Return to the Earth as a Bully

Chapter 1547: Six Gods

The remaining four ancient gods glared at Emperor Yinwu, and they couldn't wait to take away the Emperor Yinwu directly, and even forgot that Zhang Ziling was still there.

Great Emperor Yinwu trembled slightly, and his entire body was filled with fear. He could already predict the consequences of his impulse.


Zhang Ziling saw that the surrounding atmosphere had almost been contrasted, and took advantage of the situation to let go of an ancient **** who was bound.

"I'm going to kill you ungrateful dog thing!" The ancient **** who was let go directly rushed towards the Great Emperor Yinwu, and the terrifying divine power made the sky burn, and flames of flames spewed around.

The great Emperor Yinwu accidentally touched the divine fire of the ancient god, and his whole body was burned.

Emperor Yinwu's screams echoed in the sky.

The Great Emperor Yinwu was tortured by the divine fire, the ancient **** standing in the void suddenly shot golden light, and inadvertently glanced at Zhang Ziling.

Solving the Great Emperor Yinwu is just a small matter, and dealing with the Devil Emperor is their top priority.

That ancient **** didn't lose his mind like Yinwu Great Emperor because of hatred.

As a protoss, he thought he would not make mistakes of low-level creatures like humans.

His impulsive performance just now was just to confuse Zhang Ziling.

While the ancient **** was still staring at the Great Emperor Yinwu, he suddenly pointed his spear at Zhang Ziling and suddenly manipulated the flames that burned the sky into two flame dragons, rushing towards Zhang Ziling, and his divine power surged.

The ancient god's qi machine locked Zhang Ziling, making Zhang Ziling inevitable!

First rescue the companion.

"Why are you so unbehaved?" Zhang Ziling saw that the ancient **** still wanted to shoot himself, a red light flashed in his eyes.

In the next moment, Zhang Ziling turned into a black light and pierced the two fire dragons, and instantly reached the ancient god, reaching out and holding down the ancient god's head.

"Uh..." The expression of the ancient **** caught by Zhang Ziling changed drastically, and he never thought that his attack would be so easily broken by Zhang Ziling.

"I said, if you want you to kill the bull, you will concentrate on killing the bull, let you out and you come to make me mind... this is meaningless." Zhang Ziling whispered in the ear of the ancient god, his palm lit up with a dark flame. , Instantly swallowed the ancient god, "Worthy things!"


A scream of screams roared from the mouth of the ancient god, and the black flames of Zhang Ziling burned every inch of the skin of the ancient god. The divine power in the ancient **** was like a gentle sheep under the prestige of Zhang Ziling, regardless of the ancient god. Mobilized, those divine powers did not dare to resist Zhang Ziling's power.

At this moment, Emperor Yinwu had fallen to the ground, and the flames all over him melted all the snow around him, and the thick water mist covered his body.

The pair of Xue Longqi around the Great Emperor Yinwu hurriedly fled away, for fear that the Great Emperor Yinwu would crawl out again.

The three ancient gods who were still bound by Zhang Ziling looked at Zhang Ziling torturing his companions, their eyes were about to split, but endless fear surged in their hearts.

They found that they had no resistance at all in front of Zhang Ziling!

The strength of the Devil Emperor is comparable to that of the Divine King, but they actually want to kill the Devil Emperor...

For a time, the ancient gods regretted it.

The cultivators of the entire Snowy City were stunned. They did not expect that those emperor-level powerhouses would not have the slightest resistance in front of Zhang Ziling!

The picture in the sky deeply shocked everyone.

It didn't take long for Zhang Ziling's devilish energy to turn into flames that completely burned the body of the ancient **** to ashes, and a huge golden skeleton was grasped by Zhang Ziling.

The bones of the emperor are the top treasures in this world, and any bone on its skeleton used to build weapons can make that weapon a magic weapon.

"I can't help but burn it!"

Zhang Ziling threw away the skeleton in his hand and turned to look at the other three ancient gods.

The skeleton should be left to the destined people in the snow city.

"I wanted you to help me solve the problem of Niu Dazhuang, but depending on your current situation, even if you let you out, it will only cause me trouble, so..." Zhang Ziling looked at the three ancient gods and smiled.

"I'm sorry, I didn't know your names until you were gone, but I think Tianshu will mourn for you, right?"

Zhang Ziling's words fell, and infinite fear filled the eyes of the three ancient gods: "Don't kill..."


The three emperor-level powerhouses didn't even have time to say their begging for mercy, they were directly squeezed by Zhang Ziling, and the blood mist filled the sky.

"A bunch of trash!" After killing the three ancient gods, Zhang Ziling could faintly hear an angry shout in this space.

Hearing the anger, Zhang Ziling laughed and let the person hiding in the dark leave.

After the death of the last three gods, the divine formation formed by the ancient gods also turned into golden fragments, scattered from the sky, and turned into an extremely spectacular rain of light.

The monks in Extreme Snow City stared blankly at the fusion of the light chips in the sky and the aurora, and completely indulged in the extreme beauty.

That was... the beauty that was exchanged for the life of God.

At this moment, the eyes of the billions of cultivators in Extreme Snow City were all focused on the only man standing in the sky, shavings and aurora lingering around Zhang Ziling, Zhang Ziling's long hair dancing gently with the wind.

Not long ago, everyone thought that the seven emperors besieging the devil emperor would bring them endless darkness.

However, in less than a stick of incense, many people even felt that the alliance of the seven emperors had collapsed in just a moment.

The man on the top of the world.

Everyone looked at Zhang Ziling's back, but didn't want to say anything, didn't even want to move, didn't want to breathe... They didn't want to spoil this moment.

Lin Xuan stood next to Lin Ye, staring at Zhang Ziling in a daze, her small mouth opened slightly, she just wanted to stretch out her hand but then retracted.

"Xuan'er you..." Lin Ye noticed Lin Xuan's movements and couldn't help looking at Lin Xuan.

Lin Xuan lowered her head and muttered to herself in a low voice: "Strictly speaking, I am just a stranger who was saved by him. We are people of two worlds. It is obvious that I have decided to leave. How am I... What are you thinking about?"

"Xuan'er..." Lin Ye's eyes became painful, but he didn't know what to say.

Zhang Ziling stood quietly in the void, staring into the distance calmly, and Zhang Ziling's robe was stirred by the breeze.

"Boss, Tianshu has left. He gave up the magic circle. Now we can destroy the blood sacrifice magic circle." Xuntianyi spoke softly and said to Zhang Ziling.

"Yeah." Zhang Ziling glanced at Lin Xuan below Extreme Snow City and sighed slightly.

The little trouble rescued from the movie dealer in the snow city.

"What's wrong, boss?" Noting Zhang Ziling's emotional changes, Tianxunyi asked aloud.

"You go and tie up Niu Dazhuang first, and I'll solve some things." Zhang Ziling said quickly after taking the heaven-seeking ceremony out of his body.

"Boss, you..."


Zhang Ziling urged, but the Heaven Seeker didn't say anything in desperation, and flew straight to the direction where the Great Emperor Yinwu had fallen.

Although Emperor Yinwu was burned by the divine fire of the ancient god, Emperor Yinwu was still some distance from death, and now he just passed out.

After watching the heaven seeker do something, Zhang Ziling took a deep breath, turned and fell towards the extreme snow city.

Lin Ye, who was still aside and didn't know how to comfort Lin Xuan, saw Zhang Ziling fall in front of them, and his whole body panicked. He hurriedly saluted Zhang Ziling, "Gong, welcome to Lord Devil!"

The other Lin family members did not dare to neglect, and knelt down to meet Zhang Ziling.

Now Zhang Ziling is not only the Devil Emperor, but also their savior.

After Zhang Ziling landed, he waved his hand and lifted up all the monks who had knelt down. After that, Zhang Ziling did not delay and walked straight to Lin Xuan and grabbed Lin Xuan Xuebai's hand.

Lin Ye's body suddenly stiffened and his brain went blank.

"Ah!" Lin Xuan was taken aback by Zhang Ziling, and she couldn't help but cried out when she looked at Zhang Ziling.

Zhang Ziling grabbed Lin Xuan's wrist, pulled Lin Xuan closer to him, and asked, "You girl, I'm asking you... why are you here? Do you know how much trouble you almost caused me? ?"

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