Soon, Zhang Ziling took Mu Ke out of the hall, but the hall did not become quiet because of Zhang Ziling and Mu Ke's departure.

Not long after Zhang Ziling and Mu Ke left, Bai Xiaoxiao and other four members of the Tiandi Academy rushed into the hall with injuries. Two of them had even been seriously injured and had weak breath.

The four of Bai Xiaoxiao were not like Zhang Ziling who could rush in unscathed. Although Zhang Ziling had destroyed a lot of traps along the way, the palace of the Great Emperor Yinwu had many branches. In order to hurry, he chose to break into the trap and was attacked many times.

Fortunately, Bai Xiaoxiao and the others did not encounter a trap that was too fatal. After paying the price of two serious injuries, they finally came to the center of the bedroom.

"Smelly! Sister, what the **** is going on?" Xiao Qian smelled a stench as soon as he entered the hall, and saw the dense white bones all over the floor, and the middle one lying in the transparent bronze coffin. Great Emperor Yinwu, Xiao Qian couldn't help but a flash of fear in his eyes.

Xiao Qian's luck was very good. Although his strength was the weakest among the few people, he did not encounter any dangerous traps, nor suffered any injuries.

As soon as Xiao Qian's two seniors entered the hall, they sat cross-legged and adjusted their breath, while Xiao Qian and Bai Xiaoxiao looked solemnly at the Great Emperor Yinwu in the center of the hall.

"The Great Emperor Yinwu... is it going to be resurrected, right?" Bai Xiaoxiao swallowed slightly, and said strangely.

"Fu, resurrection? No, no? We haven't given him the seed of God, how did he resurrect?" Xiao Qian couldn't believe that the Great Emperor Yin Wu had been sleeping for 300,000 years, this long time. ...Even the power of the Great Emperor will be consumed little by little.

It stands to reason that it is impossible for Emperor Yinwu to resurrect himself.

"Did the guy who came in after us?" Bai Xiaoxiao quickly calmed down, frowning, suspecting that Zhang Ziling did all of this.

After all, apart from a few of them, the only ones who entered the burial ground were Zhang Ziling and Mu Ke.

"It's quite smart... It's a pity that such a good girl." Zhang Ziling, who was hiding in the dark, couldn't help but exclaimed in a low voice, seeing that Bai Xiaoxiao had locked herself in the first place.

"Master, what do you mean by pity?" Mu Ke on the side asked quietly, but Zhang Ziling just smiled and shook his head without answering.

"He? Impossible!" Xiao Qian instantly denied Bai Xiaoxiao's guess, "Do you know how much energy is needed for a great emperor's resurrection? Senior sister? Even if a great emperor wants to resurrect Yinwu Great, it will probably cost Exhausted all the spiritual power in one's body and fell into exhaustion."

"If that guy is the emperor, I am afraid we would have been killed in Hongye City, and there would be no chance to come here at all." Xiao Qian concluded.

"That's right... He just entered the burial place where we were just chased and killed. He doesn't know what we are going to do... Moreover, even if he is an emperor-level powerhouse, there is no reason to resurrect the Yinwu Great Emperor." Bai Xiao Xiao nodded and agreed with Xiao Qian.

"I heard from the gods that the Great Yinwu has been tricking the monks to come and transmit power for him. The bones in this hall are probably the poor people who were tricked in." Bai Xiaoxiao scanned the dense bones in the hall, "maybe It is the power accumulated by the Great Emperor Yinwu that is enough to resurrect him."

"Senior Sister, since the Great Emperor Yinwu has been resurrected, then our **** seed..." Xiao Qian suddenly moved his mind and rubbed his hands and whispered to Bai Xiaoxiao.

The gods they brought over contained enough energy to revive the emperor, and such a huge energy was nothing less than a treasure to them.

If they absorb it completely, not to mention breaking through to the emperor, but breaking through to the level of a saint is absolutely safe!

Now that Emperor Yinwu was resurrected without using the **** seed, the **** seed in their hands would have no effect on Emperor Yinwu.

Hearing Xiao Qian’s words, Bai Xiaoxiao’s eyes flashed fiercely, and she said coldly to Xiao Qian: “No! The gods are given to us by the gods. If we absorb the gods without the permission of the gods, I’m afraid we will Something bad happened!"

"But Senior Sister..."

"I said no!" Bai Xiaoxiao glared at Xiao Qian, and instantly made Xiao Qian shut up.

"Good, good! Don't move! Sister, don't worry, I won't move!" Seeing Bai Xiaoxiao's urge to get angry, Xiao Qian shook his head and waved his hand, trying to calm Bai Xiaoxiao.

"I advise you not to disturb your gods, so as not to cause trouble." Bai Xiaoxiao warned Xiao Qian again, and then turned to look at Yinwu Great Emperor, "You take care of your two brothers here, and I will go over. Take a look."

"Yes." Xiao Qian replied respectfully, but there was a strange light in Xiao Qian's eyes.

Obviously, Xiao Qian did not give up the idea of ​​moving the gods.

The temptation of sanctification is too great for him.

Although Xiao Qian is a student of the Tiandi Academy, his talent is the worst among the Tiandi Academy, at most he can only reach the nine layers of the True Martial Realm. If there is no big chance, I am afraid that he will have no hope of becoming a sage.

Now that an opportunity for sanctification was placed in front of him, Xiao Qian couldn't just give up so easily.

Xiao Qian took out the God Seed and took a look. A trace of greed flashed in his eyes, and then Xiao Qian quickly took it back, looking at Bai Xiaoxiao's back, and muttered: "Bai are destined to become a saint. People who don’t understand my mood."

"Since you don't want the gods... then give it to me!" A flash of madness flashed in Xiao Qian's eyes, and he suddenly turned to look at the two people sitting cross-legged and adjusting their breath.


Xiao Qian clenched his fists, his bones creaked, and he had already made a decision in his heart.

At this moment, Bai Xiaoxiao didn't know that Xiao Qian was ready to absorb the power of the gods, and all her attention was now on the Great Emperor Yinwu.

Instructed by the gods, each of them brought a seed of divine power over, just to resurrect Emperor Yinwu, and then bring Emperor Yinwu back.

Originally, they planned to do it after the opening of the Hundred Houses Conference, but the gods suddenly changed their minds and asked them to resurrect the Great Emperor Yinwu as soon as possible. Only then did Bai Xiaoxiao and the others attack all the forces in the wasteland without hesitation. The burial site.

Now the development of things has gone beyond Bai Xiaoxiao's expectations. Not only did they separate from Ye Nan, but behind them there was a terrifying saint who was chasing them, and even more so that the Great Emperor Yinwu had not waited for them to resurrect themselves. Up...

The series of events that happened caused Bai Xiaoxiao's heart to linger with an ominous premonition.

It was as if there was another giant hand behind it pushing all this.


As Bai Xiaoxiao approached the bronze coffin, Emperor Yinwu suddenly opened his eyes, and the whole hall began to vibrate violently. A huge imperial might erupted from the body of Emperor Yinwu and pressed against all of the bodies in the hall.

Seeing the sudden eruption of Emperor Yinwu, Bai Xiaoxiao's expression changed slightly, and she hurried back.

The Great Emperor Yin Wu floated out of the bronze coffin, his lower body turned into countless black crows, and his entire spirit was extremely gloomy.

Bai Xiaoxiao looked at Emperor Yinwu now, with fine beads of sweat suddenly appearing on his forehead, and the whole body trembled slightly. He saluted Emperor Yinwu with difficulty: "Junior Bai Xiaoxiao, welcome to Emperor Yinwu!"

Hearing Bai Xiaoxiao's words, the Great Emperor Yin Wu cast his gaze on Bai Xiaoxiao, his eyes were indifferent, and he asked in a deep voice, "It's you...wake up this emperor?"

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