Return to the Earth as a Bully

Chapter 1535: betray?

"Senior, senior?" When Bai Xiaoxiao saw the great Emperor Yinwu suddenly*, his whole body was startled, and his face instantly turned pale.

"Even to let this emperor do such a ridiculous thing..." The Great Emperor Yin Wu ignored Bai Xiaoxiao, carrying his hands on his back, walking back and forth with a gloomy expression.

"It's interesting..." Zhang Ziling, who was in the dark, saw the anxious look of Emperor Yinwu, and the corners of his mouth raised slightly.

"Teacher, what did the Great Emperor Yinwu watch? Why did you become so impatient?" Mu Ke saw that the Great Emperor Yinwu looked like a different person after reading the contents of the jade slip. The content is very curious.

"I didn't watch it again, how did I know?" Zhang Ziling replied to Mu Ke perfunctorily, and then turned his attention to the Great Emperor Yinwu again, and ignored Mu Ke.

"Stingy!" Mu could see that Zhang Ziling simply ignored him, and after a few whispered complaints, he had to observe Emperor Yinwu himself.

In the hall, Bai Xiaoxiao knelt down in front of Emperor Yinwu nervously, bowing his head, and didn't dare to look at Emperor Yinwu directly, for fear that Emperor Yinwu would do her if he was angry.

At this time, Xiao Qian had already stolen the **** seeds from the hands of his two senior brothers, and the whole person was silent and regular, unobtrusive.

"Go back and tell Tianshu that the emperor refused to let him go find someone else to do it." The Great Emperor Yinwu soon made a decision and said to Bai Xiaoxiao in a deep voice.

Hearing the words of Emperor Yinwu, Bai Xiaoxiao's eyes couldn't help but hesitate. Tianshu could have repeatedly emphasized that this matter must succeed and not fail.

If the Great Emperor Yinwu refuses, then waiting for Bai Xiaoxiao's ending... I am afraid it will not be so good.

Bai Xiaoxiao didn't want to give up, looked up at Yinwu Great Emperor and said, "But..."

"Smelly girl, can't you die?" The Great Emperor Yin Wu directly blew Bai Xiaoxiao out with a strong wind, causing Bai Xiaoxiao to violently break the two columns in the hall.

"Senior, senior!" Bai Xiaoxiao felt her bones broken, her body was filled with severe pain, and her eyes were full of fear.

"This emperor said, this emperor refuses to do this, if you dare to talk nonsense, you will die!" Yin Wu Great Emperor looked at Bai Xiaoxiao gloomily and said, then gave Xiao Gan a cold glance.

"A bunch of bastards, I haven't let go of this emperor for hundreds of thousands of years!" The Great Emperor Yin Wu cursed in a low voice, and no longer cared about the few people in the hall, his whole body turned into a dark crow and disappeared and left the hall.

"Teacher, did he leave like this?" Mu Ke, who was hiding in the dark, saw that Emperor Yinwu had left after wounding Bai Xiaoxiao. The whole person was confused and did not understand what was going on.

"He should be scared, but don't worry, he won't go far." Zhang Ziling was not worried that Emperor Yinwu would escape.

When Zhang Ziling conveyed spiritual power to Emperor Yinwu, Zhang Ziling planted his own restraint in Emperor Yinwu. No matter where the Emperor Yinwu went, Zhang Ziling could easily find him.

And from now on, the Great Yinwu Emperor was obviously a small character, and Zhang Ziling simply used the Great Yinwu Emperor as a bait, ready to catch the big fish behind.

Up to now, Zhang Ziling still doesn't know what the ancient gods are going to do at the Hundred Academy Conference, but what Xie Wushuang said is what Zhang Ziling has always remembered.

After the Hundred House Conference, the four major families will be annihilated...

"Xie Wushuang's prophecy, what exactly do you want to tell me?" Zhang Ziling muttered, before he had time to take the next step, a new situation appeared in the hall.

"Sister, are you okay?" Xiao Qian hurriedly ran to Bai Xiaoxiao and hugged Bai Xiaoxiao, and asked with concern.

"No, it's okay..." Bai Xiaoxiao shook her head, "How are your two brothers?"

"They are in a stable condition now, Sister, you should care about yourself first, your bones are almost broken." Xiao Qian appeared quite nervous, his body trembling slightly.

"Unexpectedly, you kid cares a lot about me." Bai Xiaoxiao smiled at Xiao Qian, "I'm fine, just take a few healing pills. The Great Emperor Yinwu didn't make a heavy hand."

"That's okay." Xiao Qian was relieved when she heard Bai Xiaoxiao's words.

"Help me up." Bai Xiaoxiao had bones all over her body now, and she couldn't use her strength at all. She had to rely on Xiao Qian to sit up.

Without saying anything, Xiao Qian helped Bai Xiaoxiao up and let her lean on a big gravel, making Bai Xiaoxiao as comfortable as possible.

"My injury is a small matter, but then we have trouble..." After sitting up, Bai Xiaoxiao was not in a hurry to take the medicine, frowning.

"Emperor Yinwu is gone now. We haven't completed the task. We may be severely punished by Master Tianshu when we return." Bai Xiaoxiao said in a voice, with a deep worrisome expression in his eyes.

Now the entire Tiandi Academy has become a subsidiary force of the ancient gods. Bai Xiaoxiao, the horror of the ancient gods, has seen it with his own eyes. The gods of them basically treat people as animals.

"Can we not go back? If we absorb the power of the gods, where can the world go? I don't believe those gods can turn the ground over and find us!" Xiao Qian said excitedly, anyway, the mission has failed. , They will also be punished when they go back, it is better to flee with the gods.

"Why are you still thinking about the idea of ​​fighting the gods?" Bai Xiaoxiao's face suddenly became gloomy after hearing Xiao Qian's words, and he directly scolded Xiao Qian, "The gods were given to us by Lord Tianshu, and we absorbed them without authorization. Tianshu will definitely know that we will really be dead by then!"

"Escape? Where can you escape?" Bai Xiaoxiao glanced at Xiao Qian disdainfully, "You short-sighted, how did you get into the Tiandi Academy?"

Hearing Bai Xiaoxiao's words, Xiao Qian couldn't help but a trace of haze flashed in his eyes, but it quickly disappeared.

"Senior Sister was right, I took it for granted." Xiao Qian hurriedly smiled at Bai Xiaoxiao, and then took out a few pills from his space ring and handed them to Bai Xiaoxiao, "Sister, take the pills first. Let's heal the injury before we talk!"

Seeing that Xiao Qian’s attitude was correct, Bai Xiaoxiao’s anger in his heart also disappeared a lot, and a pair of beautiful eyes stared at Xiao Qian and persuaded: "If you don’t want to die, don’t take the idea of ​​the gods again. I’m the Emperor Yinwu. We will find Senior Brother Ye Nan to solve it."

"With you, Senior Brother Ye Nan, if the sky is falling and he is holding it, you can rest assured."

"Senior sister has worked hard, I'll feed you medicine." With a smile on his face, Xiao Qian directly delivered the medicine to Bai Xiaoxiao's mouth and fed her in.

Bai Xiaoxiao's bones were broken now, and he couldn't even move his hands, let alone taking medicine.

Although Bai Xiaoxiao was very disgusted with Xiao Qian's feeding Dan to herself, there was no way now, and Bai Xiaoxiao could only accept it reluctantly.

The pill melted in the mouth, and after Bai Xiaoxiao took the pill, those few pills turned into strong medicinal power and filled Bai Xiaoxiao's body.

"When I get better, I will go out and find Master Ye Nan...what did you eat for me?" Bai Xiaoxiao felt something was wrong in the middle of her words, and quickly looked at Xiao Qian and asked, a trace of panic flashed in her eyes.

The meridians in her body began to shrink constantly under the action of those medicines!

At this moment, the caring smile on Xiao Qian's face had turned into a sneer, and the killing intent in his eyes made Bai Xiaoxiao shudder.

Seeing Xiao Qian’s expression, Bai Xiaoxiao understood...

He rebelled.

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