Return to the Earth as a Bully

Chapter 1545: Who is God?

As soon as Zhang Ziling said these words, the expression on Emperor Yinwu's face suddenly became extremely exciting, and he looked at Zhang Ziling with a strange look.

Emperor Yinwu didn't understand, where did Zhang Ziling have the courage to say such a thing?

According to Zhang Ziling's meaning, does he want one person to fight against the seven of them? The Great Emperor Yinwu chuckled, thinking this was a fantasy.

On their side, there are seven emperor-level powerhouses! One punch for one person is enough for Zhang Ziling to drink a pot.

"Huh! It turned out to be just an arrogant person, it is not worthy of you to take it seriously, this emperor alone is enough." The Great Emperor Yinwu instantly thought that Zhang Ziling was not a concern, and put down his wild words.

Hearing what Yin Wu Great Emperor said, the blue-fire-haired **** just glanced at Yin Wu Great Emperor disdainfully, and said coldly: "Only you? Arrogant."

After all, the **** didn't care about Emperor Yinwu, and after communicating with the other five ancient gods, he quickly formed a magic circle in six directions, trapping Zhang Ziling in it.

"This..." The Great Emperor Yinwu was stunned by the current situation, and the sudden indifference of the ancient gods towards him made Emperor Yinwu quite uncomfortable.

Emperor Yinwu didn't understand what he had said wrong.

There are seven emperor-level powerhouses in their face. Although two are still half-emperors, there are five emperors here!

Such a powerful force is enough to sweep any forces in the world, even the Emperor Sect Dao Tong is vulnerable to them.

But why... the ancient gods were so serious when facing Zhang Ziling?

The Great Emperor Yinwu didn't know what the Devil Emperor meant, but others knew it very well!

More than 5,000 years ago, the Devil Emperor was the only king who ruled the Xuanxiao Continent. Even their gods had to temporarily avoid the edge during the time when the Devil Emperor existed, stopped all activities in the world, and hid them.

Moreover, not long after the Devil Emperor left, Shen Ting was afraid that the Devil Palace would become their confidant, and almost used all the chess pieces they had arranged on the Xuanxiao Continent to destroy the Devil Palace.

Now that the Devil Emperor is back, doesn't it mean that he kills him?

That is supreme!

None of their six emperor-level powerhouses rushed over to kill Zhang Ziling with absolute certainty, but now the Great Emperor Yinwu threatened to single out the Devil Emperor, did he want to laugh at them?

However, these protoss had always looked down upon mortals. Even though the Great Emperor Yinwu had said something wrong, they were too lazy to remind the Great Emperor Yinwu and settled on their own.

For them, Yinwu Great's teaming up with them would be a hindrance, so it would be better to just scavenge on the sidelines.

When the Great Emperor Yin Wu saw that the six gods ignored him, he began to act, and his expression became gloomy.

A group of bullies!

The Great Emperor Yin Wu cursed in his heart, but he was calm on the surface, watching the six emperor-level ancient gods quietly.

Six people would have to form a **** formation against one person, and for a while, the Great Emperor Yinwu began to despise the gods.

"It's interesting..." Zhang Ziling stood in the center of the six ancient gods, with his hands on his back and a faint smile on his mouth.

A golden six-pointed star array spread to the entire sky, shrouding Zhang Ziling in it, endless divine power surging in it, and at the same time repelling all the spiritual power in this space and the power of Dao law.

They want to cut off Zhang Ziling's source of power, and then consume Zhang Ziling alive!

Zhang Ziling could feel the terrifying power from the circle formed by the six ancient gods, and he knew how much energy the ancient gods put into dealing with him.

In the six-pointed star array covering the sky, there are countless mysterious and complex lines intertwined, and every streak crossing is bursting with unimaginable power.

Lin Ye in Extreme Snow City stared at the sky's magic circle, only feeling his own smallness and the vastness of this world.

In the past, Lin Ye felt that he was a high-ranking saint, and he was fearless, his strength was sufficient to face all the evils in this world.

But after Lin Ye saw the magic circle that covered the entire sky and couldn't see the edge, Lin Ye suddenly realized how fragile he was.

The power contained in any striped road in the magic circle is enough to destroy Lin Ye!

Not only the people in Extreme Snow City, but the monks in almost all the cities in the wasteland, have seen the huge divine formation occupying the sky!

That was... God's handwriting!

The six ancient gods looked at Zhang Ziling solemnly, their divine power surged, and they used their full strength from the beginning.

They know what kind of character they are facing.

Standing in the middle of this huge array, Zhang Ziling always had a faint smile in his eyes.

Although anyone in this circle seemed extremely small, Zhang Ziling was still like a **** who controlled everything.

Before God...

The true god!

"You have paid so much. If I don't give you a good return, wouldn't it have failed you." Zhang Ziling looked at the terrifying power circulating around him and smiled.

Seeing Zhang Ziling's smile, the ancient **** with blue flame hair suddenly throbbed inexplicably, his expression could not help changing, and he shouted: "No! Hurry up!"

"It's late!" Zhang Ziling sneered, and a terrifying demonic energy burst out all over his body, turning into a giant hand to grab the six ancient gods.

The divine formation condensed by the six ancient gods did not play any hindrance at all!

If Zhang Ziling wants to hide his strength under Tianshu's eyelids, he must fight quickly, otherwise the longer it is, the easier it will be for Zhang Ziling to be exposed.

Therefore, when facing these gods, Zhang Ziling could not have fun, which made Zhang Ziling feel that this battle had lost a lot of fun.

For Zhang Ziling, this battle was just a loss of fun, but for the six ancient gods... there were only endless nightmares.

The power of the Devil Emperor surpassed their imagination.

The giant hand transformed into Zhang Ziling's demon energy easily broke through their barrier, holding all the six ancient gods in his palm.

The six ancient gods felt the huge squeezing force from the devilish giant claws, as if they were about to crush their bodies completely.

The devilish energy in the sky surged and was shrouded in endless darkness. The six emperor-level powerhouses easily broke through the defense by Zhang Ziling, struggling hard under the shackles of that giant hand.

The Great Emperor Yinwu was stunned, staring at the picture in front of him in a daze, some of them did not react.

Although the ancient gods ignored him and made Emperor Yinwu very uncomfortable, the strength of the ancient gods was beyond doubt!

At least the Great Emperor Yinwu thought he couldn't survive the siege of six emperor-level powerhouses.

The blue-fire-haired ancient **** was struggling frantically, and suddenly saw the Great Emperor Yinwu still stunned on the spot, he couldn't help screaming out: "What are you doing Niu Dazhuang? Hurry up and save us!"

The ancient **** roared so that the name "Niu Dazhuang" resounded through the sky, and it sounded clearly in everyone's ears.

All of a sudden, the expressions of everyone in Snow City became extremely exciting.

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