Return to the Earth as a Bully

Chapter 1540: Incompetent rage

"Damn it, hate it!"

After the man left, Emperor Yinwu fell into an extremely violent state. He was surrounded by grey energy, and his eyes turned blood red.

The surrounding ice and snow melted, and the spiritual power in Emperor Yinwu became more and more restless.

"How dare you shout this emperor like this! How dare you let this emperor die! Unforgivable..." The Great Emperor Yinwu knelt on the ground, smashing his punches to the ground.

The earth shattered, and the entire Snowy City shook violently. The guards guarding the city gate soon discovered that the spiritual power outside the city began to agitate, and quickly sounded the alarm.

"What happened?" A general in silver-white light armor walked to the wall and shouted.

"Report--! There is a weird man a hundred miles outside the city!" A scout quickly climbed up the city wall, and extended his voice to report to the general.

"Weirdo?" Hearing what the scout said, the general frowned slightly. "Speak clearly!"

"Back to the general, there was a man wearing a black robe kneeling on the ground and bombarding the ground, his expression was extremely painful, but his aura was too strong, and the little one dared not approach!" the scout said quickly.

"Is there such a thing?" The general was pondering, "This is not the way to go. Let's go out of the city and have a look. You go to the Lin Mansion to report!"

There are countless snow mountains in Extreme Snow City. If the earthquake is allowed to continue to cause an avalanche, the consequences will be disastrous.

Soon, the general guarding the city gate in Extreme Snow City led a team of Qingqi to the direction of Emperor Yinwu. At the same time, the Lin family also received a message from the city gate, and even alarmed the Patriarch.

"Is this guy crazy?" The Heaven Seeker in the dark couldn't help but slap his tongue when he saw the appearance of Emperor Yinwu.

Now Yinwu Great's crazy appearance made Tianxunyi feel a little scary.

Zhang Ziling was very calm, and chuckled: "It is estimated that this Niu Dazhuang has been depressed in front of that person for a long time. After flying to the sky, he is eager to get rid of his previous identity. When he hears the name'Niu Dazhuang', it is like a scar that was revealed. It was opened, and he didn't dare to show any dissatisfaction in front of the man, and in the end he could only vent in this way."

"To sum up, it is incompetence and rage." Zhang Ziling came to a conclusion without mercy.

"Incompetent and furious..." Hearing Zhang Ziling's words, Tian Xun Yi was quite speechless.

People who can make the emperor "incompetent furious" and those who can say that the emperor is "incompetent furious"... are abnormal.

The vast number of people on this Xuanxiao Continent may not be able to touch the threshold of the Great Emperor in their entire lives, and countless enchanting geniuses will all hate the realm of Saints, and will never be with the Great Emperor.

However, this is the realm that countless enchanting geniuses dream of, but in the secrets of Xuanxiao Continent, there are people who want to tease the existence that has stepped into this realm...

Just thinking about it, Xun Tianyi felt that the emperor was like a stuffed toy.

"Sure enough, you can see what kind of people you stand at any level..." Xun Tianyi couldn't help but vomit, lamenting that his previous pattern was still too low.

Soon, Xun Tianyi noticed the army rushing over from Extreme Snow City and asked Zhang Ziling: "Boss, the army from the Lin family in the distance has rushed over. Do we want to kill the Great Yinwu now?"

"Not in a hurry." Zhang Ziling waved his hand, rejecting Tianxun's proposal.

"Why?" Xuntianyi was puzzled, anyway, killing one step earlier is killing one step later, so what are you waiting for?

"You stupid instrument!" Zhang Ziling glanced at Xuntianyi, "I have solved Yinwu Great Emperor now, then we still don't know what the ancient **** wants to do?"

"In the end, that person waited for us to kill the Great Emperor Yinwu and left, and then found a new Great Emperor to come to slaughter the city, and went all the way to the bamboo basket. Didn't we do so much for nothing?"

"It seems that there is some truth to what the boss said." Xun Tianyi nodded thoughtfully, approving Zhang Ziling's approach.

"In that case, I'd better keep an eye on the man. That guy is still in the wasteland. I guess he will be waiting for Emperor Yinwu to start massacring the city."

"It's rare to be smart." Zhang Ziling smiled slightly and stopped talking, watching the Great Yin Wu go crazy.

Looking at Zhang Ziling's excited eyes, Xun Tianyi couldn't help but curl his lips, and muttered in a low voice, "Speaking of so much, in fact, boss, you want to watch that guy play monkey games more, right?"

"Watch the show at ease!"

"whispering sound!"

Zhang Ziling and Tianxunyi were observing in secret, that General Xuecheng had already rushed to the front of Emperor Yinwu with a team of Xuelongqi.

The Snow Dragon Cavalry is a famous cavalry in the desert region. The snow dragon horses they ride can run extremely fast on the snow and are extremely powerful.

The Snow Dragon Cavalry is also the most precious unit of the Lin family.

The general's ability to lead Xue Longqi also shows his high status in the Lin family.

When the general came around Yinwu Great Emperor, he saw that the ground was centered on Yinwu Great Emperor, and the broken ground spread around like a spider web. The scene was extremely shocking.

Seeing the terrifying power of the Great Emperor Yinwu, the general swallowed slightly, wrapped his voice with spiritual power and shouted, "Who are you? Why are you wantonly in the realm of My Snowy City?"

After hearing the general's words, the Great Emperor Yinwu came back to his senses and stood up from the ground staggeringly, looking at the cavalry indifferently.

" people from the snowy people in the deserted land...obviously are going to die, why do you want Emperor Laben to be buried with you?" The Great Emperor Yinwu swayed towards the general, muttering constantly in his mouth. With.

"General, general, this person is a little weird." A Xue Longqi whispered to the general, and the performance of Emperor Yinwu made people shudder.

At this moment, the general also frowned, and with a wave of his spear, he pointed at Emperor Yinwu and shouted, "Who are you on earth?"

"Who is this emperor?" The Great Emperor Yin Wu suddenly looked at the general. The powerful aura immediately frightened all Xuelong horses and began to flee uncontrollably. Many cavalry all fell off their horses.

Even the general of the Palace Realm Kunou fell directly from the horse that day, and the spear in his hand was turned into ashes in an instant!

There was endless fear in the general's eyes.

What a terrible person!

"A bunch of rubbish!" The Great Emperor Yin Wu glanced coldly at the people who fell to the ground. He didn't even make any shots. He soared directly into the sky and flew towards Extreme Snow City.

After venting, Emperor Yinwu will slaughter the city.

Emperor Yinwu dared not defy what the man said.

"Quickly, quickly send a message...Call the army to meet the enemy!" The general yelled hysterically when seeing Emperor Yinwu flying towards Extreme Snow City.

Obviously, the disaster of Syracuse...


"Boss, the Protoss man is starting to do it!"

When Emperor Yinwu rushed towards Extreme Snow City, the Heaven-seeking Instrument also screamed. The man it had been monitoring had moved the stars above Extreme Snow City at the moment when Emperor Yin Wu acted!

A big formation covering the entire wasteland is slowly opening!

"Okay, start work!"

Zhang Ziling chuckled lightly, and rushed towards Extreme Snow City.

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