Return to the Earth as a Bully

Chapter 1528: The Power of Ancient Gods

In the burial ground, the sky was gray, the space was dark, and the air was still filled with a faint smell of decay.

The location of this teleportation array into the burial ground was random, and at this moment Zhang Ziling appeared in a wilderness, with broken bones everywhere, and some strange and weird beasts wandering around looking for food.

Desolate beasts are unique creatures in the burial ground, and most of them are descendants of spirit beasts raised by the emperor before his death. Their life span is extremely long and their strength is huge, but their intelligence is not very good.

Although the wild beasts were hungry, they did not dare to approach Zhang Ziling, and they all avoided far away.

The emperor's aura on Zhang Ziling's body made the wild beasts terrified.

Zhang Ziling looked around for a while, and after confirming that he was safe, he stretched out his hand to open the space, and then put his hand in.

Soon, Zhang Ziling pulled Mu Ke out of the space crack.

"do not come!"

When she was pulled out by Zhang Ziling, Mu Ke was still dancing with her long sword with her eyes closed. As soon as she entered the burial ground, she was teleported to the nest of a holy barren beast, and Mu Ke accidentally gave the holy barren beast. Woke up, almost swallowed by the wild beast.

"Okay, don't call, you are safe now." Zhang Ziling could not help laughing as he watched Mu Ke dancing his sword with his eyes closed, and reminded him.

"Huh?" Hearing Zhang Ziling's words, Mu Ke suddenly opened his eyes, and suddenly found that the scenery around him had changed. The hideous barren beast disappeared, and his whole person was instantly dumbfounded.

"This, what's going on?" Mu Ke looked at Zhang Ziling suspiciously, not understanding why he suddenly came here.

"I just paid..."

"I brought you here. This wasteland is not very big. It is not difficult to find you." Zhang Ziling rubbed Mu Ke's head, "Put away the sword."

"Oh." Mu Ke listened very much to Zhang Ziling's words, and immediately put away the sword, very well-behaved.

"Teacher, what are you going to do when you let me in?" Mu Ke looked around and asked Zhang Ziling with some doubts.

This burial site was the venue of the Hundred House Conference. The Hundred House Conference has not yet started, and Mu Ke doesn't know what he can do when he comes in.

What's more, the people here are all from the Tiandiyuan, and Mu Ke doesn't know how he can help.

Hearing Mu Ke's words, Zhang Ziling smiled and asked softly: "Don't you think it's very kind here?"

"Friendly?" Mu Ke was taken aback for a moment, then looked around again, the doubts in his eyes became more and more intense, "This place is so desolate, why do I feel kind."

Zhang Ziling smiled and shook his head, and directly took Mu Ke's hand and said, "I will take you to a place."

Suddenly being held by Zhang Ziling, Mu Ke's face turned red, and his heartbeat accelerated: "Old, teacher..."

"What's the matter?" Zhang Ziling turned to look at Mu Ke and asked.

Seeing Zhang Ziling suddenly look at him, Mu Ke became even more stiff, and quickly changed the subject: "I, do we care about those people?"

Mu Ke was referring to the people from the Tiandi Academy, after all, Zhang Ziling was chasing them in, but Mu Ke now saw that Zhang Ziling had no intention of looking for those people.

"Those people are not in a hurry. It will take a while before they meet. Let's wait for them first." Zhang Ziling took Mu Ke to fly and flew in one direction.

"What are they going to do?" In order to relieve the embarrassment in his heart and satisfy his curiosity, Mu Ke continued to ask Zhang Ziling.

"Tiandiyuan is a person of ancient gods." Zhang Ziling didn't hide anything from Mu Ke, "I can feel the fluctuations of divine power from them."

"Tiandi Academy also belongs to the ancient gods?" Mu Ke exclaimed, obviously shocked by the news that Zhang Ziling said.

The Tiandi Academy is not just as simple as all the colleges that dominate the wasteland. Its strength is probably much stronger than the four major families. It is just that the Tiandi Academy does not focus on the wasteland and does not occupy too many resources. This led to the reputation of the four big families becoming even stronger, and their influence in the wasteland was greater than that of the Tiandi Academy.

However, outside the wasteland, in the entire Jiu Yaoshang Shenzhou, only Tiandi Academy has given birth to great emperor powerhouses. The reputation of Tiandi Academy in Jiuyao Shenzhou is much greater than that of the four big families.

Many people in Nine Yaoshang Shenzhou may not have heard of the four big families, but they must have heard of Tiandi Academy!

That's the Emperor Gate Academy!

But is such a powerful force also belonging to an ancient god?

Mu Ke felt a little illusory, but Zhang Ziling said this, and Mu Ke had to believe it.

"Don't be shocked. The power of the ancient gods is far stronger than you think. Even in the heyday of the magic palace, I am afraid that the magic palace is not the opponent of the ancient gods." Zhang Ziling said this objective fact calmly. .

When the magic palace was in its heyday, there were also three great emperors plus Zhang Ziling, the supreme one, but in the ancient gods that have been hidden from the ancient times to the present, there is a **** king and an unknown number of great emperor-level gods, not to mention Said the ancient gods secretly controlled the power of human monks.

With the scale of the ancient gods, Zhang Ziling said that the magic palace is not as good as the ancient gods.

The Three Hundred Sacred Land Allied Forces that defeated the Devil's Palace are probably also belonging to the Ancient God.

Although Zhang Ziling said to let Mu Ke not be shocked, when Mu Ke heard Zhang Ziling's words, he was shocked that he couldn't even speak.

Even the prosperous magic palace is not an opponent of the ancient gods...

How terrible is that ancient god?

Mu Ke dared not imagine.

You know, Mu Ke grew up listening to the legend of the Devil Emperor and the Demon Palace. The idea that the Demon Palace was once the number one power in the Xuanxiao Continent has been deeply rooted in Mu Ke's mind.

But now, Mu Ke heard Zhang Ziling personally say that the magic palace is not as good as the ancient gods...

Suddenly, an indescribable loss filled my heart.

Zhang Ziling noticed that Mu Ke became depressed, and couldn't help but smile, and a warm current suddenly appeared in his heart.

Zhang Ziling rubbed Mu Ke's head softly and comforted: "But it's different now. In the future, the magic palace will definitely be stronger than the power of the ancient gods."

"Really?" Mu Ke's eyes lit up instantly, "You didn't lie to me?"

"Of course, I promise!" Zhang Ziling squinted and smiled, with a very positive tone.

Zhang Ziling will clean up the ancient gods and the power of the ancient gods in the future. At that time, even if the ancient gods are still there, the magic palace will naturally be stronger than the power of the ancient gods.

"Great! I thought how strong the ancient gods are! It turned out that the teacher disdain to compare with them, the teacher made a move... the ancient gods are not opponents! Good!" Mu Ke grabbed the hand of Jing Ziling and smiled happily.

"Silly girl……"

Zhang Ziling gave Mu Ke a gentle look, and then rushed forward with Mu Ke.

Zhang Ziling's destination is the center of the funeral.

There is the emperor's palace.

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