Return to the Earth as a Bully

Chapter 1534: Ancient God Tianshu

Emperor Yinwu's voice was extremely loud, and every word he uttered made the surrounding roads manifest, making Bai Xiaoxiao feel immense pressure.

Seeing the indifferent expression of the Great Emperor Yinwu, Bai Xiaoxiao did not dare to receive the merits indiscriminately, and could only reply honestly: "The younger generation is incompetent, and it is not the younger generation's resurrected senior."

"Huh! It's not you who want to come... Only those who have practiced the "Yin Crow Scripture" created by the emperor can wake up the emperor. Although your practice is an emperor, it is quite different from the emperor's. If you take the credit, this emperor will definitely not forgive you!" The Great Emperor Yinwu's voice was thunderous, blasting loudly in Bai Xiaoxiao's ears.

Hearing what the Great Emperor Yinwu said, Bai Xiaoxiao was all in a cold sweat, and she secretly thanked that she was not greedy, otherwise she might not know how she died now.

The aura of Emperor Yinwu made Bai Xiaoxiao feel suffocated.

"Thank you, senior, for not killing you." Without daring to hesitate any longer, Bai Xiaoxiao immediately knelt down towards the Great Emperor Yinwu, "When the junior came here, senior, you have already recovered. I think you have accumulated enough strength."

Hearing Bai Xiaoxiao's words, Emperor Yinwu couldn't help but nodded. The moment he recovered, he checked the centennial ring in his body. It was a ban specially set by Emperor Yinwu to confirm how long he had been dead. Each circle on the hundred-year-round represents one hundred years.

Looking at the densely packed more than 3,000 laps on the Hundred Years' Ring, Emperor Yinwu knew that he had been dead for more than 300,000 years.

"More than three hundred thousand years... barely enough." The Great Emperor Yin Wu calculated it a bit. Although he still had doubts in his heart, he did not delve into the matter of his early resurrection.

No longer thinking about it, the Great Emperor Yinwu stared at Bai Xiaoxiao, and continued to exert greater pressure on Bai Xiaoxiao.

"Since it's not the emperor you resurrected, what is your purpose in coming to the emperor's palace?" The Great Emperor Yinwu asked in a deep voice. The one who came to his palace was undoubtedly to obtain his inheritance, but he must practice " "Yin Wu Jing" can only be obtained, and Bai Xiaoxiao did not practice that exercise, and it seems that he did not want to obtain his inheritance.

And the Great Emperor Yinwu still doesn't know that his burial site has been selected by the four major families as the venue for the Hundred Courts Convention.

"As for the senior, the junior is entrusted by Master Tianshu to bring the **** seed to resurrect senior...but the junior has never thought that the senior will recover without using the **** seed, and the junior is really ashamed!" Bai Xiaoxiao said with difficulty! , The great emperor Yinwu exerted more and more pressure on her, and now Bai Xiaoxiao had difficulty breathing.

"Tianshu?" When the Great Emperor Yinwu heard what Bai Xiaoxiao said, a trace of fear flashed through his indifferent eyes.

Although the change of Yinwu Great's eyes was fleeting, Zhang Ziling, who was hiding in the dark, still keenly caught this point.

"Tianheng Liyun, who is Tianshu this time?" Zhang Ziling immediately asked the two gods he was imprisoned by voice transmission.

Tian Heng and Li Yun, who were still in prison, finally waited for the sound transmission, hurriedly said: "Master Hui Devil, Tianshu is the third-ranked **** in the ancient gods. He controls the cycle of life and death in the world. Take charge of Xuanxiao underworld!"

"Because the emperor overthrew the divine court at the time, the underworld also broke down, and Tianshu no longer had a position in the divine court. Although his strength was affected, he was still much stronger than the ordinary emperor!" Tianheng added.

"According to the records shared by the gods, when the **** king went to find Emperor Yinwu 300,000 years ago, Tianshu was also on the side." Li Yun continued.

Hearing what Tianheng and Liyun said, Zhang Ziling also had a certain understanding of Tianshu, and nodded and said: "I know, nothing is wrong with you two, stay in jail. Don't mess with me!"

"Hey, Lord Demon, Demon Emperor, we..."

Before Tian Heng and Li Yun could finish speaking, Zhang Ziling cut off the connection between Tian Heng and Li Yun and refocused his attention on the Great Emperor Yinwu.

At this moment, the atmosphere in the hall was extremely strange. After the Great Emperor Yinwu heard the name Tianshu, the expression on his face became extremely exciting. He even removed the pressure on Bai Xiaoxiao, making Bai Xiaoxiao a lot easier.

"This guy... is a little different from what is recorded on the wall of his bedroom!" Zhang Ziling saw the performance of Emperor Yinwu in the dark, and he couldn't help but complain in secret.

"I have recorded that I was seriously injured because of refusing to cooperate with the God King, and finally died. Even the information about my existence was completely erased by the God King... It looks like a strong emperor."

Zhang Ziling sneered, his eyes gleaming.

"I am embarrassingly engraved about my own life, so cheeky!"

Judging from the series of things that happened before and the current performance of Emperor Yinwu, Zhang Ziling has almost determined that Emperor Yinwu is a hypocritical fellow.

It is estimated that there is a lot of false information about the life of Emperor Yinwu engraved in this palace.

In my tomb, I engraved my own fake legend, to show those who came to die, to win the trust of those poor people?

Or just to satisfy your vanity?

Zhang Ziling shook his head, no matter what the purpose of Emperor Yinwu, he would not be a good thing anyway!

"You said that Tianshu asked you to come, is there any evidence?" The Great Emperor Yinwu forced to remain calm, and asked Bai Xiaoxiao in a deep voice.

"This is Lord Tianshu's **** seed." Bai Xiaoxiao quickly took out the **** seed Tianshu had given her, holding it in both hands and showing it to Emperor Yinwu.

When the Great Emperor Yinwu saw the divine power seed in Bai Xiaoxiao's hand that was gleaming with golden light, he instantly confirmed that it was the power of Tianshu.

"Sure enough, I found it..." A haze flashed in the eyes of the Great Emperor Yinwu, and the countless dark crows in his lower body reunited into his body.

Emperor Yinwu landed on the ground and slowly walked towards Bai Xiaoxiao.

Bai Xiaoxiao saw the Great Emperor Yinwu constantly approaching her, her throat moved slightly, and she swallowed, feeling very worried.

No matter what, the Great Yinwu is an emperor-level powerhouse. She is a cultivator in the real martial realm, and she dare not presume in front of the Great Yinwu!

Don't even dare to breathe.

Emperor Yinwu walked up to Bai Xiaoxiao and said lightly, "What did Tianshu ask you to do with this emperor?"

"Back to senior, Master Tianshu asked us to resurrect you with a god-seed, and then said he would ask you to do one thing, and then ask you to come back with us when you are done." Bai Xiaoxiao said cautiously, for fear of saying something wrong. Words brought a murderous disaster to myself.

"What do you want this emperor to do?" The Great Emperor Yin Wu asked coldly.

"It's all in this jade slip, the younger generation doesn't know the specific information." Bai Xiaoxiao quickly took out a piece of jade slip and handed it to Emperor Yinwu.

The Great Emperor Yinwu fetched the jade slip quickly and quickly read the contents of the jade slip with his soul.

After reading the contents of the jade slip, Emperor Yinwu's expression instantly became gloomy.


The Great Emperor Yinwu slammed the jade slip on the ground, and the roar of anger spread throughout the hall, and a violent aura erupted from his body.

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