The sky in the burial ground was densely covered with lightning and thunder, and a huge spiritual power vortex gathered in the center of the burial ground, absorbing all the spiritual power of the entire burial ground.

Even the spiritual power in many wild beasts in this burial ground was forcibly seized by the vortex, and eventually they became dying and died soon.

"Sister, look!" Xiao Qian was the first to notice the huge spiritual vortex in the sky in the center of the burial site and exclaimed in the direction of the center of the burial site.

The several students of the Tiandi Academy in the funeral ground had already gathered together through secret methods, and the huge spiritual power vortex in the center of the funeral ground instantly attracted the attention of several people.

Hearing Xiao Qian's words, Bai Xiaoxiao quickly looked over, a trace of hesitation flashed in his eyes, and muttered, "That direction..."

Bai Xiaoxiao looked at the spiritual power vortex in the center of the burial ground, frowning slightly, and then Bai Xiaoxiao's expression changed abruptly, and he immediately reacted and shouted: "No! That place is the destination of our mission. Let's hurry over!"

After Bai Xiaoxiao said, she didn't hesitate anymore, and quickly fled to the center of the temporary burial site.

The other three people in Tiandiyuan immediately realized the seriousness of the matter after hearing what Bai Xiaoxiao said, and they followed Bai Xiaoxiao.

If this mission fails, then their ending...maybe only death.

Therefore, they simply cannot afford the price of failure.


In the primeval forest somewhere in the burial ground, Ye Nan stood silently in the forest, his body was covered with black mist, and the **** runes on his body shone with a faint black light.

Around Ye Nan there were hundreds of corpses of barren beasts, blood on the ground.

The sky was muffled and thunder exploded, countless wild beasts fled Ye Nan frantically, and the bloodthirsty in their eyes... all turned into fear.

Ye Nan raised his eyes and looked at the spiritual power vortex in the center of the burial ground through the gap of the leaves, a sneer appeared on his indifferent face.

"Wait for me."

When the cold voice fell, Ye Nan turned into a black light and quickly fleeed towards the center of the burial ground.

The moment Ye Nan left, the huge corpses of the hundreds of wild beasts around them quickly turned into white bones, and the surrounding vegetation was withered, and there was no more vitality for a hundred miles.


The bedroom of Emperor Yinwu was filled with violent spiritual power and the mighty power of Emperor Yinwu.

Zhang Ziling injected the yin and black breath that was continuously transformed from his body into the bronze coffin, and the spiritual power around him became more and more restless. The endless Yin Wu breath poured into Yin Wu Great Emperor's body, causing him to exude an extreme stench, even if Mu Ke held his breath, his head felt dizzy.

Zhang Ziling looked at Emperor Yinwu lying in the bronze coffin indifferently, and he could already feel the vitality that was growing in Emperor Yinwu.

I am afraid that it will not be long before the Great Emperor Yinwu will regain consciousness and be completely resurrected!

As the core of this Hundred Court Conference and the action of the ancient gods, Emperor Yinwu even focused his attention on Emperor Yinwu. Zhang Ziling had no reason not to believe that there was a secret hidden in Emperor Yinwu.

What Zhang Ziling needs to do now is to wait for Emperor Yinwu to wake up, then figure out what the ancient gods will do in the Hundred Yuan Conference, and finally Zhang Ziling personally send Emperor Yinwu back.

As the vitality in Emperor Yinwu's body became more and more intense, the stench from his body became more and more unbearable. Even Zhang Ziling couldn't stand it. He couldn't help adding a barrier to himself and Mu Ke to isolate the air. odor.

After getting the barrier of Zhang Ziling, Mu Keton felt relaxed all over, and began to breathe, cherishing the rare fresh air extremely.

Just now Mu Ke has blushed.

"You can suffocate me!" Mu Ke shouted, looking at Emperor Yinwu bitterly, "Why is this guy so stinky?"

Mu Ke swears that the stench emanating from the Great Emperor Yinwu is the worst smell she has ever smelled in her life.

"Emperor Yinwu hangs his life for more than 300,000 years. His internal organs have long been corrupted. In addition, the Yinwu breath he imprisoned in his body tends to be something evil and evil. Locked in the body of the Great Emperor Yinwu, now that the Great Emperor Yinwu resuscitates and drains the accumulated rot, it is normal to have such a stench." Zhang Ziling said flatly, the Great Emperor Yinwu's chest also began to rise and fall. .

Emperor Yinwu breathed.

After listening to what Zhang Ziling said, Mu Ke looked at Emperor Yinwu with a look of surprise, his hands trembling slightly.

Mu Ke felt a panic in his heart when he thought that the power he used in his body was the same as the Great Emperor Yinwu.

"Teacher, I, will I...will smell like him in the future?" As a young girl, Mu Ke didn't want him to smell bad even if he died.

Zhang Ziling looked at Mu Ke pretendingly, then pretended to solemnly said: "It's possible."

"Huh?" Hearing Zhang Ziling's words, Muketon felt the world spin, and the whole person was about to faint, "Why, how could this be?"

Mu Ke was in anguish at the thought of becoming a foul girl and couldn't accept it.

If it is true, it is better to die.

Seeing Mu Ke's painful look, Zhang Ziling couldn't help laughing.

"Teacher, what are you laughing at?" Mu Ke looked at Zhang Ziling with tears in the corner of his eyes and asked aggrievedly, "I won't be able to see people anymore, it's better to die."

"Actually, I lied to you."

"When I thought that the smell from my body would spread thousands of miles away, I... eh? What did you say, teacher?" Mu Ke was still fantasizing about his miserable life in the future, suddenly reacted, and quickly looked at Zhang Ziling, his eyes full of disbelief. .

The sudden bad news suddenly came with a surprise, and Mu Ke was completely stunned.

"Don't worry, although the Yin Wu Xi is strange and evil in nature, its essence is also spiritual power and does not carry any odor. As long as you don't forcibly lock the stale air in your body like the Yin Wu Great Emperor for hundreds of thousands of years , Your body will smell fragrant." Zhang Ziling smiled.

"That's good... old teacher, what did you say?" Mu Ke breathed a sigh of relief when he heard Zhang Ziling's words, and then reacted, his face suddenly turned pink and his ears became hot.

Shame flooded into Mu Ke's heart...

Body... fragrant?

Why is the teacher so excessive?

Mu Ke thought in his heart, only feeling his cheeks hot, he didn't even dare to look at Zhang Ziling.

After teasing Mu Ke a lot, Zhang Ziling's spiritual power injected into the bronze coffin was almost the same, and the consciousness of the Great Emperor Yinwu had been awakened!

"It looks like it's almost done, those guys should be here too..." Zhang Ziling calculated the time for Emperor Yinwu to wake up and the time it would take for the people to rush over to the Tiandiyuan outside the palace, and he also made calculations in his heart.

"What's coming?" Mu Ke was not in the state yet.

"Let's go." After confirming that everything was correct, Zhang Ziling turned around and took Mu Ke to the outside.

"What are we going to do?" Mu Ke was pulled out by Zhang Ziling and asked hurriedly. Now Mu Ke can't keep up with Zhang Ziling's rhythm.

"Watching the show."


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