Return to the Earth as a Bully

Chapter 1536: Go to hell, scum

"Sister, I actually like you a lot." Xiao Qian looked at Bai Xiaoxiao sneered, and his fangs were completely exposed at this moment.

"You are elegant, generous and beautiful, and your talent is so enchanting, but you are enamored with Ye Nan and completely ignore me in the dark!" Xiao Qian stretched out his hand and brushed Bai Xiaoxiao's cheeks, a light of greed flashed in his eyes .

"I never had the chance to touch your smooth face like Senior Sister!"

"You, what are you going to do?" Bai Xiaoxiao felt the disgusting touch on her cheeks, and the whole person panicked instantly and stammered to Xiao Qian.

She didn't expect that Xiao Qian would think of her badly at this time!

Now Bai Xiaoxiao's bones are all broken, and Bai Xiaoxiao's meridians are completely contracted, making her unable to use her spiritual power at all.

In other words, Bai Xiaoxiao is now completely at the mercy of others, and she cannot resist no matter what Xiao Qian does to her.

"What am I going to do? What do you, a proud girl of heaven care about me doing?" Xiao Qian snarled at Bai Xiaoxiao, "You are the number one in the academy. You are destined to step into the realm of saints, what about me?"

"My talent is at the bottom. If there is no great opportunity to step into the hopelessness of a saint in this life, the **** seed is my only hope! And you want to erase my hope in a word? Have you thought about my pain?"

Bai Xiaoxiao looked at Xiao Gan's hysterical appearance in horror, extremely panic.

Xiao Gan was crazy.

Bai Xiaoxiao wanted to explain: "That kind of god..."

"Shut up!" Xiao Qian slapped Bai Xiaoxiao's face, and one side of Bai Xiaoxiao's smooth face instantly became red and swollen.

"It's too much!" Mu Ke, who was peeking in the dark, saw Xiao Qian slap Bai Xiaoxiao's face with a vicious slap, and he gritted his teeth, "Despicable man, shameless!"

On the contrary, Zhang Ziling on the side was very calm, and he seemed to be quite familiar.

After being slapped by Xiao Qian, the fear in Bai Xiaoxiao's eyes became stronger and stronger.

Xiao Qian's sudden madness made Bai Xiaoxiao feel confused.

"You definitely want to take the gods as your own. You definitely don't want me to be a saint!" Xiao Qian became more hysterical after slapped Bai Xiaoxiao, as if he wanted to take the past in the Tiandi Academy The bottom of the depression was all vented.

Before Xiao Qian entered the Tiandi Academy, he was an unparalleled genius in the local area. He was looked up to by everyone. Where he was, the monks of the same generation were not his enemies at all.

However, when Xiao Qian was brought into the Tiandi Academy by the dean of Tiandi Academy, Xiao Qian discovered that everyone around him was more talented than him, and he suddenly became the bottom of the existence.

The feeling of falling from the clouds to the bottom made Xiao Qian very uncomfortable.

In the past, Xiao Qian didn't dare to vent to others, because there was no one in the Tiandi Academy that he could afford.

That's why Xiao Qiancai was arrogant and domineering outside the college, trampling on people.

And Xiao Qian's act of bullying the weaker caused the shame and ridicule of the classmates of Tiandi Academy, which made Xiao Qian's psychology even darker.

And now, Xiao Qian suddenly became someone who could control the fate of his classmates.

As a result, the beast in Xiao Qian's heart that had been imprisoned for a long time was released.

"Junior brother, calm down, I didn't mean that!" Bai Xiaoxiao said to Xiao Qian hurriedly. She now has no power to bind a chicken and has no resistance in front of Xiao Qian.

The crazier Xiao Qian behaved, the more scared Bai Xiaoxiao became.

"You didn't mean that?" Xiao Qian sneered. "All of you have that meaning. Everyone laughs at me wantonly because of their talents being better than me."

"However, it won't be anymore from now on." Xiao Qian pulled off the space ring on Bai Xiaoxiao's hand, and took out Bai Xiaoxiao's **** seed, "I will be a saint in the future, and you... will sleep here forever. ."

Upon hearing Xiao Qian's words, Bai Xiaoxiao's pupils shrank suddenly!

At this time, Bai Xiaoxiao realized that she hadn't seen her two younger brothers move for a long time...she didn't even feel the breath of those two younger brothers.

"Did you find it?"

When Xiao Qian saw Bai Xiaoxiao staring at two students from the Tiandi Academy not far away, a strange arc formed at the corner of his mouth.

"Just when you met the Great Emperor Yin Wu, the two of them were already dead."

"You!" Bai Xiaoxiao looked at Xiao Qian in shock. She really didn't expect Xiao Qian to really kill her fellow students!

"No way, Senior Brother Ye Nan is still outside, and it will take a while for me to absorb the gods. If they go out to report the letter, I will be very upset." Xiao Qian looked at Bai Xiaoxiao and smiled, "Only you are all dead. , I won’t arouse any suspicion.”

"You want to kill me?" Bai Xiaoxiao's eyes flushed, she really didn't expect Xiao Qian to be so crazy.

"No, no, no! Senior sister, you don't have to rush to death." Xiao Qian stretched out his index finger and shook his face with a wicked smile. "Senior sister is such a beauty, why am I willing to waste it?"

Xiao Qian said, he stretched his hand to Bai Xiaoxiao's neckline.

"You, you... don't come here!" Bai Xiaoxiao panicked. She didn't expect Xiao Qian to want to be frivolous!

Bai Xiaoxiao felt desperate at the thought of the disgusting thing she would face next.

"Who can save me?"

"No one will save you. Both of them are dead. The Great Emperor Yinwu is gone. Ye Nan will progress to this palace for a while. Hehe!" Xiao Qian became more and more excited, his eyes bursting, "Sister, I I have wanted you for a long time."

"This bastard, this girl can't stand it anymore!" Mu Ke in the dark became more and more angry, seeing Xiao Qian in order to succeed, and Mu Ke didn't care if Bai Xiaoxiao was his enemy, so he rushed out.

"Stop it!"

Mu Ke's tender voice echoed in the hall, and Xiao Qian was stunned for an instant.

With tears still in the corners of Bai Xiaoxiao's eyes, he stared blankly at Mu Ke who appeared in the hall, his brain blank.

Why is she here?

Bai Xiaoxiao remembered that Mu Ke was a student of Baishi Academy, and his strength was not very strong. It was logically impossible to reach the depths of the emperor's palace.

"Who am I? I turned out to be a little beauty!" After Xiao Qian saw that it was Mu Ke, a hanging heart was let go, "You really scared me!"

Mu Ke didn't even have a Heavenly Palace Realm. From Xiao Qian's point of view, Mu Ke was completely a small shrimp. Even if he let Mu Ke attack at will, Mu Ke would not be able to hurt himself.

Mu Ke saw Xiao Qian's disgusting eyes, and his heart suddenly flicked, and a trace of fear flashed in his eyes. He trembled and shouted to Xiao Gan: "You, you beast, stay away from your senior sister!"

"Little girl, run away, you are not her opponent!" Bai Xiaoxiao shouted at this time, letting Mu Ke escape as soon as possible.

Although someone came to rescue her, Bai Xiaoxiao was very pleasantly surprised, but Mu Ke's strength was really low, and he couldn't help much. Instead, he was likely to take himself in.

Although they were enemies before, Bai Xiaoxiao still didn't want those who came to save him to be treated like this.

"You, you don't have to worry, I, I will save you!" Mu Ke tremblingly comforted Bai Xiaoxiao, but in his heart he wondered why Zhang Ziling hadn't come out yet.

She was impulsive, but asked Zhang Ziling to wipe her butt.

She really couldn't bear Xiao Qian's coercion.

"Save her? It's up to you?" Xiao Qian looked at Mu Ke mockingly, his eyes were full of jokes, "What can you save?"

"I'm worrying that a beauty is not enough to play, and you just came back to solve my urgent need." Xiao Qianjiejie smiled, "I promise you, my brother will love you well later!"

Xiao Qian smiled and rushed towards Mu Ke.

Mu could see that Xiao Qian quickly approached him, closed his eyes in fright, and screamed: "Teacher help!"

"This girl...get me trouble!" Zhang Ziling in the dark heard Mu Ke's scream and couldn't help but shook his head and sighed, but he rushed out.

A black light flashed, Zhang Ziling suddenly appeared in front of Mu Ke, holding Xiao Qian's head with one hand.

"It's you!" Xiao Qian cried out when Zhang Ziling suddenly appeared, his eyes were about to split.

Xiao Qian saw Zhang Ziling slap Ye Nan away with his own eyes. Zhang Ziling's powerful strength... definitely not something he could afford!

Zhang Ziling was quite calm, but looked at Xiao Qian indifferently, and said lightly: "Go to death, scum."

There was black light lingering in Zhang Ziling's palm, covering Xiao Qian's head extremely fast.


Under Bai Xiaoxiao's dull gaze, Xiao Qian's head exploded and blood splashed.

A headless body slowly fell to the ground.

The blood immersed Xiao Qian's body, and the hall instantly became quiet.

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