Great Emperor Yinwu stood in the sky above Extreme Snow City, looking at the snowy mountains in the city that went straight into the sky, his hideous expression had returned to calm.

From the top of the snow peak, there was a strong light, and terrifying spiritual power was surging, and a solid light barrier spread across the sky, covering the entire snowy city.

Obviously, someone sacrificed a divine tool, united with the great formation of the city guard, and guarded Extreme Snow City.

"Extreme Dao Source Ball? Huh! I didn't expect that there is such a treasure in this small one-domain main city!" The Great Emperor Yin Wu sneered when he saw the light barrier in front of him.

The source ball of Jidao is a kind of magic weapon second only to the supreme magic weapon, specially used to protect the treasure of the city or the mountain gate. As long as the energy is sufficient, even the attack of the emperor can be resisted, and the saint can't break through the defense of the source ball of the extreme path with all his best.

Although this divine weapon had extremely high defensive power, it consumed a huge amount of energy and was extremely scarce. It is estimated that the entire Xuanxiao Continent could not find ten.

With the attack intensity of Emperor Yin Wu and the resource reserves in Extreme Snow City, Emperor Yin Wu only needed less than a stick of incense to consume all the resources accumulated in Extreme Snow City for thousands of years, thereby making Extreme Snow. The city was destroyed.

After the Great Emperor Yin Wu sneered, he no longer wasted time and blasted a punch directly at the light barrier in front of him.


The sky and the earth are dim, the sun and the moon are dark, and the terrifying power of the Great Emperor pours over that light barrier.

The Great Emperor Yinwu smashed his fist, and the light barrier condensed by the Jidao Source Ball burst into waves. The entire Jixue City shook violently, and several peaks caused an avalanche.

"Who is your Excellency, why did you attack me Extreme Snow City?" After Emperor Yin Wu punched out, an old man in a white robe appeared above Extreme Snow City and asked the Emperor Yin Wu through the light barrier.

This white-robed old man is the Lin Family Patriarch, a saint-level powerhouse, Lin Ye!

Behind Lin Ye, there are countless strong people flying into the sky, and the darkness is crushed.

Not only the Lin family, but the powerful people above the Nirvana Realm in Extreme Snow City all soared into the air, glaring at Emperor Yinwu.

Although Extreme Snow City belongs to the Lin family, if Extreme Snow City is broken, everyone in the city will suffer. There will be no eggs under the covering nest, and everyone understands this truth.

Moreover, this was the first time in thousands of years that someone dared to attack Extreme Syracuse. Naturally, they wanted to show the invaders.

"Oh? The reaction is a bit quick!" The Great Emperor Yin Wu looked at the strong man who was soaring into the sky. He estimated that there were tens of thousands of cultivators, and a wicked smile appeared at the corner of his mouth. "It's a letter from the cavalry team outside, right? Good, it saves time."

The human sea tactics were the most useless tactics for the emperor.

Lin Ye felt an indescribable tremendous pressure from the Great Emperor Yinwu, frowning.

With the news from Xue Longqi outside the city, Lin Ye thought it was a saint who came to attack the city, and Lin Ye started Jidao Source Ball in order to reduce casualties.

But from the moment that Emperor Yinwu's punch was consuming a huge amount of the strategic resources stored in Extreme Snow City, coupled with the terrifying aura radiating from the body of Emperor Yinwu, Lin Ye suddenly had an extremely bad premonition in his heart.

He is... the Great!

Although Lin Ye didn't want to admit it, he had to face this fact...

A punch is so powerful that only the emperor can do it.

If the Great Emperor Yin Wu sends a few more punches, Extreme Snow City will definitely be breached!

At this moment, Lin Ye thought of the Qi family who had been annihilated.

The Qi family had been annihilated by the emperor before, but now another emperor has come to Extreme Snow City...This is not a good sign.

The Lin family powerhouses around were full of fighting spirit, but when they saw Lin Ye's solemn expression, they also had a bad premonition in their hearts.

"The emperor attacked you Extreme Snow City, so naturally he wanted to slaughter the city. Could there be other reasons?" The Great Emperor Yin Wu looked at Lin Ye and laughed, venting the depression in his heart, "If you obediently open the light barrier and submit Yu Bendi, he might still let you go."

After being insulted by the man, the Great Emperor Yin Wu wanted more than just violent venting, he also needed to be spiritually satisfied.

The hundreds of millions of creatures in Extreme Snow City knelt down and regarded him as a god, and Emperor Yinwu still enjoyed that feeling.

Lin Ye's expression suddenly changed when he heard the words of Emperor Yinwu, and he hurriedly bowed to Emperor Yinwu: "If we offend, please tell Senior...I hope Senior will spare nearly a billion lives in this Syracuse."

"Senior slaughter the city, it is really hurtful, afraid..."

As soon as Lin Ye said this sentence, the expressions of the powerful people around him became wonderful, and the atmosphere suddenly became solemn.

Lin Ye is a high-ranking saint, and here is Extreme Snow City, the home of the Lin Family...The person who can make the time, place, place and people occupied by Lin Ye's salute and recognition, there is no one other than the emperor!

Great, Great?


Such a name suddenly appeared in everyone's hearts, and there was infinite fear in their eyes.

The emperor attacked the city...Everyone inexplicably thought of the Qi family who was annihilated.

Now, is it the Lin family's turn again?

Thinking of what might happen next, many other powerhouses quietly retreated and hid in the snow city.

There were two-thirds of the monks in the sky, and only the monks of the Lin family were left.

"Patriarch, this..." A cultivator of the Lin family saw the powerhouses of other forces retreating, his face was extremely ugly, and he looked at Lin Ye and waited for his orders.

"Leave them alone!"

Lin Ye is now ignoring those cultivators who run away, he understands...this kind of situation will inevitably occur when he admits his counsel to the Great Emperor Yinwu.

Not everyone has the courage to compete with the emperor.

Others can escape, their Lin family...can't escape!

"Hahaha! A group of cowards, I laughed to death!" The Great Emperor Yin Wu saw that many people gave up resistance after knowing his cultivation level. He laughed out loud, swept away the depression before, and regained the Emperor's status. confidence.

After laughing, Emperor Yinwu hit the light barrier with another punch.


Extreme Snow City shook, and several snow peaks caused an avalanche. Numerous houses in Extreme Snow City collapsed.

"Senior, stop!" Lin Ye hurriedly roared out when the Great Emperor Yinwu started his hand again, his eyes were about to crack.

If you continue to let the Great Emperor Yin Wu go down, no one from Extreme Snow City can run away!

The Zhonglin family took a fighting posture one after another, the others could run, but they were the Lin family but they couldn't escape.

Can only die here.

"Stop? If you kneel down to beg for mercy from the emperor, perhaps the emperor can think about it." Emperor Yinwu hit the light barrier with another punch, and the city's resources have already been consumed by half.

"Senior take this seriously?" Lin Ye asked, seeming to have caught a life-saving straw.

Seeing Lin Ye about to kneel, the Great Emperor Yin Wu seemed very happy. He looked at Lin Ye and laughed and said, "Really, as long as you kneel down, I will let you go!"

The Great Emperor Yin Wu seemed to have found the feeling of the Protoss man in front of him.

"Okay, I'm kneeling!" Lin Ye's eyes became firm, and he fell on the wall.

"Grandpa don't!" Just when Lin Ye was about to kneel down, a beautiful woman rushed forward and held Lin Ye.

"Xuan'er? What are you doing out?" Lin Ye couldn't help but change his eyes when seeing the beautiful woman coming out.

But the Great Emperor Yin Wu outside the light barrier saw someone come out to stop him, his expression instantly turned gloomy.

"Huh? Why is she here?"

Hiding in the dark, Zhang Ziling, who was waiting for the Heaven Seeker to lock the Protoss man, saw the woman holding Lin Ye on the snowy city wall, Zhang Ziling couldn't help flashing a trace of surprise in his eyes, very surprised.

That woman... is actually Lin Xuan!

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