who fled to the distance saw Zhang Ziling suddenly chasing the four students from the Celestial Academy alone, and fanned out the first person of the young generation in the wasteland with another palm, all of them were stunned.

This this……

Everyone's brain becomes blank, and they always feel like they are dreaming.

They thought that Zhang Ziling and Xingyu would have a battle between each other, and they could just watch this extraordinary battle by hiding in the distance.

But they never expected that the result would be so dramatic!

After Ye Nan was fanned out, the law aura surging around suddenly disappeared, and the giant sword in the sky was crushed by the black giant hand.


Ye Nan smashed into the ground, and everyone could clearly feel that the earth was shaking.

Even the group of students at Best Academy couldn't believe what they saw at this moment.

Zhang Ziling's performance was beyond their imagination.

The thought that they still slandered Zhang Ziling in the college before, the students of Best College felt uncomfortable.

"Brother!" Bai Xiaoxiao screamed loudly when she saw Ye Nan being fanned by Zhang Ziling, her eyes full of grief and anger.

"Sister, let’s go! We don’t have time." Xiao Qian knew that they had encountered a powerful enemy, but now it was not a time to get angry, Xiao Qian quickly grabbed Bai Xiaoxiao, and at the same time quickly took out a token to open the circle, and several people rushed in. The burial site.

"Huh!" Seeing Bai Xiaoxiao and a few people rushing into the burial site, Zhang Ziling couldn't help but raise a playful smile and rushed towards the entrance of the burial site.

"Mu Ke keep up, Xingyu, you stay to deal with outside affairs!"

After Zhang Ziling rushed into the burial ground, another voice came out.

"I'll follow?" Mu Ke didn't react for a while, wondering why Zhang Ziling wanted her in.

But when Mu Ke saw that the entrance to the burial site was shrinking, he didn't dare to think too much, and rushed in quickly.

The surrounding monks looked at each other, not knowing what happened on the scene.

This thing is changing so fast, they simply can't react.


Ye Nan crawled out of the pit with difficulty. After seeing Zhang Ziling and Mu Kedu rushing into the burial ground, a haze flashed in his eyes, and he quickly took out a piece of ancient jade from his arms and crushed it.

"I won't let you go!" Ye Nan roared, and his whole body began to be covered with black runes, his aura became extremely strange and powerful.

"What, what is that?"

The surrounding monks were instantly attracted by Ye Nan. At this moment, Ye Nan's coat had been completely destroyed, and his whole body was covered with weird runes.

Every rune on Ye Nan exudes a power they have never felt before, which is shocking.

Xingyu saw Ye Nan exuding a powerful aura, his eyes couldn't help but changed slightly, and he quickly established a light barrier around Ye Nan using the law of the Great Dao.

"Go away!"

Ye Nan roared, and the terrifying sound wave instantly smashed Xingyu's condensed barrier, Xingyu spit out blood and was backlashed.

"Looking for death!" After smashing Xingyu's barrier, Ye Nan looked at Xingyu coldly, with cold killing intent in his eyes.

"Fuck, I'm impulsive again!" Seeing Ye Nan staring at him, Xingyu couldn't help but his heart beat, and the weak spiritual power in his body began to rotate rapidly.

Xingyu felt that even if he used the Dao Law, he couldn't stop Ye Nan's punch.

"Who is making trouble here!"

Just as Ye Nan was about to take action against Xingyu, the sound of horses hoofs from the army came from a distance. Ye Nan looked at the fast-flying powerhouse in the distance and glanced at the entrance of the burial ground that was about to close. Finally, Ye Nan I chose to ignore Xingyu and rushed into the burial ground like a black light.

At the moment Ye Nan rushed into the burial ground, this teleportation array disappeared completely, and the outside world became quiet.

Xingyu breathed a sigh of relief when Ye Nan left, and then he was afraid for a while.

"Xingyu, are you okay?" Several Baishi Academy students ran to help Xingyu during the New Year and asked with concern.

Before Xingyu's performance, everyone recognized Xingyu's strength and no longer considered Xingyu to be a simple introductory cultivator in the Qi Gathering Realm.

"It's okay," Xingyu smiled and shook his head, "I'll be fine in the future."

Hearing what Xingyu said, several students were stunned.

At this time, those strong men also arrived with the army, and the leaders... are Mu Changqing and Mu Tian!

Mu Changqing coldly glanced at the site that had just gone through the devastation, and then checked the magic circle, and then said in a loud voice to everyone around: "Due to an emergency, the burial ground’s teleportation array was broken and the entrance to the burial ground was broken. Distorted and can no longer enter the burial site. Therefore, the opening time of the Hundred Court Conference is postponed, and you all go back and wait for another notice!

When Mu Changqing said these words, the audience was in an uproar!

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