Return to the Earth as a Bully

Chapter 1546: Cut down the two emperors!

"The cow is strong?"

The monks in Extreme Snow City heard the words roared by the ancient gods, they all smiled and felt very uncomfortable.

They don't understand, why is there such a name for the emperor?

Isn't this mocking?

The celestial seeker in Zhang Ziling’s body burst into laughter at this moment, and even tears flowed out. Although Zhang Ziling also called Emperor Yinwu to be a strong bull, Zhang Ziling did not roar hysterically like that ancient god, and only heard The Great Emperor Yinwu alone.

But even if it was like this, the Great Emperor Yinwu was almost eager to*, but now the ancient **** made everyone hear clearly.

It is conceivable that... this "Niu Dazhuang" emperor will be recorded in the annals of history, and will become the talk of the world.

There was once a great emperor, and his name was Niu Dazhuang.

A villager's efforts to become a great emperor will be remembered by everyone and serve as an example.

Niu Da... After hearing the ancient god's cry for help, Emperor Yinwu's face became pale with anger, his body trembled slightly, and the veins on his forehead violently burst.

The Great Emperor Yinwu swears that he hates hearing others call him "Dazhuang" in his life. This is the name he is ashamed of.

In the past, the ancient gods called him so, and Emperor Yinwu forcibly endured the past, but now the ancient gods let hundreds of millions of people in the snow city know that he was called "Niu Dazhuang", and the anger in the heart of the Emperor Yinwu could no longer be suppressed.

Go to the special god!

"This emperor is going to kill you!" Yin Wu Great Emperor's eyes turned blood red, and he rushed to the blue-fire-haired god.

"Niu Dazhuang what are you doing?" The ancient god's pupils shrank sharply and shouted at the Great Emperor Yinwu. He did not expect that the Great Emperor Yinwu would dare to attack himself!

"Go to your'Niu Dazhuang', this emperor's name is Yinwu!" The Great Emperor Yinwu roared, his fists blasted towards the face of the ancient **** that shook the terrifying power of the Great Emperor.

"Interesting!" Zhang Ziling saw the Great Emperor Yinwu*, and simply helped the Great Emperor Yinwu, and directly sealed all the divine power in the ancient god, so that the ancient **** could not condense any power to defend.

The blue-fire-haired ancient **** saw that he could not move the power in his body at all, and he could not move when he was caught by the giant hand of demon energy, so he could only watch the Great Yin Wu attacking him, his face suddenly covered with infinity. fear.



The Great Emperor Yinwu greeted the ancient **** with a punch. Because the ancient **** did not condense any defenses, his head was directly exploded by the Great Emperor Yinwu, and blood was splashed!

"Can you be born again?"

Zhang Ziling could clearly feel that after the Great Emperor Yinwu bombarded the ancient god's head, the vitality in the ancient god's body was not extinct, but there was a force about to move around to reshape the ancient god's head.

But before Zhang Ziling helped to wipe out the ancient **** completely, Yinwu Great Emperor mobilized the law of death that he could control, poured the breath of death into the ancient god's body, and completely wiped out the vitality in the ancient god's body.

"It's so cruel!" Zhang Ziling said with a smile, the origin of the way of death surging in his body returned to calm.

A great emperor is dead!

"Interesting." Seeing that Emperor Yinwu was cruel, Zhang Ziling was not alone at all, and Zhang Ziling suddenly became interested.

The Great Emperor Yindu was obviously pressed into a hurry.

Throwing down the headless corpse of the ancient god, Zhang Ziling casually grabbed another ancient **** and moved it in front of Emperor Yinwu.

"Niu Dazhuang, how dare you kill the gods, we..."


The ancient myth hadn't been finished yet, Niu Dazhuang punched the ancient god's head again.

As before, Zhang Ziling sealed all the divine powers in the ancient god, and the ancient **** lost the ability to defend. Coupled with the law of death mobilized by Niu Dazhuang, the emperor died suddenly!

In a short period of time, two emperor-level powerhouses had fallen, and the monks in the snow city suddenly appeared an illusion that the emperor was nothing but this.

Although the two ancient gods were killed by the Great Emperor Yinwu, anyone with a discerning eye knows who actually killed the two Great Emperors!

The Great Emperor Yinwu just didn't even dare to put a fart in front of those ancient gods, but now he is looking forward to... This huge contrast is all from the hand of a person.

Everyone subconsciously looked at Zhang Ziling who was standing quietly in the void, his throat moved slightly, and only his tongue felt dry.

The two great emperors were solved before they started. Is the real power of the Devil Emperor?

In fact, the monks in Extreme Snow City did not live in the era when the Devil Emperor existed. The images of the Devil Emperor in their minds were all pieced together based on various ancient books and legends passed down from generation to generation.

At this moment, Zhang Ziling truly appeared in front of everyone. The understatement of the Devil Emperor made everyone deeply aware of the power of the Devil Emperor.

With a gesture of action, the siege of the seven emperor-level powerhouses was disintegrated, and the two great emperors fell in an instant. Such a powerful method... How many hot-blooded men have imagined in their hearts?

Countless monks have dreamed that one day they would stand in the subversion of the world, overlooking all living beings in the world.

But they all knew that it was just a dream, and they had to continue running for life when they woke up.

However, now they have witnessed the return of the pinnacle of the world with their own eyes. People they may not be able to look up to in their entire lives are now appearing in front of them alive, which makes them feel indescribable.

It would be no regrets for those who could not climb to the peak in person and witness the beheading of the emperor.

After the Great Emperor Yin Wu had cut off the two great emperors, his whole person seemed to be prostration, standing exhaustedly in the void, panting heavily.

Killing the two great emperors almost exhausted all his power.

Moreover, after the impulse vented, the anger in Yin Wu Great's heart was all transformed into fear, and the consequences of killing the two ancient gods continued to surface in Yin Wu Great's mind.

"What the **** did this emperor do..." The Great Emperor Yinwu looked at his bloodied hands, his body trembled slightly, his eyes widened.

He has completely lost his mind just now.

The four ancient gods who were still alive stared at Emperor Yinwu with hatred, and could not wait to skin Emperor Yinwu.

They came to help the Great Emperor Yin Wu solve the enemy, but now they were killed by the Great Yin Wu...

"Niu Dazhuang, what good things do you think you have done?" An ancient **** roared at the Great Emperor Yinwu, his eyes red.

When the six of them were there, it was extremely difficult to defeat the Devil Emperor Zhang Ziling, and now the Great Emperor Yin Wu killed them both...

This is equivalent to ruining them all here!

Three great emperors and two half emperors want to defeat the supreme, it is simply a fantasy, it is simply impossible!

With a roar of the ancient god, the Great Emperor Yinwu trembled suddenly, and endless fear appeared in his eyes.

Caused a catastrophe...

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